Killer Sided Events

Is it just me or does BHVR seem to go out of their way to penalize survivors during events, making it harder to get bloodpoints.

This "event" is a prime example:

As killer - basically play normally for massive BP gain with BBQ stacks.

As survivor - go out of your way to fine maybe one gen and you only get BP if you specifically are there to finish it.

And its not just this event! Anniversay Event: To get a crown as killer you just play and find a crown at some stage. As survivor you had to escape with the crown -which makes you far easier to be seen than normal. Lunar event was similar. Hallowed Blight introduced a second survivor event that just destroyed the entire game for the first week.

I typically play killer (especially during events/bloodhunts) for BP to help with the grind. However, these killer sided events are making the queues so much longer...

What do you think? Are BHVR making it deliberately harder for survivors to get BP? If so, why? Survivors now lose addons, even on escape (no including AitH), so the "bloodpoint economy" cant really be it, right?

If you think of survivor items as "survivor powers" it actually costs more to load out a survivor...


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,056

    The thing is, Killers always get massive BPs due to BBQ. This event will probably not increase the BP-gain by much, because BHVR is really stingy when it comes to BP-gain via Event Offerings. If only the Killer burns a Seed, a Killer also only has 2 Hooks to gain BP from, which is 6k BPs at max.

    Granted, it is easier to get those Hooks than to get Survivor-BPs, because you need to sit on the Gen when it is completed. In my opintion (and many others) they should have made every Gen/Hook Event-related and just increase the number of BPs when burning a Seed. Also that you dont need to sit on a Gen to actually get the BPs. They did this with the Chinese New Year-Event and it was perfect.

    When it comes to Anniversary Events, yes, those are as killer-sided as they can get. Not only do Killers get way more Event-Cakes (same with Seeds, they get more Seeds, because Survivors have so much Junk in their Bloodwebs, even when it comes to Event-Stuff... Yeah, Flashlights and Medkits are cool, Add-Ons kinda eh... But even a Medkit/Flashlight just increases the risk of losing it due to Franklins, from my experience), but only finishing the Trial with a crown is laughable compared to escaping with it.

    Reason behind this is that they dont want Survivors to suicide on Hook after finding a Crown, but IMO it just makes it tiresome to get Crowns.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152
    edited October 2021

    No idea which queues you are talking about.

    Eu west, after 8pm (aka peak player times), PC with X-Play on and I, as killer, can't even check my add-ons before I get a lobby.

    Of course it get's longer the earlier in the day it is.

    But nothing in the queues indicates any siding towards killer.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I see what your saying, and I agree we should nerf no mither.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I'm West EU also but work shifts so sometime dont get to play until after 1am (I know its my own issue) but during regular times (not events) my queues are no where near as bad... IDK if rank has anything to do with it as I likely do have high MMR on a few of my killers

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well yeah MMR might play a role in this as i managed to tank mine to the bottom by letting most survivor go during the few times I played in the last 2 years.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited October 2021

    Killers have a streamlined gamestyle because it it far more intensive than survivors'. Killers can't afford to waste time on multiple objectives like survivors, so if they're playing well they have a better time maxing their score. However, the whole 'bbq' thing is irrelevant. Survivors have WGLF, and since you can body block for stacks it's ridiculously easy to get your double BPS. I honestly don't know why I don't see it used more often, being able to pick people up so quick is very useful.

    I believe that most survivors don't fully understand the 4 different categories they have to perform to get close to their max. All too often I see people stick to their niche roles, or worse- avoid chases and only do gens. It's these kinds of survivors that don't see a lot of BP gain at the end of the match, especially if they get sacrificed. Tbh, most of the groups I come across just wanna slam gens and leave immediately. Which is fair, but you just don't get a lot of BP that way.

    It is by no means impossible or even that difficult to at least get close to your 32k as survivor. I regularly manage to in solo que minus the exceptions where I get hard tunneled or camped to the point where I have no opportunity to really play. IMO, if you aren't running WGLF, then you really shouldn't complain about BBQ.

    Furthermore, having played both roles heavily for years, I think it often gets overlooked just how many various addons and offerings killers have to invest their gains on. I regularly have more items and addons on each survivor than I can ever reasonably use, yet with many killers I often blow through 2-3 entire bloodwebs just to get the one green addon I'm looking for. It's not like I can find any lying around in the trial to take home with me.

    Whichever way you view it, it isn't that the event is killer sided, it's just simpler to gain BPs for killer as a whole and it should be.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I'm not advocating for killers to get a second objective...

    I'm asking for both sides to get extra bloodpoints as easily.

    Make ALL gens and hooks event ones. Make it so that survivors get points for every gen popped and killers for every hook (used or not).

    I feel you dont understand that most survivors are aware of the 4 bp categories but arent able to max them all unless the killer allows it. Cant get chased unless the killer chases. Cant get unhooks/protection hits unless the killer gets downs/hits.

    Technically survivor bloodwebs get more cluttered with items (which are like killer powers) AND addons, and then perks. Also, certain killers (nurse mainly) work better without addons where you can rely on your muscle memory.

    Finally, a killer gets far more BP for playing normally than a survivor does. Even if a survivor plays "optimally" they often wont come close to killer BP.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2021


    This event is way survivor sided. You get fancy toolboxes, medkits and flashlights. We get a goofy, slow 'float' that takes up an addon slot.

    As for BP...honestly, it's an incentive to get people to play killer. Survivor queues are long enough as is. You can easily run WGLF for a similar boost, but I think that the 'underdog' side probably needs a bit of a bonus.

    Okay, I nearly did a spit take.

    • For the majority of killers, at least half their addons are either borderline useless, or gimmicks that are worse than an empty slot. They also get offerings (way less useful for killer)
    • It's not the killer that denies survivors chases/hits/downs/hooks - it's survivors. If I see you, I'm going to chase you. If I get in range, I'm going to hook/down/hit you - because that's what I'm supposed to do. However, your goal seems to be to pop all the gens and escape without me getting a single hit, teabagging me all the way. I'd love to give you more opportunities to get BP, because I get BP too.
    • In long, epic games, survivor BP and killer BP are pretty close.
    • Aside from incentive to play the 'hard' side, killers get more BP because BHVR only intends for killers to kill 2 survivors in a game.

    BHVR have said that they have future plans to help with the grind (if I recall, it was tied to Prestige, although I might be misremembering) and I'd be happy to see it made easier for everyone. However, don't try to turn it into a 'DbD is killer favored' because that's horsefeathers.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 683

    I don't think it should be turned into an us vs them argument, but I 100% agree that the survivor side could do with some looking at.

    Was just about to make a post myself about the challenge doing tangled generators which is a required survivor challenge to complete if you want to unlock Mikaela's legs.

    I'm having grief even getting the offering to spawn more in the bloodweb as I keep getting the old event flashlights etc instead.

    No one else seems to be using the offerings and with my luck any game I use the 1 or 2 I managed to unlock, its a non game where your team don't try or you get tunneled early.

    They should at least make the offering more common than the other event items in the bloodweb so we can actually participate in the event without fighting over 1 tangled generator each match!

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Well, the issue with the anniversary crowns in particular is that if survivors got them just from picking them up, survivors would just rush to a crown and then suicide to get to the next match/crown faster. This happened a lot during some of the game's earlier events, especially the first Hallowed Blight, where survivors would throw the game to harvest pustula plants and then rush to the killer and die.

    It sucks but what can you do. It's the same reason that anti-facecamping measures are near-impossible to implement fairly; too much room to abuse it on the survivor end.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    How is the Event Killer sided when Killers cant even Play the Game because Survivors are to strong 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    you new to the game or something? you ever played killer with actual infinites? two window shack? multiple exhaustion perk activations in a single chase? killer is easier now than its ever been... Not saying it perfect but its easier.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    100% agree. The pustula vials showed how willing survivors are to suicide when they complete a side mission. I just wish they didnt make the offerings useless for almost everyone - theyre still bugged on killer as far as I can tell

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2021

    Comparing the game now, where the meta is mostly figured out and even intermediate survivors know how to abuse gyms, spin-techs and dodge BBQ with lockers to the Wild West of years ago where almost nobody knew what they were doing (including the devs) is disingenuous.

    Plus, there are still infinites and exploits.

    The office in RPD is my best example. Multiple safe vaults with a barrier separating the walkable area. You can't even mindgame it and have to just peel off if someone goes in there if you are playing an M1 killer - even at BL3 you won't catch them (and this is being abused in tons of matches now, survivors just immediately run there). On top of all the other shenanigans of that map, never changed and probably never will be.

    Hell, there are still spots on farm maps where survivors can crawl and be impossible to be picked up.

    Plus: Ruin was nerfed, then nerfed again (second nerf amounted to a blanket nerf to all hex play). A lot of the stronger addons/tools killers had to work with have been nerfed.

    'I was worse then so don't complain now' is not a strong argument.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142


    The first event gen is guaranteed to spawn in the middle of the map where it can easily be patrolled and defended, and its aura can be differentiated from normal gens at all times by the killer.

    Imagine if only the basement hooks were event hooks and their auras can be seen by survivors at all times. Would that be fair for the killer at all??

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Any games I've burnt the offering, I was the only player to do so. The "event" gens spawned were single person gens with players already on them. Its wasting offerings that are limited use and you potentially (or likely) get nothing for them. Also, what if youre the looper and not the gen jockey? You just miss out completely.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    Imagine having an event where you need tokens to create more tangled gens or hooks.

    Imagine the 'devs' manage to generate 10 bloodwebs in a row not containing ONE single one of these tokens.

    Welcome to DBD reality.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,452

    Not all of them.

    The Scorching Summer BBQ had its challenge connected with gens and hooks, giving both sides a fair chance.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Yeah, that dead hard buff was totally killer sided.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Do u have ever played against a high MMR SwF Team whit a Killer that isnt Blight, Nurse or Spirit ? U cleary has no Chance

    Even Pro Gamers and Streamers only gets like 3 hook against a good Survivor Team

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    You are possibly one of the VERY few people that actually knows about that.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I recently got a 4k against at least one hacker with a Doctor so I dont think only certain killers are "viable". Some are just easier to pick up without practice, while others, like nurse, reward you for practice.

    Regardless - this isnt about making it harder for one side or the other. Its about making bloodpoint gains the same for both and not punishing one side for no reason...