
Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

I'm tired to see always something strange in every match that I did, both as killer and survivor... My last 2 matches were against a cheating nurse (no addons, yet she had no cooldown between her blinks, lunge longer that it should be and almost no fatigue after attacking after a blink) and as killer against a streamer who was using stretched resolution... This game is becoming unplayable, something must be done about it!


  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    As far as i know, stretch res isn't cheating and should be base kit for every single player. Mb then devs understand how dumb it is.

    Or just give everyone wallhack so better cheater wins.

    H1GHLVND3R Member Posts: 138

    Same for me. Every 2nd game 20-30% speedhacks, esp, ping abuse and other funny stuff like teleports and unhooking with instagens. Nurse is cheater in 90% cases, spirit like in 50-60%. When i play killer its usualy at least 1 surv with legit speedhack who runs like me or a bit slower and he think its not noticable. Well what do we expect if cheat cost 15$ for month on this game...