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New patch on Game Pass wants to download the full game.

Zyie Member Posts: 90

Pretty much title.

Started the download for the new patch, and it's over 30gb. The past 3 patches have worked fine for me, though the vast majority of patches since the game came out on Game Pass about a year ago, has forced me and some friends that I play with who also play through Game Pass, to download the full game every time, sometimes multiple times before it works.

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  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited October 2021

    Isn't it always like this? I've never known any other way. Xbox does that to me with pretty much everything, full thing no small patches. It's why I gave up on Ark- constant way too big updates* killing my data cap.

    If there's an alternative I'd sure love to know it.