Seriously,this matchmaking locked pisses me off

Alright folks,this lockdown on matchmaking is pissing me off and i have always to wait 25 minutes to be allowed to play again.
Though every time i play a match i am put in matches where i am not given any opportunity to play at all the player that is the killer is constantly bullying and picking on me and i am always being grabbed on and not given any fairness in playing any part of the game at all so i had to quit the match because of that and im being punished for this?
Im not 100% playing this game and this punishment should be removed if we are being bullied in game.
- The killer is trying to win too. Why don't you play fair and let them kill you? It's a two-way street.
- Stop ragequitting. If you're getting killed, just play out the animation until the game kicks you out naturally.
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you're being punished for ruining others game :)
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So you think that bullying another player is acceptable if we are constantly being picked on and cannot do any thing within the game so if i join in another game you want me to just not participate in any gen repairs and stand around do nothing and have them kill me? I will consider that then if that is the solution to what you want a beginner to do
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What are they doing that's bullying?
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The game can't tell if you're "being bullied." If you don't like the way the match is going, you can try to escape from the hook and then forget to hit two skill checks and leave the match that way, no penalty applied. It sounds like the killer is attempting to kill you quickly, anyway, so not sure why you'd rather wait 25 minutes by disconnecting instead of a few seconds by just dying within the match.
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You're not being "bullied" you're losing. This is a pvp game.
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What are you talking about?
You are losing, so you DC?
Now you are crying about the penalty?
Am I right?
If so , please DC a couple hundred more times so we don't have to deal with this until 2023.
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Dbd is the only game ive ever seen (and i grew up playing atari btw) that has to penalize you to incentivize not turning it off 😂
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Yes the entire killer community has collectively decided that they will only target you in any game they get you in.
See how ridiculous that sounds. You aren't being bullied. Stopped being so egotistic.
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Upon starting the match i went to a gen and a player that was wraith approached and constantly picked on me and taking me down and picking me up going around in circles and doing it repeatedly non-stop and you dont think this is considered a bully??
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👆👆👆👆 bumping this since it has been ignored. 😤😤😤
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Lets talk straight shall we.
You feel like you are being picked on because you are the weakest player and by the sound of it you are the weakest player because you seem to have no game sense. You state you are grabbed which means that the killer is able to get up close to you without you moving. The killer see's this and although you will not like it, the killers jobs is not to share the hooks, it's to win the game. Depending on who the killer is and the person playing the killer, they may do this by working on limiting the amount of survivors doing gens and the easiest way of doing this is to take a player out, then they only have three survivors to worry about. If you are lucky the killer will share the pain, but this does not make you a better player.
Remember DBD is a power game, the killer gets to call the shots and play their game.
Don't rage quite, look at how you play. Look at things like the character you are playing, the loadout you use, could you get better perks, are you speed vaulting, making noises. Are there perks to quiet the way you play? Watch Youtube videos on how to loop, or even play killer and see how other loop.
If all else fails, look to whether DBD is your type of game or whether you should play something else, because if you are getting 25 minute wait times, you must DC quite a bit.