circle of healing nerf suggestion

I think we can all agree that medkits can drastically slow down killers snowball potential. So, why does giving everyone an infinite medkit at a cost of 14 seconds blessing is a thing? Not even a self care, a full blown medkit to heal yourself in 16 seconds. If devs want to keep boons re-ignitable (despite how bs that is) i suggest making the healing speed boost altruistic only like it already is on perks like We Will Make It/No One Left Behind. It would still be gifting survivors a good healing speed bonus - there's a reason why We Will Make It can be crushing with good communication - but at least it wont be to the level of everyone resetting on their own near the boon in 16 seconds
It's pretty simple.. it's a used up perk slot with no guarantee of finding a totem easily.
I've played numerous matches where I haven't been able to setup a shadow step totem because they were so hard to find and other players without boon perks were cleansing dull totems.
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Seriously? As a survivor you will always spawn with a totem nearby. The are not difficult to locate.
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First off, if a boon totem stands for longer than 4 heals, thats kinda on you. Spending 14 seconds on getting a "medkit" that you need to run to that can be destroyed in 2 seconds, even if it can be applied over and over again simply isnt worth it for survivors.
Besides, Medkits overall are fine, the problem with medkits lies into the fact that you can bring a medkit to the trial without needing to pick it up from a chest first. The whole reason Circle of Healing is balanced, is because you have to spend 14 seconds, to then heal yourself in 16 seconds. That's only 2 seconds faster than selfcare. If 4 survivors selfcare there, you'd still have an average healing time of 19,5 seconds per heal. If you have to constantly reapply the boon, you can see how quickly it will lose value.
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Well when you have played a right amount of hours you know all totem's possible spawns in each map, which makes you find totems in seconds
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They dont care about your opinion, they just dont care about game health as long as you give them money
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lol bro you are just terribly bad there's videos on youtube that show specific guaranteed spawn locations and suggestion where totems might spawn. Your argument is very bad.
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That's why i don't give them money but still voice my opinion
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My problem with Circle of Healing is how it makes Inner Healing slightly worse (but it is a general perk now I guess).
Why would you destroy a totem for 14 seconds and go into a locker for 8 seconds, when you can just bless it for the same amount of time and have basically an infinite healing station.
That is, unless, you or your team don't get injured that often and that 8 seconds is actually game saving... somehow.
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"The whole reason Circle of Healing is balanced, is because you have to spend 14 seconds, to then heal yourself in 16 seconds"
Ah yes, because you're the only one healing in 16 seconds, you can only heal once and this perk isn't affecting everyone in it's 24 meter radius. And if you have to constantly reapply the boon it just means killer is not doing chases, which means killer has 0 snowball and 0 pressure. Because that's what killers need - side objective to lose gens even faster
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Ah yes, because survivors dont have to walk to that specific area first and then back(because boons are more likely to be where objects are not) because they can teleport. Let alone that for a Boon to be effective, is for all 4 survivors to be injured and nearby the boon, at which point the killer should also be there, meaning the killer can snuff the boon and snowball.
I can even give you plenty of totem locations that arent even worth snuffing untill more than 2 survivors are injured, because walking there and healing up takes longer than just meeting up and healing on the spot. Meaning there is a very high potential for Boons to cost time for survivors if they dont play it efficiently. Even a higher potential than self-care. And we all know how much self-care can lose survivors the game because its not used properly.
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"boons are more likely to be where objects are not"
Did not even read past that, literally no need, i've seen your game knowledge
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Take a hit, use the speedboost to go around the area. Heal. Repeat.
Also there are always two CoH areas now, in every trial.
A map is 9000m2, 2 x CoH = 4000m2, almost half the map. And how long do you need to do 10 meters and be in the area ?