Survivor mains behavior disappoints me

Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

Sorry guys, but i need to get this out

Last night, i had a few killer matches where survivors were just complete jerks. They go out of there way to pester the killer as much as they can and mock the killer afterwards for not doing a good enough job.

I messaged one of the survivors, not angry, just to say my part of it. We ended the conversation calmly, but apparently they told one of their friends about it and that guys friend, who wasn't even IN THE MATCH, felt the sudden need to message me out of no-where and trash talk me for a performance they didn't even see!

He went on to say things such as 'You're A**' and 'its not my fault you're A**'. Then worst of all, he went on to say inappropriate things about my mother!

I mean, what forced a guy to go out of his way just to message someone to bring them down, even when they're WEREN'T there?! What is it about playing Survivors that bring out to worst in people?

And why do Survivors think playing a certain character makes them pros? "Oh look at me, i'm Nea with pink hair and neon clothing. I'm practically untouchable and the match will be a definite win!". The character you play as doesn't change your chances of winning or losing, the perks you use do, but the character doesn't.

The lack of disrespect brings me down some times, Survivors get massive egos and gloat harshly when the killer fails. Survivors mains need to stop and think of this the next time why want to bully killers. "Would i like it if they did that to me when i'm killer?".

I'm sorry guys, i've just been keeping this in for a while and i needed to get it out. I don't mean to sound mean or harsh, but last nights message attack left me bothered. Again, sorry to all of you, and have a good day
