How are killers supposed to have fun in this game?

Again, this SBMM doesn't make sense in Dead by Daylight. In every match I face survivors with more than 3000 hours of gameplay. If it was only 1 or 2 survivors, fine, but always 4? They all seem to play like they're in a world's final cup. I've never had fun as a killer since implemention of the SBMM because for some reason you guys think I'm a god killer.
It's not fun and this isn't a casual game anymore. I come home from work tired and I want to have fun on the DBD and not be forced to play like a streamer who dedicates his life to it.
As killer you arent. You are just survivors playthings at this point :)
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At lower mmr where the chill survivors are.
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Sound like you need a break.
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After the day I had today playing, I'm not 100% sure. It's been nothing but the game telling me I hit someone only for it to tell me never mind and Boon Totems making it so that I have to go after just one person until I down them or lose them and attempting to juggle, one of the only ways to really put pressure on survivors, doesn't work anymore.
I even threw NOED on for a few games just to try to take that junk out of the game but then it just became five generators of me getting made to look like an idiot and then I'd kill 1-4 people with NOED.
I just don't know what BHVR wants from me anymore. The deck was already pretty stacked against killers versus good survivors and BHVR seemed to be dead set on stacking that deck against killers as much as humanly possibly in this last chapter/hotfix patch.
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I sometimes have the most fun playing weak and random builds. You allow yourself the expectation that you are probably going to lose, because you've gone in without a meta build. Then if you do lose, it's not really an issue, and if you win, then happy days.
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That the whole point, you're not.
If you play any slowdown, you're sweaty.
In line of sight of a hooked survivor? Camper
Can't find anyone else to chase and it happens to be injured Meg? Tunneler
You run memey addons/perks, only to get destroyed by swf and same 5,6 perks? GG EZ git gud
Playing killer in general? Toxic
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"world's final cup" I can't 😂
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I hate to say it aren't.
The killer is there to facilitate the fun of survivor players. DbD have said as much, and also went on the record recently as saying 'if you aren't having fun, just quit'.
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and everyone in this thread apparently
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Play the game
Dont let the game play you
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Here's the catch, unless you're a top 1% nurse or blight main you really can't have fun
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No they are not lol.
At most I get a 1K during egc and not many hooks with gens popping all over, survivors knowing how to loop, mostly full meta perks and t bags at the gates.
I'm not a very good killer and deserve to be at low mmr, I just wish I never got the sweaty games I must endure at low level.
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The devs design intent seems to be that you should be a survivor main and only play killer every now and then, maybe for a challenge or points. I do not at all believe they intended for or want people to be "killer mains"
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I know right?
Can’t even load up a match without getting the screen of infinite loading death.
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It's the opposite for me as a survivor but I completely understand you from the work aspect.
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Play Huntress, focus on hitting sick shots. Don't care about Kills.
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It's tough. Like it was mentioned above..
If you're anywhere near a hooked survivor looking for another survivor trying to get the unhook. Even if you heard the other survivor and spend 10 seconds looking for them = youre a camper.
If there is an unhook and you can't find the one who unhooked and only see the one who was hooked so you go after them = you're a tunneler.
You are literally suppose to turn a blind eye to these things and not go near a hooked survivor and literally let the unhooked survivor go even if you don't see anyone else.
Essentially to allot of survivors a killer is there for the survivors entertainment. That's why people defend killing themselves on hook. It's because they aren't having fun or they are losing the match. There was a recent thread about this and those were the replies defending it. If the killer had an option like that the same people would complain that killers are just forfeiting and it's no fun for them.
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I literally just posted the same thing. Every single game it thinks im a god killer and its a 4 man escape every single game. I have been having zero fun lately.
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Idk man, I have loads fun even if I lose. Depends on your expectations maybe? Or perhaps what your goals are in game, mine are 1. Make myself laugh 2. Make progress towards whatever challenge I'm doing. If I get a 4k while doing it well that's just a bonus
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Don’t focus on kills or who escapes. Try to get kills but don’t stress over it, and don’t take clicky-clicky flashlights and t-bagging as insults, just friendly trash talk. Maybe even have some music or tv show/movie or stream on as well. The game is only stressful if you make it, you’re not a content creator, your lively hood does not depend on how well you perform.
This is to all players, killer and survivor; play how you want, but don’t condemn those who play differently. Have fun with the game, and if you don’t do something else. Go for a walk, catch a new tv series, masturbate, do something that is enjoyable to you. I personally love to lift weights, so if DBD is getting me down, I go bust out some squats or bench presses, and boom, my day is better.
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Why not just run a instadown Killer or anti-chase Killer?
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Because I like to swap out killers. I rarely play the same killer more than twice in a row and I can only play with Leatherface and Oni so many times before I'll get bored of it.
I shouldn't have to by default dump 3/4s the killer roster in this game because BHVR finds new and unique ways to stack the deck against the killers.
I got this frustrated with the game with the pallet drop validation BS but was able to get over it since I could at least predict when that was going to happen and just kind of roll with the punches. I'm not sure that's going to happen with the DH version though as I can't predict that and I can't do anything about it. DH was frustrating enough in the right hands and this has just increased that by tenfold. Just...not fun and is fast becoming not worth the pure frustration and anger it is causing...
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Extremely frustrating.
What frustrates me the most is that Behaviour says the game is casual but implements a system to make the game competitive. I don't have fun anymore because I can't use any funny builds anymore.
Of course I want to kill the survivors, isn't that my role as an assassin? I don't see a problem playing against good survivors, the problem is that everyone is now extremely experienced in the game with thousands of hours played. I'm not that good at Huntress, in fact I suck and I'm forced to play with survivors who have over +3500 hours played. The same goes for other killers.
Before this SBMM there were easy, medium and difficult matches and it was super cool. Now all without exception are extremely difficult and it tires me.
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I've been having a lot of fun playing as spirit with BBQ, Plaything, Retribution, and Make Your Choice. Plaything clogging up totems for 90 + 24 seconds really puts a monkey wrench into survivors plans especially when people that don't have boon totem perks just destroy the bones, leaving only suboptimal spawns.
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Yes. Go play something else. Like Civilization, right?
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Before whatever the Halloween patch did to SBMM, I was able to 'play my way' - focusing more on fun perk combinations and trying to scare survivors. I was put up against other 50-200 hour players who I could probably get 2-3 kills against without playing super sweaty, giving them unhooks and not caring about slugging, or running meta perks.
Since then, maybe half my games are up against the .TTV SWF types with thousands of hours more than me who play for the 4-out regardless of BP gain or enjoyment. They are also without exception incredibly BM. The rest of the games are evenly divided between complete newcomers, pretty obvious hackers (so many legacy skins out there right now...) and the occasional decent game.
I'm also literally getting RPD and Haddonfield multiple times in a row, with barely any other maps in between.
Oh, and boons.
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I dont know man i dont run killer but the last couple of days I couldn't have fun i couldnt loop or escape them but when I do play killer I get the best survivors in the game but when i play survivor I get braindead teammates
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Be a PC Nurse, face camping Bubba, Persistent Spirit, RED ADD ON Doctor or Huntress, FREDDY with some slowdowns and ADD ONS...
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If you're getting insane sweaty survivors then your MMR isn't as low as you think. Try getting a 0k for like 10 matches in a row and you can see some low MMR gameplay. I've hit what I think might be the MMR floor on one of my killers (of course, no way of knowing, because there's no indicator of any kind :/) and the survivors are just atrocious.
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derank only way you can have fun with ######### killers and meme builds
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Just look at my videos on YouTube. My killer games are loss after loss after loss for many games until it throws me a pity bone. Then I may get a 2K then many more losses after that.
It seems my mmr does not go down no matter how devastating the game went for me.
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Providing the link would help :p
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Come down here it's cozy and we have cookies.
The only thing missing here are kills but the fun substitutes that.
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Them you aren't really at low MMR.
I get regular potatoes where I have to pay attention not to kill anyone.
(But i also only play the game maybe a few days every other month and am actively playing for at maximum 8H/0K games)
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This right here:
(Or really anything.
As sad as it sounds once you stop caring for most things (i still HOPE for my 4 bbq stacks and enough time to get BP) then you will have fun.
Of course this also makes a thick skin necessary to ignore the superiority complexes from some survivor along the way.
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My games have swung the other way. First week was horrendous as I was playing against cordinated swf flashlight head on squads, now I'm getting much more balanced matches and im winning fairly comfortably and even letting the last survivor leave. So it seems I had to lose 5 matches in a row getting only 1k per game to then find a nice level. I'm actually enjoying my games atm without having to sweat which is a far cry from weeks 1 and 2.
I do somewhat blame the tome challenges. Put on an easy one like 15 melee hits or break x pallets and you get an easy game, put on hook 20 survivors total and you end up getting 2k at best as they give you hard teams 😅
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Lately I'm focusing on getting 4 BBQ stacks and the rest of the match consists of slugging and pure chasing. I stopped using gen perks at all, my build now is usually information + chase, and I made a deal with myself to stop caring about them at all. I just engage on chases and never drop them for anything, I don't care if survivors want to hold M1 and escape in 5 minutes. Having way more fun playing like that because I'm focusing on the most fun part of the game, and the best part is the quality of matches just get better with the MMR lowering.
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Imagine having fun playing as killer xD Behaviour Will Nerf that in a second
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Im shocked bhvr hasnt replaced us with bots at this point. Mobile dbd has them i think.
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I mean some of us are having fun at high MMR.
PVE games might be more your thing.
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Agree with you 100%, but trying to compete as killer just became too stressful after SBMM. Survivor became a breeze to escape while killer feels like a war to get a 2k, trying to win stopped being fun. So it's better for me to just change my playstyle than waiting for the devs to do something.
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Okay, but most here are not having fun by what I'm reading.
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Play game, get some kills, afk next one. repeat. It will tank your mmr so u can have chill with survivors.
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I don't wanna have to afk cause that's sooooo boring.
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The forums aren't the entirety of the DBD community. Most certainly not the killer community either.
Some of the comments I don't even take serious because they are filled with biased opinions. Like "You are not suppose to have fun only survivors have fun". Sounds like such a dumb statement.
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Then avoid killing at any cost. Go for 8 hooks and leave them alone once u achieve it.
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I also shouldnt have to tale 2-3 perk slots just to have à chance to catch up with the current way the game is played
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Survivors after the update.
for those that know this scene. Killers are the poor bastard in the chair.