How do you feel about boons?

I'm really disliking boons, as a killer. As a survivor, I refuse to unlock and use them as they feel too strong, and I'd be a hypocrite.

I've been a consistent killer main, but with boons I've lost most of my enjoyment as killer. I can't play anyone that uses hit an run tactics, as everyone just rushes to the boon and super quick heals. I can't really afford to even let a survivor get away, to pressure another area or surv, because again the injured one will simply heal themselves very quickly. Certain tiles are an absolute nightmare without scratch marks, and it's near impossible to tell if the survivor is even there still after they break los, and have shadowstep. This makes for a very unfun experience.

Am I just complaining and over reacting or does anyone feel the same?

Also, inb4 "just do bones XDD". The problem with that statement is that if I "do bones" as a killer, it doesn't do much as the boon is simply put back up. Id feel differently if I could actually break the totem just as survivors do to hexes, but I can't. So that's really not a valid argument. I don't know if being able to break the totems as killer would solve the issue, but I feel like something needs to change.

All in all, I love the idea of boons. It's fantastic. Truly. However, this iteration is not a good one. Maybe it's just me though.

What do y'all think?


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,659

    I don't like them. Not in the slightest.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I'm starting to feel like a ruin, undying Nea against a bunch of solo queue killers.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited October 2021

    As a killer, I'm indecisive if they are too strong or fine. I haven't had a ton of experience and in the ones I had it did feel like they were recovering very quickly and getting on generators more often, but compared to other meta perks I don't know if it's too much or not. For example, I've had more kills lost to unbreakable than I feel to boon totems.

    As a survivor though, boons feel extremely powerful. Just one person bringing 2 boon perks and placing it in a good spot literally carried us to victory in some matches. If the BHVR ever decides to nerf them I would say Shadow Step is fine and Circle of Healing is the only overtuned one.

  • MrOogieboogie
    MrOogieboogie Member Posts: 70

    Limited range (nerfed even, but I honestly wouldn't even mind if CoH was nerfed in range further given its strength), easily snuffed, takes time to bless...then MORE time if you have to do so again and again.., have to leave whatever you are doing once wounded to go to where it's placed to get its benefits...wasting even MORE time. The perks ARE strong, but they are limited in range and can take massive chunks of time to set up multiple times or to even use that could be spent on gens. Killers will adapt/learn to counter them best and everything will be just fine as usual.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Boon made me play killer a lot less. I used to play killer 7 games out of 10 game but now if i play 2 killer game out of 10 game its a miracle.

    All that because they remove quickscope on deathslinger and add boon perk. Because of boon you need to comit to every chase you do and i think this remove the killer strengh. Camping is on the rise because of that but what do you expect you cant even juggle the survivor if you do they just reset and slam gen again

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Just another tick to survivor favouritism. The killer should have a choice to snuff or break the totem giving them an actual counter. But we all know CouNtErpLaY is for survivors only.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Also I hate the difference in treatment. On the last Q&A stream the devs compared Boon perks to Scourge Hook perks, saying both are supposed to be new changes to the gameplay. The first Scourge Hook perk (Gift of Pain) is nice, but hardly game winning.

    Now the first two Boon perks? "Take this Infinite Medkit, Lucky Break and Distortion, lmao, gg ez"

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    the killer's time is worth more than 4x yours, ultimately

    and they don't even get many opportunities to snuff them if you pair it with detective's to pick out the most obnoxious spot for a shadow/circle

    or if it's just rpd/midwich/coal tower/badham/asylum/lery's, don't really need 'high-end strategy' at that point (nightmare indoors/center 2-floor buildings/lery's totem spawns respectively)

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,274

    I honestly think they're fine, balance wise. Yeah, they're strong perks, but its nice to have something that could break the stale meta for once. I think a good thing to keep in mind with Boons is that time spent blessing totems is time spent not doing generators. If they spend a bunch of time reblessing snuffed totems, that quickly adds up to a lot of generator time lost, which can often end up playing in your favor.

    Plus, they're really loud, so if they're close enough to actively bother you (like Shadow Step hiding scratch marks), chances are they'll make themselves known and you can easily snuff them out. On the other hand, if they're far away, survivors have to spend a lot of time running to them to get their effects.

    I think people concerned about survivors being able to bless totems as much as they want don't really see the real cost of the perk. Time. The most valuable resource in Dead by Daylight. Survivors who spend a lot of time continually blessing totems over and over again are, as I said earlier, not spending that time on generators.

    Having Boons permanently break once they're snuffed would make them far too weak, for a few reasons: One, survivors can't defend boon totems, the killer can just walk over and snuff them out instantly. Two, they have the aforementioned setup time, which is meant to be the downside of the perk. Most importantly of all, they have limited areas of effect, so not every totem placement is going to be useful. A Shadow Step in the corner of the map is going to do nothing.

    TL;DR: Boons are fine, and buy you time on gens that you would otherwise not get. Making them break when snuffed would make the entire mechanic really bad.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I would like to point out that the first hexes ever to be introduced included ruin and devour hope, which still remain to this day the most powerful of all hex perks, arguably. So I wouldn't panic too much, the perks will find their place and as the newness wears off they'll appear infrequently as people return to the builds they are used to and familiar with.

    Effects aside, I appreciate what they do for the blood point economy. A recyclable 1500 boldness, 300 survival points for anyone on the team, and 500 deviousness. So stamping out 5 boons negates losing the 4k bonus, making it less punishing not getting it. And dying as survivor doesn't hurt as much when you can get a decent brick of survival points now with great skill checks.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    i finally got to run up against quadruple circle today, so i'm reporting in with my experience

    resetting for free or speedily p much anywhere is insane and absolutely worth the 14 sec of not being on a gen

    otherwise, multiple shadowsteps-circles on midwich with a few quick and quiets/iron wills proved to be pretty much instant chase losers, that's not really a metric you can measure with time lost but a couple of those instances will certainly lose you the match itself

    afterall, like on that one autohaven match, hear blue totem lit nearby --> break door to the shop --> nobody around/in lockers --> gank blue totem --> patrol around a bit --> totem back 20 sec later --> nobody around/in lockers --> gank blue totem --> actually get a chase finally --> totem back mid-chase --> it's shadowstep of course and your injured chasee has iron will and a nearby jungle gym --> gens fly --> lose

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    boon totems made a hex so useless!And can abuse reinstall 1000 times...may e next time devs will make a sport cat for survivors or taxi?idk

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 416

    Just boring to play against really.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I've been playing in the last few days and it seems like in almost every match someone is having a circle of healing, not only Mikaela. They bless the boon at the start of the match and reblessing them when they can.

    I paid attention to how long the boon lasts until the killer finds it and usually the boon is active for over 4 minutes at most. if the map is small killers finds it kinda fast.

    I don't like it while playing both roles.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited October 2021


    I'm pretty sure the're getting a nerf in a future patch shortly.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    Extremely unfun and generally pretty op. Shadowstep kills every single aura reading perk in the game if survivors consistently put it up in high traffic areas, not to mention it can make it nigh impossible to track on loops with lots of LOS breaks. Circle of healing makes hit and run killers like legion and wraith completely redundant, since the perks allows an infinite method of healing yourself back to full relatively quickly. You basically have to commit to survivors now as lower tier killers since you literally cannot afford to spread pressure. The boons are very unfun.

    I assume they'll get a huge nerf like MoM

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I'm not inherently opposed to boons as a concept, but the inability to permanently destroy them feels like a problem, at least with their current strength level.

    I don't have much of an opinion on Shadow Step, but Circle of Healing is extremely damaging to killers that spread pressure. Hit and run playstyles suffer heavily when every survivor is self-sufficient and can go to a designated zone and heal up - no group slowdown on needing teammates to heal them and much less running into random injured survivors for quick downs. Territorial killers get pretty screwed and 3-gens are weaker for killers that lack massive map mobility. Just knowing where a boon is doesn't always help when you can't afford the time to snuff something that's going to come back on as soon as you leave the area.

    Boons are especially irritating on multi-floor maps or maps with catwalks, because the detour necessary to clear a boon from the area that the boon affects becomes immense.

    Sure, it takes survivors time to re-bless a totem, but survivors have four times as much time to spare as the killer does and considerably more map presence. They're not the worst things ever, but I'd like to see them toned down.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    So it seems from this discussion that the answer is overwhelmingly negative response to boons. I guess we can just hope devs pick up on the vibe

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    100%. I used to run small game/inner strength on all my survivors. CoH alone feels absolutely busted in comparison. I cannot believe these perks never permanently deactivate in a match

    I've been playing on and off since 2018, and this is the first time I've ever started just playing survivor for the vast majority of matches. Killer feels miserable right now with all this #########

  • HLC
    HLC Member Posts: 35

    total bullshit... can tell this as survivor and killer

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,703

    I hope so but it’ll be a long while before they get nerfed. If that ever happens.

  • Moonman157
    Moonman157 Member Posts: 102

    I've yet to personally experience a game where they felt OP, they are good, especially on small maps but they still feel somewhat at odds with the true meta for survivors. I thought everyone agreed that the strongest way for survivors to play is to aggressively stick to gens, and that means even when you are injured (particularly when you get down to 1 or 2 gens). But now it seems like everyone is convinced that seeking out totems, blessing them and maybe even re-blessing them, and then running to one side of the map to heal up constantly is the strongest ######### ever introduced in this game. I'm sure they can be extremely powerful in the hands of an amazing swf, but that's the case with a lot of stuff in this game.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    They only take time for the survivor with the boon perks - for the other three they get an infinite three free perks (Distortion, Lucky Break and improved Self Care) for zero investment in time or perk slots.

    Completely OP.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,284

    Hate them. Been having 2-4 people using them in every match making my matches almost impossible. So i became the Antiboon survivor. I will help the killer any way i can by destroying those totems before they can be booned.

    As a killer im just expecting to not have any kills anymore shrug . I play killers like Ghostyface, Pig so speed isnt my friend.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I've actually been doing this too. I'm busting every totem I see even when the Mikaela characters are gesturing wildly to get me to let them bless it

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,284

    I'm leveling Mikaela but instead of using her BS skills i destroy everything. I dont care if survivors are yelling at me end of the match. If killer is chasing me i try to lead him/her to the damn boons :D I really dont survivors have fun in this game just roll stomping on killers? I don't even have fun when my matches are too easy.

    Antiboon Mikaela to the rescue!