So uhh.. How we feeling about the patch,

Ex Slinger Main Here, wanted to check up on yall and wanted to see how's yall are experiencing the patch..
So far, mine was "Gen rush, Gen rush, Gen rush, Gen rush, Dc Gen rush, Dc Gen rush, Dc Dc Dc ggez Gen rush, dc"
...alot of sweat matches today and patch is just like my lovelife, It's terrible..
I am more concerned about the bugs at the moment to care about balance. But yeah, RIP Slinger, you didn't deserve it... Old chap.
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any bugs you referred to is now called. a "Feature"
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Bugs aside, good patch. Pretty much the only negative change is Slinger that I've noticed so far, though I've yet to play nerfed Wraith- can't imagine he'd be that bad, though.
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I've gone from 'hey, this game is pretty fun again' to 'yeah, I need another hiatus before I attempt to break a world record in mouse throwing' overnight.
- DC penalty removed, so every game where I'm got getting roflstomped and teabagged all the way to a 4-out by sweaty SWF smurf groups with 2000 hours to my 150, I'm dealing with 2+ DCs the second I down someone.
- Uncleanse-able boons are just maddening.
- RPD after RPD after RPD after Haddonfield after RPD after RPD. Never have I hated any map more than RPD.
- Two killers (Wraith and Deathslinger), one of which I really liked, nerfed into oblivion despite being mid-tier at best.
- Almost every game has at least one moment where I'm thinking 'wait, is someone hacking?'.
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I had two hackers (or more) today,..
had both RPD and Haddonfield... hated life,
Shadow Step is Severely Broken..
I already dug slinger's grave,
I malded just bout every game on today, so that also wasn't fun,
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3 infinite loading bugs in a row, 6 overall
yesterday it was 12 overall with 5 in a row
Real ######### great patch; during an event as well, but I expect nothing less than this
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Dc after dc, infinite load screens and occasionally a match, usually gen rushed. Just had a guy running some sort of hacks earlier, no perks but whenever I hit him he would run at light speed and his scratch marks and bloodspots would disappear in an instant. Pulled him off a gen and camped him to death eventually, I hate hackers.
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I think they did some changes to Wraith (PTB to live), I have played him on PTB and it felt way harder to use there.
He is fine now, you sometimes feel it and whiff because of it, but not that often as I feared.
I love Trapper changes, I love Spirit changes, I love perk changes (mainly survivor changes tho), addon changes are also good
DS changes suck
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Yeah, that's what I figured- slightly harder but fundamentally the same character, and it sounds like his stealth playstyles are fully intact so he'll be more than playable.
Pretty much everything else is just a net positive though, the game's in a super healthy spot (save, again, for the bugs lol)
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Now we just need to Rebuff piggy, Revert the Nerfs on Billy / Slinger, Fix totem spawns.
(Get rid of boon totems) and last but not least
It makes sense on License cause... License..
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Minus the loading screens pretty good
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Billy:first time?
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it is mind boggling to me how they could nerf Slinger so hard, while keeping the spirit and her base power pretty much the same.
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Slinger is jank now, Spirit wasn't really damaged by her nerf and was really buffed with her add-ons, infinite loading screens that makes me curious on why we can't get multiple PTBs before launch instead of one, map offerings are disabled but not the maps in general for some reason, 2 out of 3 of Mikaela's perks have bugged with them (Circle of Healing and Clairvoyance), Video Tape is still bugged out of the PTB, desync is so bad that my status effects for Haste and Hindered are delayed for kicking pumpkins, we have had absolutely no sign about if we are getting an Anti-Cheat that actually works, Billy is somehow bugged to where Apex Muffler can completely remove his chainsaw sound without the need to be under oblivious (Which is pretty annoying), Bubba has been bugged for WAY too long, the event music can be heard through the survivor theme, resulted in a really weird combination of music playing
After every PTB I am 100% positive that no testing by the QA team are done after things are changed from the PTB to check for bugs as alot of these bugs are super consistent and no way in hell were not found in the test after the build was tested to see if it was ready to launch into live, because this ain't it chief
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well there's been infinite loading screens and bugs after survivors get unhooked.
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It would be a good patch if I could even play it. Loading screen bug seriously sucks.
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I’m still on hiatus due to MMR and house renovations, but from what I gathered and heard this patch can be summed up with a picture of a dumpster that is currently on fire and being attacked by hooligans with a bunch of hammers
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I keep getting games on Dead Dawg somehow. Trust my luck...
I couldn't break Boon Totems, perhaps that's why it was disabled.
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The changes to the Pig are noticeable... But not all bad... I'm still experimenting with them
I haven't played that much of Deathslinger... So i really don't have an opinion of him right now
Other then a few infinite loading screens that turned into one or more DC's... not a lot of mid-match DC's
But a lot of lag
This coming from an Xbox player
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The new patch results just solidify my belief that this game has too much technical debt and BHVR commits 99% of their resources into producing content and not enough into QA. With so much technical debt, each patch will have more game breaking bugs. But as always, if the players keep buying they won't change.
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It's a catch 22
We want them to fix their game so we play
But at the same time they look at the stats and think "oh we've done enough"
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Infinite loading screens
Survivors look like they're stuck or floating after an unhook
DC penalty off = DCing ragequitting babies
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There isn't any tests...they said screw the pc players..
They don't want pc players to demand nerfs out the bat due to the fact that Console doesn't even have a chance to play said Ptb..
So now we have to wait EXACTLY two weeks before a patch is released to FIX these issues, Some bs if ye ask me..
QA? on this game? Must be dreaming when i see these words, I don't even think they have a QA at all..
And we're the QA in general.. but we don't get priority..
Behavior in general.. they don't like Slinger.. they never have =I Almo ruined my boy...
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I'm not touching killer til the infinite loading screen bug is patched and the DC penalty is reenabled.
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Absolutely atrocious patch. Equal to or worse than the Resident Evil patch. I'm getting terrible desync in 90% of my games so survivor is mostly unplayable and killer is 100% unplayable. I think this is the straw that broke the camel's back and pushed me from somebody who wants to see them improve to somebody who just wants to see them fail.
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The Desync is only happening on Macmillan, No other map..
i feel that..
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I'm liking it.
I try to just have fun.
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Glad someone is havin' fun...
...Never heard of fun in dbd tbf
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I'd recommend not reading the forums then.
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I posted that comment before today's bugfix patch but prior to the patch I was experiencing desync on every map I played.
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i've been playing the game for 5 ish years,
i have no sense of fun in dbd anymore..
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You can always put your aiming skills to something better. Come here. Left 4 Dead 2 is waiting for you.
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Best patch ever!!!
Rip slinger sacrifices had to made :"(