Is it bannable?

In a match recently played between myself and a very angry prestige 3 Nurse (who's internet connection was slightly above that of a potato) I found myself on Haddonfield, getting tunneled and proxy camped into the ground. Time went on and I stayed strong for my team, trying to buy them time before I died but then... it happened. I was saved from my hook and granted sprint burst to fly off in a random direction, buying myself enough time with the sprint burst to escape briefly and heal. Long story short, I got caught again and just before going down for the final time was granted adrenaline and escaped yet again and hid while my team did the hard work of getting a gate open because I'm quite the immersed Meg! With the gates open all but one of my comrades escaped and I sat at the gate waiting for my final teammate to escape, time passed and he eventually went down and I tried to save him only to find him being face camped, no big deal I got to sit a few feet away and farm evader from the Nurse. When my friend died the nurse came around the corner and hit me again, I had been saving up sprint burst and due to the poor connection I lagged as I utterly /flew/ towards an open exit gate however when trying to escape I simply walked through the normal trigger and was surprised to be somewhere I'd never been before.
To attempt to get "revenge" for the face camp on my friendo I teabagged this nurse a few seconds and then looked around because I genuinely wanted to see the surrounding area, it being normally out of reach for anyone. I looked around and came back to the gate, teabagged the nurse a few more times and then ran into the trigger to finish the match, my time outside of the map almost certainly not exceeding over 2 minutes. The nurse accused me of speed hacking because of my teleporting sprint burst at the end of the game, abusing bugs and holding the game hostage because I didn't immediately run into the exit trigger, claiming to have been recording and to "know not queen". Is this truly a bannable offense when nothing I did was against the rules or intentional? I didn't sit trying for hours to get out of the map and I didn't hold him for anything more than a minute or two but if I'm gonna get banned I at least wanna know beforehand so I can lower my hype for the Tuesday PTB.
Best Answer
I think You should be safe
You were not intentionaly exploiting the game and this happened to a few people already. And really if someone would blame You for exploring the outside of the map in this situation..? I would go look at the back of the map as well if that would happen to me ^^.
Don`t worry too much and stay hyped, if something happens we will think about how to help but for now farm bloodpoints and save teammates2
I wouldn’t think it is. To me it just sounds like a salty nurse nothing more because you said she had terrible internet connection which explains the teleports and she was probably upset she got tbagged. So I wouldn’t worry about it2
A lot of people know Not Queen these days. She is the community manager, she's supposed to know her people lmao what an empty threat.
Regardless, Sprint Burst + post hit speed boost has always looked pretty funny, but you can legit put it on the lag due to how quickly you are changing your position.
Teabagging isn't bannable and standing at the gate isn't hostage cause she can still hit you.
Just a salty Killer.
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@weirdkid5 said:
A lot of people know Not Queen these days. She is the community manager, she's supposed to know her people lmao what an empty threat.Regardless, Sprint Burst + post hit speed boost has always looked pretty funny, but you can legit put it on the lag due to how quickly you are changing your position.
Teabagging isn't bannable and standing at the gate isn't hostage cause she can still hit you.
Just a salty Killer.
I'm not sure if I stated it clearly enough but when I went /past/ the exit gate... she couldn't hit me, I was beyond the normal escape trigger. I ran up to the fire in the distance and took a screenshot because I thought it looked cool. Two screenies that could probably be used against me but eh: I said, didn't hold there for longer than 2 minutes if I'm being really generous to the claims of holding the game hostage but I /do/ want it to be clear she could not get to me without finding a way to glitch out herself. I don't have video to show because as you'll likely be able to tell from the screenshots my pc is a potato but.. yeah.
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No, that's not bannable. If you had used that to hold the game hostage for an extended period of time, then it could be. But stumbling into a bug and taking a peek around isn't hurting anyone. If you left in a reasonable amount of time, you have nothing to worry about.
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This content has been removed.
Dude, you just brought a nearly 3 year old thread back from the dead.
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TTVs need their attention.
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Why let the past die?