Madness tier 3 prevents you from jumping into open hatch

Like why 👍🏻?
what ever I’ll humor you and say not being able to work on generators/healing/totems when madness tier 3 all tho it’s exaggeratedly OP; but after all other 3 survivors are dead and the hatch is clearly open why literally could I not just jump in and exit escape hatch?
Wait what really? That's ridiculous.
There's so many conditions that allow you to escape anyway, either through hatch or the main gate..
Heck, the reverse bear traps outright kill you if you try to leave through the main gate.. but the hatch is fine..
You can get out the main gate with madness.. why not hatch?
I assume it has to do with it being a left click action over just walking out or something.. but it's still stupid
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Are you sure a doctor didn't shock you as you got to the hatch while also making you hit tier 3? The doctor's shock can also make you not jump in hatch.
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It was most likely this. Happened to me once, never again.
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No it's doesn't. You got shocked and it disabled the interaction.
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Don’t tell me it isn’t what I clearly saw.
I was not shocked while trying to jump in. I received a static blast from a far distance, There was only a snap out of confusion prompt and spoiler alert 🚨 there was not enough time to snap out of confusion by the time the dr got to me.
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I’m on console
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Look at the comment I just posted to the guy that literally told me no. Lol that or I played against a hacker
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Whatever button it is to do most actions.. A, I guess? or Circle or whatever on xbox controllers?
Either way.. same button to do gens and heals and totems and scratch your balls.
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wait, so were you standing over the hatch trying to snap out of it??
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You probably have to position yourself just right for the hatch prompt to pop up and override the snap out of it prompt. The same thing can happen when trying to unhook or open exit gates in tier 3 madness (or with Victor on your head)
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No. I ran over to hatch in tier 3. You know to jump in you have to press a button when prompted to, I was only given a snap out of it prompt
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ohhh that's weird. You would think it would let you escape???
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I’ll say I had enough time to walk over that hatch several different positions and nothing. So I decided to try snapping out of it. Although obviously I wasn’t going to have enough time
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I'd probably get so mad after that.
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I mean the reality is technically the hatch was open. If a survivor in the dying state could interact with it and fall in, why couldn’t a (I was) fully healthy tier 3 madness survivor interact with an open hatch
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I’m fairly certain from personal experience, and other posts, the hatch escape prompt has been buggy lately. Not sure if it was ever addressed.
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Extremely inconvenient
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I main doctor. Tier 3 prevents you from using keys but it does not prevent you from the hatch escape interaction. You either caught a shock or misaligned your character on the hatch and began the snap out of it interaction instead.
I'm telling you definitively, tier 3 does not prevent open hatch escapes. You can tell me water isn't wet as much as you want, but if you walk out in the rain you're still gonna get soaked. Reality exists outside of your preconceptions.
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when you say it prevents you from using keys are you talking about pre hatch/key nerf?? or now?
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It prevents all other item usage, so assuming it follows suite even today.
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my question was kinda dumb. I should know that.
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Dude, I’ve been playing for years. I know what I saw. Don’t tell me what clearly happened to me didn’t happen to me. You weren’t even there.
I came in here to ask for a reason. Er... well to complain for a reason.
maybe I was playing against a hacker, but it really did not give me the option to use the open hatch.
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Talking about water isn’t wet. Boy you don’t know me. I’m not an expert player but I’m not a new player either. I know my way around dbd
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couldn't you crawl into it after he downed you?
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No the first thing he did was close the hatch while I was on it. WHICH IS ANOTHER BIG COMPLAINT. why tf can survivors not jump in hatch when killer is standing on it (while it’s still open); but killers can close hatch even if survivor is standing right on it?
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Killers are given priority in closing the hatch, and can even prevent key usage by standing on the right spot.