Is it bannable?

Soleil Member Posts: 7

In a match recently played between myself and a very angry prestige 3 Nurse (who's internet connection was slightly above that of a potato) I found myself on Haddonfield, getting tunneled and proxy camped into the ground. Time went on and I stayed strong for my team, trying to buy them time before I died but then... it happened. I was saved from my hook and granted sprint burst to fly off in a random direction, buying myself enough time with the sprint burst to escape briefly and heal. Long story short, I got caught again and just before going down for the final time was granted adrenaline and escaped yet again and hid while my team did the hard work of getting a gate open because I'm quite the immersed Meg! With the gates open all but one of my comrades escaped and I sat at the gate waiting for my final teammate to escape, time passed and he eventually went down and I tried to save him only to find him being face camped, no big deal I got to sit a few feet away and farm evader from the Nurse. When my friend died the nurse came around the corner and hit me again, I had been saving up sprint burst and due to the poor connection I lagged as I utterly /flew/ towards an open exit gate however when trying to escape I simply walked through the normal trigger and was surprised to be somewhere I'd never been before.

To attempt to get "revenge" for the face camp on my friendo I teabagged this nurse a few seconds and then looked around because I genuinely wanted to see the surrounding area, it being normally out of reach for anyone. I looked around and came back to the gate, teabagged the nurse a few more times and then ran into the trigger to finish the match, my time outside of the map almost certainly not exceeding over 2 minutes. The nurse accused me of speed hacking because of my teleporting sprint burst at the end of the game, abusing bugs and holding the game hostage because I didn't immediately run into the exit trigger, claiming to have been recording and to "know not queen". Is this truly a bannable offense when nothing I did was against the rules or intentional? I didn't sit trying for hours to get out of the map and I didn't hold him for anything more than a minute or two but if I'm gonna get banned I at least wanna know beforehand so I can lower my hype for the Tuesday PTB.


Best Answer

  • Antero
    Antero Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 39
    Answer ✓

    I think You should be safe ;) You were not intentionaly exploiting the game and this happened to a few people already. And really if someone would blame You for exploring the outside of the map in this situation..? I would go look at the back of the map as well if that would happen to me ^^.
    Don`t worry too much and stay hyped, if something happens we will think about how to help but for now farm bloodpoints and save teammates =)<3
