Game became simply unplayable as a killer

Impossible to have fun anymore in the current state, survivors are way too strong now.
Boon totems are so much game breaking, it's clearly 100% impossible to win against good survivors no matter how good you are.
Only awesome nurse players have a chance now, even Blight is weak as #########.
Ruin/Undying/Devour Hope are now tier F perks, they are cleansed in less than 1 minute in every ######### trials.
Honestly BHVR, you clearly don't know what you are doing with this game.
I see what your saying, and agree than nurse needs a nerf.
20 -
Yeah, I would say Blight needs a nerf too.
6 -
At that point, i would understand if every killer mains would uninstall the game, clearly.
Post edited by JohnWeak on24 -
Why not nerf both?
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you meant Pig
5 -
1.9.2 was when i lost all faith in bhvr. Then they double downed when they released old MoM. Then triple downed when they gutted ruin without adjusting tool boxes. They did good with finally balancing DS but that took them 4 years!
14 -
Basement Bubba is the most kill efficient build you can run right now. Barring that, just play survivor. It's so much more chill and relaxed. You can just mess around the entire game kicking pumpkins and farming protection hits then running to your circle of healing to get back to 100% lickety split. There are like 30 pallets on every map, so it's no big deal.
28 -
Playing killer is atrocious now.
Playing survivor is still fun (and easy) but i really don't want to play the game, it would encourage them way too much.
8 -
Was 1.9.2 the 'quality of life' update to Flashlight and pallet saves that they had to immediatly revert a week later? Because that was a big oof.
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Yup but continuing to play the game give them visibility and encourage them to bring more crap.
And i honestly don't want to do this they don't deserve to have so many players.
2 -
Boon totem's are fine and spirit is still broken. Please BHVR give her the Dust step nerf with the sound. I want her in D tier. Happy survivor maining y'all. Killer bots when?
9 -
Yeah killer sucks rn
6 -
Yes it was. I will never let bhvr forget that decision in the hope that they dont repeat it. I believe in learning from history, not pretending it didnt happen.
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Nurse should be an actual nurse, who heals the suvivors, and tries to keep them alive
Pig is an actual pig, who the survivors can kill if they want.
Make the twins a giant victor who pops out a tiny charlotte. No reason, but this would be funni
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I'm not a huge fan of the way you worded this but I agree with the message
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Yeah, that was one of the biggest red flag's about community awareness I had ever seen them pool. The way Boon Totems were handled seems like another. Im not against the powers of the current Boon Totems. But the fact that you can pick where they are and reignited as many times as you want? That felt like a serious middle finger towards Killer's who had been asking for the same thing for YEARS.
8 -
Is maith liom dúshlán (I like a challenge)
1 -
I think the new ruin is way stronger. If you effectively keep the survivor of the gens, they barely have a chance to do one at all. With the old ruin bad survivors took longer, but good survivors didn't care. With the new ruin even the new ones have to deal with it.
8 -
Everything is broken about those boon totems.
- Killers rely mostly on marks to chase, no mark = no chase. That's exaggerated but it kind of feels like it.
- Healing at 100% speed ? No need to find anyone to heal you, others can do gens and you heal as fast
- And 2000m2 area... if you have 3 totems on the maps and let's say with a zone efficiency of 2/3, it would give you half the map covered on most maps...
- Fact that those perks need totem = All hex perks became tier F perks. They never last more than 1 minute. None of those hex perk have any impact on any trials now.
Combine this with SBMM, OP items, 20 pallets per map + some OP window/pallets combination + fast gens and it's clearly impossible to play. You can only play killer against survivors that can't loop. If they all know how to loop properly (average loopers, not pros), you can't win.
Last update has been the worst in the DbD history i guess and i'm pretty sure the game won't be able to keep enough killers active. Survivors queue times will be huge in a few days.
Also, yesterday i have played survivor in duoQ, we have won every trials (3 or 4 escapes) the whole evening/night during a 3 hours game session... Crazy how easy it became. Killers will rage quit.
10 -
Playing killer in DbD is like going to fight a military army of 20000 soldiers with a Q-Tips.
2 -
I agree new ruin rewards killers for pushing people off gens. The issue i have with new ruin is it further proves that killers with mobility perform better than others. Its like you got a tiny dent on your car thats hardly noticeable and then you paint a big red circle around it. Making it easy to spot. The dent was there before but now no one can miss it.
Old ruin at least helped slow m1 killers and it actually provided a way to separate good survivors from poor ones. When they gutted old ruin i noticed a big spike in red survivors who cant loop. In the days of old ruin those people wouldnt have left yellow rank. Now that they dont have to hit great skill checks suddenly theyre red rank. Also i really hate it when i invest the time to git gud then the devs make it easier so everyone can do it. I believe syndrome in the movie Incredibles had a point. "When everyone's super, no one will be".
5 -
Worst patch in DBD history? No. 1.9.2 was the worst patch with Twins being a close second.
5 -
I have been having bad games as Freddy not because of his bug but against very sweaty survivors I just have not been having fun at all. although people can play how they want I guess I just got to stick with it and hope things will only get better. I have good games and bad games now but been playing survivor a lot now than I ever did before.
2 -
You know what, for long time i play i frustrated that much i even visit forum , i just cant win, im playing killer all the time since i brough dbd many years ago, i faced many problems, but its was okay, because game somehow were balanced for both sides, i mean broken for both sides, and now i just cant win, im trying my best, im downing fast, but while im downing or chasing someone, 3 other people is on 3 other gens and is on other side of the map, and im a trickster dude, all healed and good, they are can goof around, cant stand a chase for a half a minute, im stil losing, i dont know what am i doing wrong, but its just happens, im playing this game as i usually do, playing it fairly for everyone and fun for me, but now i should sweat my ass off to get 4k? Im not frustrating about surviors doing what they are supposed to do, gens i mean, im frustrated about fact that impossible for me to win, and im doing my best every game, is it healing time is a little to much or something? Im feeling like im winning now only agains absolutely pepegs
1 -
Nerf both? wth you talking about?
1 -
Not unplayable, but it has become unfairly hard for killer and easy for survivor since SBMM. Even solo queue which used to be a nightmare on the old system is now a breeze to play through and escape because I mostly get competent teammates, meanwhile killer feels like a war to get a 2k.
7 -
I feel you. Everything is broken.
- healing is too fast, especially with the new boon totems
- too many pallets/windows
- survivors spreading to do gens = OP you cannot do much against it
- some maps are too big, others have too many jungle gyms
- items are too strong
DbD design is globally terrible in the today standards. I don't even understand how the game is still alive after all those failings while Evolve, an asymmetrical game that did everything better, died in 2 years only...
4 -
If turtle rock had launched the game at stage 2, i feel evolve would have been a success. But noooooo. They just had to charge us $2 for a blue gun.
2 -
That was the continuation of these comments.
Didn't you read all comments?
1 -
No I didn't read all the comments, probably should link them anyway.
0 -
This is what leads to triple and quadruple reposts of arguments.
I personally feel like making a fool of myself if I post an argument that has been said, maybe countered and/or already further elaborated on a lot. So i even read through thread with 6 or 7 pages.
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I had so much fun yesterday! I think i managed to get one kill cause I camped the ######### out of this guy. Every other game they all just get away. Soooooo fun.
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i sill remember the mori nerf out of no where that was so bs that it didnt roll out with a key nerf
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You're overexaggerating. Killer is definitely not unplayable. Maybe you just need practice if boon totems are losing you the game.
2 -
Nurse does not need a nerf. The state she is in is fine.
1 -
Fine? Yea for the killers, the survivors are underbuffed, the nurse should have to protect the survivors from doc, as she knows how to deal with insane people.
1 -
You are wrong, nurse dont need to protect survivors from doc, because doc is here to charge those flashlights, not to hurt surviros.
Doc have a new skin with an USB charger for flashlights so you can blind doc whenever you want.
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And as a topic comment.
Play as killer day today for me its hard as ****, i need to galaxy brain predict hidding spots, hits on jungle gyms, time in chase while discordance is telling me something like.
Discordance : "Hey, i know you are chasing a survivor, but do you remember that 50% gen?, its yellow now, you have like 10 secs."
And the ninja boon totem in a good spot, pfff i didint knew that survivors can also replace the totem even if you already have one active, come on.
4 -
I forgot about that, sorry.
Trapper: Mines to make toolboxes
Hillbilly: Chops wood for pallets
Wraith: Wrings bell when the dinner is ready for the survivors
Nurse: Tends to injured survivors
Huntress: Hunts food for survivors.
Cannibal: Cooks Dinner for survivors
Demogorgon: The pet for survivors
Executioner: Makes sure no killers harm survivors
Doctor: Charges flashlights, helps nurse
Myers: Creates pallets (With the screwdriver)
Oni: Protects survivors from exterior threats
Spirit: Messenger between survivors and killers
Freddy: Makes sure survivors have nice dreams
Legion: Clean up after the survivors
Nemisis: Helps oni protect survivors
Deathslinger: Helps executioner keep killers in check
Trickster: Entertains the survivors
Ghosty: Keeps survivors informed of news in the fog
Pig: Helps myers make pallets
Blight: Makes that good ######### to help calm survivors down, and make medkits
Cenobite: Makes hooks so the survivors can fish if they want
Clown: Entertainment for survivors
Plague: Sacrifice is ill times come upon survivors
Hag: Helps spirit.
Finally, the game is balanced.
This took way to long
5 -
just stop playing. its the best you can do. if there are not enough killers in dbd, the queue times will go up or the matchmaking breaks. I started 2 days ago after 3 months of a break and now i am facing non stop red rank teams. It is no fun at all. Survivors are toxic af today (playing Oni, not even a toxic killer like bubba, no noed or anything unfair). Dont know, the game is dead.
See you in another few months or so :D
2 -
Killers are such crybabies when they don’t get an easy 4K every game
6 -
Soon killers should repair gens too... its unfair for survivors 😂
The only way is playing nurse or blight sadly.
They keep doing the game for bot survivors, but well... soon nobody want to play as killer.
3 -
If the most powerful killer needs no nerfs then zero killers in the game need nerfs.
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When did they ever gut ruin?
0 -
Hmph. Their egos won’t let them…
1 -
Ruin used to be a different perk. When the hag first came out ruin made it so when you got a skill check while repairing a gen, regular skill checks would "regress" the gen and perfect skill checks would not provide repairs at all. It would only prevent the gen from making a noise and regressing. Back then you either had to learn to hit great skill checks, find the totem or push through it. Old ruin actually slowed down gens from progressing if you couldnt hit great skill checks. But that was deemed too strong against newbs so bhvr reworked ruin. Current ruin is only good if you can push survivors off the gens. While it rewards you for playing well the issue is some killers are clearly better at that than others.
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At night for me is potato city, people dcing left and right, killing themselves on hook and so on.
0 -
Honestly, with nearly 600 hours in the game I do not reliably hit great skill checks. Ruin was unfortunately strong enough to be pretty oppressive in the state we had things before, especially because you couldn't really counter it. That meant that you could be in a match where it was quickly a non-issue and the hex was found, or in matches where you spent 5-10 minutes searching for the hex, or in matches where simply no generators got done.
I'm glad they changed it. Yes, it was actually a pretty interesting perk before, and sometimes led to really good games, but when it became the meta it just made most games a slog.
And let's be real, the majority of players in any game are never the highly skilled ones. We're somewhere in the mediocre to pretty decent bracket where this kind of thing has real weight. Too much weight, really, for a single perk.
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Explain that to all the survivors being camped, tunneled, and slugged to death. Game is so much easier as a killer.
2 -
See, your problem is that you play killer all the time. More and more survivors have picked up killers and thus understand them better. Meaning no matter the situation, you're going to be outplayed simply because you're facing opponents who know how to counter your killer and how to use their mechanics in their benefit, while you barely know how to use survivor mechanics against themselves. Essentially, survivors know your killer better, than you do.
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle" - Sun Tzu
You're clearly suffering from the last portion of this statement.