The blight is the biggest bullshit in this game

Getting outplayed at pallets? Just run.
Need to reach the other side of the map in 3 seconds? Just run
The survivor is using obstacles to counter your power? The hitbox is your friend.
This killer is absolute unfun to verse and thanks to the hitboxes it doesnt even matter if you outsmart the killer. His downside is way to less, since his cooldown is a joke.
Yeah, press E...
He might be unfun to verse for you, but I love to play against him... I just don't like easy games, but some survivors enjoy it ^.
He is still worse than Nurse and it's not like Blight is easy to play.
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I dont play deadhard.
I prefer a fair game over an easy game.
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Then Blight should not be an issue for you. There are ways to play around his power.
He is not an unbeatable killer. He is not an easy killer that everyone can master. He is actually quite hard to play and you have to learn how different objects work with his power.
He is also quite map dependant. If you tried to make argument about Alchemist's ring, then sure I can think of some changes that would work, but his base-kit is fine.
I really don't wanna have less killers that can deal with survivors even in high MMR, because that would become even more boring than it already is.
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This is very subjective.
I like to play againts him (not a fan of full meta blights with best addons tho, that is boring).
Also some good Survivors can trick the Blight in rush to bait the attack or miss direct him. Some loops you can't use the power. Etc. He has some counterplay.
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Cool, but your other 3 teammates use deadhard and you can't have a fair game when you are the only one "being fair" in your team
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Blight is funniest killer to play against, he's pretty well balanced, u need to learn h2p or face a real op killer
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"real op killer"
This really doesn't help :D
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You havent met 4 cheated flashlight using high MMR survivors (which have reverse boosted to near minimum MMR, since I havent played for a while) on an open map using every second chance perk there was while also having hacked Borrowed time.
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Dude just doesnt understand its surv sided game
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Are you telling me to use cheats?
I prefer a balanced game...
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Ahh. Getting a blight? 360 them at the last second and run the opposite direction.
Or hop in a locker and wait for them to need to go into the cooldown animation and than hop out.
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The only thing on blight is that his hit box during rush needs to be corrected either visually or otherwise. Its no fun juking a blight with a quick 180 only for them to swing in the completely opposite direction and register a hit. Same with weird corners where it appears to be a very wide swing and it still hits.
At least with Oni doing whip hits during his rush the visual matches the whip attack so you can chalk it up to a good skilled Oni. Blight just gets frustrating sometimes.
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The only thing I have against him is the Freddy type lunge I get from my povs. Otherwise he's kinda like old billy, but a little more annoying. I like Talbot.
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Unfortunately, maniacs came here who do not play for the survivors and will convince that he is not imba
Tips about 360 and the map YES YES YES of course !!! you played on the red ranks there is pretty boring and the same three assassins (rin / "The Blight" "The Nurse")
I myself have to play as Rin to reach the red rank, whatever you think I'm some kind of hater
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I don't mind blight. I dislike the Doctor more personally.
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So does the same go for Billy and Oni than with the just run?