Nerfing Survivors Yet Again

Now if you're taking everything away from us even the ability to enjoy the new survivors perks you may as well take away the time penalty for disconnecting because matches will be more toxic having to be stuck slugged in a match with no hatch to get out of. Literally making the game unenjoyable for the new survivor because it wasn't even a month into having her before you nerfed her primary abilities because killers complained about their juiced up perks and add ons not being enough. Keys are useless, totems are useless, finding one and blessing one is useless. The whole idea of a boon might as well be trashed since it is the same way minus a use for hatch escape. There's no use blinding constantly, running the killer around, or anything if escape is futile and the perks that block generators hinder the game further. When a survivor complains the killers get beefed up after half a year, when a killer complains the survivors get nerfed in less than two weeks.



  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    The boon was nerfed because killers complained that the totems overlapped. The patch notes outline that. It doesn't matter to have a key anymore because if you're slugged you can't escape through the hatch with a key as the last survivor.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Someone doesn't pay attention to what happens in this game

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    To bless/cleanse it went from 14 seconds to 24 seconds. Read the notes. If you're a hunter main enjoy your boosts you will have them for a long time unlike the new survivor.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544
    edited October 2021

    survivors need a huge huge huge nerf for years they have had broken second chance perks and are toxic as f and i feel the game should be killer sided it would make more sense

    survivors actually need to try to survive now instead of relying on selfcare dead hard DS and BT

    it feels better and more balanced

    if your going to gen rush then you can't complain about noed

    Also i know for a fact that a bunch of survivor mains will quote my comment and start crying about how unfair killers are

    well can killers relight their hex's

    can killers bully survivors

    can killers bring toxic builds (actually ignore this i run toxic builds)

    the sum it up if survivors are nerfed and killers are stronger deal with it

    if your actually good then killer perks and addons shouldn't be a problem to you and crying about it shows the community your a rank 20 salty death garden mask meg main

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    And someone should focus on their boosted perks and not on someone's right to complain about team activities being crushed and reduced.

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    I'm complaining about what affects my gameplay as a survivor. Being a killer is easy and now it is easier. Not much is required unless you're completing dailies. Make a feedback post for your stance on the game changes and agree to disagree.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    DC penalty disabled nerfed spirit and nerfed slinger. Circle of healing was disabled because it caused crashing. As did multiple maps. Almost everything on your post has already happened and the remaining boon perk is still pretty good especially if you combine it with Iron will. The nerf to circle of healing was not that big of a nerf. Honestly I love the place the boons are in because they're strong but not too strong and spirit got an appropriate nerf.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    For someone claiming survivors "are toxic as f", I really hope you see the irony in your statement.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096
    edited October 2021

    Pretty sure the blessing of a hex is 24 and blessing and cleansing are both 14.

    but hey, I don't read the notes often 🤷 guess I gotta look now to fact check

    Edit: fact checked patch notes and wiki. Pretty sure I was correct.

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    Make a list of the other killers perks as well if you're going to quote the ones that were nerfed. Michael Myers, the trapper, the plague, and the hag. List those and say they got nerfed

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    They didn’t. But plague is fine, trapper got a buff he needed for a couple years now, hag and Myers both needed add on passes. Trapper and Myers are 2 of the weakest killers

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    just so you know im a survivor main i hardly play any killer and when i do i get jerky swfs who get angry at me for running tombstone/impossible skillcheck doctor

    so im saying survivors can be very toxic compared to killers who aren't as often (except for spirit mains almost every spirit main is toxic)

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Yeah, we can read your post and tell you are a survivor main.😆

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    Make a post about it and talk about all the benefits that has for you in your own post.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I don't really need too since I rarely use hexes and I think the hatch thing hurt me as a killer since I gotta be extra careful now since I can't see hatch either.

    So...not a lot of bonuses I get it from it.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    "Being a killer is easy" just means you don't play killer much.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Overriding a perk of the killer now takes additional time, because you are not just blessing but taking away. The time to bless a dull totem is identical. There was no choice blessing and cleansing a hex totem shouldn't be the same, if you disagree you are clearly biased.

    The overlap was OP, it is when the circles intersect meaning that multiple totems from other survivors would stack... the effect itself of CoH is a flat 100% buff, but nooo... you want it to be 400% because 2 second heals sounds anywhere remotely fine. The multiple perks still apply to the same totem.

    Go play killer, actually leave like the lowest of the low MMR. The boon perks are still powerful, if you actually understood the game from both perspectives you would notice that. If you have to rely on the hatch... you aren't really that good.

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    Agree to disagree. I don't care about your stance or idea so post it in the feedback forum which is what this is for. My feelings my experience, your feelings your experience. Honestly feedback for the devs not for you or towards you.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Just a reminder, please remember to keep comments regarding others, and their opinions, civil and respectful. Thank you.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Your stance and ideas are here on a public forum. Our feelings and experience of your feelings and experience are relevant - you don't get to curate who responds.

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2021

    It is feedback for game developers and not posted in the discussion section for everyone. Your feedback and opinion is yours and anyone else's. Not my place to judge people for their feedback just the game developers. Unless you're a game developer (which you're not) this is feedback for the game as I play it in my life for the knowledge of the creators of the game. Agree to disagree.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2021

    There's no feelings involved, kiddo. It's a statement of fact that you put yourself out there, and regardless of your intentions or pretentions, we're going to respond.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You do realize that overlapping boons were an issue, right? As in, with the right build, it was impossible to down a survivor, right? There were locations where you could essentially trap a killer in a small room, then heal the survivor before the killer came out of a cooldown.

    That's a problem, you cannot have overlapping healing buffs that apply to everyone at 100%. It would only be fair if the totems were nerfed to being 40% each, OR no longer stack when overlapping.

    What would you rather want? Weak ass boon totem that doesnt do ######### untill they overlap, or good boon totem that doesnt stack when overlapping?

    As for the 24 seconds, that only applies to blessing hex totems, dull totems still take 14 seconds to bless.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    You can get slugged exactly same as before and your chance for hatch is actually better, because killer can't slug -> find hatch -> kill survivor -> close hatch instantly.

    "Literally making the game unenjoyable for the new survivor"

    This game was never noob friendly. It's kinda must have some better player to teach you in KYF, or watch a lot of streamers.

    Quite a lot of hidden info to learn and insane grind. I really don't think killers have it better, grind at least is way worse for new killers till you get BBQ.

    "When a survivor complains the killers get beefed up after half a year, when a killer complains the survivors get nerfed in less than two weeks."

    Oh, right because there isn't any killer's perk that got nerfed on PTB, right? It's only poor survivor thing, right? Yeah, nope.

    Killers get nerfs too and I am tired of people trying to act like there is only one side getting nerfs. (Killer mains sometimes do it to)

    Overlapping boon totems was major issue. It was on level of WGLF + Soul Guard SWF, you could get situation, where only thing killer can do is DC. That nerf didn't change anything for normal game.

    Range is still quite big and it is still super good on multi-layer maps, because range is basically double there.

    It didn't make sense to bless hex as fast as dull and they didn't nerf it that hard...

    CoH is still super good perk and I still don't like fact that you can use it on same totem over and over again, because killer has no reason to go there and search for it, it's just waste of time atm.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    If you do not care about the stance of other members of the community, then you clearly do not understand the function of a public forum. You are opening up a "Discussion" in the community... your claims this isn't for us all clearly is false. This isn't a private board to talk to the developers.

    There were glaring issues with 200, 300, 400% healing speeds and if you are unable to see that from an objective point of view. Same goes for the increased time of blessing hexes, it adds decision making game play to the survivor and time efficiency where you create a loss for your opponents perk while getting the benefit or yours.

    This isn't about your feelings or experience, it is about game balance, facts and simple mathematics!

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2021

    What section did I post my topic in?

    Doesn't change who I posted it for it is still for the game developers.

    I still don't care about your opinion and agree to disagree.

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    Thank you for expressing your inner thoughts, but unfortunately, this opinion cannot be agreed.

    1. You don't understand the difficulty of the killer.

    2. You are not familiar with the advantages of humans.

    3. You refuse to discuss with everyone.

    Our starting point is the same. We learn the skills of survivors and killers, and are well aware of the difficulties of playing both sides. We all hope that this game will become more interesting and balanced.

    But you ignore the powerful power that survivors have.

  • melodyabusa
    melodyabusa Member Posts: 41

    Your opinion your feelings my opinion my feelings. I don't go on people's posts telling them how to feel or that their experience is wrong because of their experience that I could never experience. That's why agree to disagree and move on with your life because I know what/who I posted this for and most of the people responding are not moderators, admins, or game developers for dbd. It is in feedback for the team on this forum not in discussion for generating lectures or debates about my feelings. If I could I would turn commenting off like you can do in the poll section of this forum because everyone likes to invalidate someone else's opinion that stems from their experience and 💩 on it. It's like telling someone they don't need to cry when they're giving birth because a,b,c,d and they know someone or had a different experience or felt this way with the same context. Overall I agree to disagree because I will feel how I feel and I will not invalidate your feelings or go on your posts and think I'm helpful to crap on someone else's experience.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    What section did you post your topic in? The Dead By Daylight Community Forums, feedback and guess what you received... the feedback from the community! This is not your personal messaging board to the developers this is a public space and you claim to not wanting to invalidate the feelings or experiences of others, yet that is exactly what you do when you tell people when you tell them "I still don't care about your opinion".

    Numbers do not care about how we feel, you can feel how you feel that doesn't make a 200%, 300% or 400% healing speed buff objectively viable due to the math involved. It literally has nothing to do with your feelings or experience, it has to do with the design and mathematics involved, while considering both sides.

    A 200% healing speed buff to self heal in 8 seconds is OP, a 300% or 400% heal speed is even more ridiculous... not because it doesn't feel nice for the person using it, but because it is not balanced and destroys any momentum the killer has.

    Removing a perk from the opponent in the same time effect as applying your own, is objectively unfair and unbalanced. Not because it isn't a haha feeling of sticking it to the killer, but you have to consider the killers point of view.

    You can feel like you want, you can complain and cry all you want... but if you are unable to be objective about the game there is no reason that the developers will ever take anything you say seriously. Multiple people have explained to you why they changed what they did and the developers unlike what you believe... actually do want to create a game balance for all to enjoy, not just your selfish entitled survivor only viewpoint.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Do you know old DS? Old MoM? Old Insta Heal? Old BL on Haddonfield? Old Insta Blind, BNP, We'll Make It, Saboteur?

    If your answer is no, then look that up.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Devs are simply fix and balance broken stuff for both role. And survivor are already the strong role, and have broken stuff that need a nerf, and will Be nerfed if devs dont want the game to die and you survivor main to have 30 min matchmaking. Accept it, a fun game is a fair balance game, not bully the killer simulator. Broken killer stuff has already gone (mori will Be rework, and facecamp fix).

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,076

    Closed as OP asked.

This discussion has been closed.