So they turn DC penalty back on...

But still leave these bs hits through windows and pallets untouched. Like yeah, survivors totally have no legit reason to DC, not even after getting hit from 7 meters away after a window vault.
Pallets have hit validation so if you got hit, you got hit.
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Even though I dropped the pallet BEFORE the hit happened, sure. What about mile long hits after window vaults?
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It's the same ping issue as when killers hit someone who screams but keeps going with Dead Hard - in your case, circumstance is giving you the feedback of movement but the rollback information still downs you. They hit you a few milliseconds ago, but it looked like it didn't on your screen.
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It's latency. Happens to killers all the time (especially after the DH 'fix'), except that when it happens to us, we think we've hit or downed someone and get totally spun.
Pallets, however, are validated on your side. Meaning that you didn't get a lag hit, you just got hit.
Regardless, DCing because you got a bad bounce because of latency is just being The Incredible Sulk.
Also: aren't you the guy who was demanding that BHVR not fix the uncleanse-able boon bug, because something something uncleanse-able hexes years ago?
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Just had a game with the iri head huntress. Two teammates DC'd instantly, and I would've done the same, if not for a challenge. And those guys received a penalty for not desiring to cater for the power drunk BMing troll. I bet that troll will create a new thread complaining about "DCs ruinig the game", when it's not the DCs that ruin the game, it's the direct reasons of DCs that do. But instead of fixing the reason of the problem they limit only the consequences.
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Iri head is nowhere near as bad as it used to be.
Honestly, it's way less oppressive than a SWF team bringing multiple BNP+PYT. And yet I'd never DC on them (the only time I'll DC is when someone is abusing an infinite, or refusing to end).
Just play the game out and don't be a baby.
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How is using a nerfed iri add-on being a "BMing troll"?
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They didn't nerf it enough, it's still a free insta down leaving no chance to survivors.
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Yeah, except I'm talking about soloQ experience, so your whataboutistic argument about SWFs is completely irrelevant.
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I've had more instances of hitting a survivor , they scream, I get pallet stunned and they incur no injuries.
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The devs cannot balance this game around both solo and SWF.
What they need to do is adjust the MMR of SWFs so they face stronger killers (other games do this already, like a 1.2x MMR for a 2man, a 1.4 for a 3man and a 1.7x for a 4man). This would mean that solo queue players will have a larger pool of killers to draw on at their MMR.
Getting more people to play killer regularly would have the same effect.
Nerfing good addons has the opposite effect.
Remember - if you are getting put up against sweaty killers, chances are that you need to play less sweaty yourself if you don't want it to continue.
I save my strong addons for potential SWF groups usually. The only time I'll drop them on a bunch of randoms is if I recognize one as someone who BMed me in another game.
Also: don't use fallacy terms when you don't fully understand them. It's just...cringe. A comparison isn't whataboutism.
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You didn't actually hit them, but the Devs have yet to change them screaming.
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Well most of those are due to bhvrs ######### servers. They somehow make the game unsynced for you while making it a buff to have more ping.
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Literally been playing all October as Survivor unless for challenges never ran into any problems but that's why I main survivor
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It's free only if u stand still. And she has only 1 hatchet. Blame yourself not the killer.
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There are only few high skill killers in the game. Swf que time would be hours if u adjust in your way.
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Completely false information here. Basic Attacks and Special Attacks are all handled on The Killer's end; the server may reject a hit in extreme cases of latency. The threshold is unknown, but we know it is very lenient to non-existent. However, Pallets and now DH is validated by the server, not on the survivor's end. And I agree with OP; it's not fun getting struck from great distances due to the massive competitive advantage killer players have.
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We NEED DC penalty's! The amout of toxic survivor mains that rage quit when i down them for the first time is just insane.
I don't know what you mean with hits through windows or pallets, you are probably just lagging. This almost never happens to me when i play survivor.
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Yeah, but don't pretend killer players don't DC as soon as gens pop before they get a down or even their Hex cleansed. The no-penalty periods are always interesting to see how (and why) people DC lol
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I didn't say killers don't DC, but survivors just DC way more often. I play both killer and survivor. Almost every game one or more survivors DC'd. When i played survivor almost ervery game a teammate DC'd. Same thing when i played killer. When i was playing survivor i only got 3 killers that DC'd. It's just a fact that survivors DC way more often.
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Yeah, they took away my favorite perk in the game DC'ing I feel robbed! :D
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Getting a bad hit or even several is still not a legit reason to DC.
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It would be a few minutes, at worst. And if it's between SWF stompcomps waiting a few extra minutes or the same groups flattening killers they shouldn't be matched against, I'll take the former every day of the week.
If your MMR is taking longer, that's because it's either very high or very low, and there aren't enough killers at that MMR - which is fine. Fair matches trump instant queues.
Absolutely, 100% wrong.
BHVR have even confirmed the DH validation bug on the killer's end, where a 'hit' registers visually and audio-wise. This happens to me about 20% of the time when a survivor DH's me, and I play with 30-40ms maximum.
It's still not a reason to DC.
Assuming you are right (I'm not sure if you are, I certainly haven't seen killers DC anywhere near as frequently as survivors do):
- Whataboutism.
- When a killer DCs, the game ends and you can find another. When a survivor DCs, you've got to play out a crappy match.
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I wish the penalty had stayed off.
That, or that it was 5 minutes max.
I have slightly spotty internet, but I still want to be able to play.
It'd also be nice to have some basic anticheat in the game, like monitoring speed, airtime, etc.
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The problem is that when you turn it off, it gives people the power to troll/grief their time on demand, or to just DC the second the game it's going there way.
If anything, it should be stronger.
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Didn't need a nerf, needed the skill ceiling raised. So many people use it from two feet away. 24+ meters to insta down should've been what it was.
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Getting a latency hit is not a legit reason to DC. If you believe it is, you shouldn't play an online videogame.
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If you had ever played against iri head trolls, you would know that they don't "throw" their hatchets. They approach you at melee range and then throw the hatchet, making it nearly impossible to miss. This way iri head grants them an on demand insta down "lunge" ability that can be reloaded at any locker.
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If you get hit in any other online video game, you lose ~5% of your hp, and if you die - you respawn and continue playing. If you get unfairly hit in DbD - you lose your life and the game is irredeemably lost for you.
And yeah, it's not the latency, it's the vaulting hitboxes, which has been proven countless times. For some reason they haven't even touched the hitboxes since 2016.
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I have no sympathy for people who ragequit. It’s extremely disrespectful of the other players in the match.
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I guess, but maybe an exception for those with bad internet? There are ways to tell how a player's ping is doing in game already.
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Not every online game is a shooter lmao.
Of course it's latency. "Has been proven countless times" show me one proof.
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Yeah, but BMing your opponents and sandbagging your teammates, who don't even have the ability to quit, during the whole game is very respectful, right?
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"Can't believe they did x but didn't do completely unrelated y" Very solid logic.
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Where did he say that? Not to mention that this isn't even the problem mentioned in your main post.
DC penalty is a must because a part of this game's community simply can't lose, and some survivor players dc after the first down, or when they have to do against a killer they "don't like to go against". Or killer players that dc because they got hit by a few pallets.
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He implied it. Because with DC penalty on players have to endure being BM'd and sandbagged without being able to do anything about it. For example, killers can now leave the last survivor on the ground to bleed out, wasting 4 whole minutes of the victim's time, while they are unable to leave earlier. Survivors can cooperate with the killer and just spam unhook action on a hooked teammate until he dies completely, while the hooked survivor won't even be about to kill themselves. People who support DC penalty support this kind of crap by implication.
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You clearly don't understand how validation works, and the devs have made no such claims. The hit completion audio and visuals are not bugs. The mods have been accepting feedback about it doesn't mean it is. That's just your local client reacting in real-time to the hit you got on your screen. However, when your client checks with the server, it can accept or reject the hit based on two factors. If the server rejects the hit, the health state is restored to the Survivor, and The Killer enters the missed attack CD. So nothing I said was wrong; you just don't understand.
Now moving on, there are many things in the world you will never personally see. That fact changes nothing about what I said. Whataboutism doesn't apply here. I never distinguished DCs; I merely pointed out that it wasn't exclusive to one side.
You're guilty of whataboutism. Pointing out that the game ends when The Killer DCs is an unnecessary and hypocritical distinction to draw, you're trying to detract the fact that Killers also DC on the basis that when they do so, it is less devastating. DCs are universally bad, I understand why people do it, but it doesn't matter which side does. I agree that we need a DC penalty, not just because Survivor players may DC but because everyone can and does.
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No, intentionally throwing a game is also disrespectful. Why would you assume I would think otherwise?
If you're logging into a match then you should actually play the match. Don't ragequit, don't go afk for extended periods for no reason, don't intentionally throw the match.
And no, your teammate not playing well isn't a reason to ragequit. Suck it up and finish the game.
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No, I think you are just interpreting that into their comment. They were clearly talking about people that just rage quit, leaving the rest of their team behind.
Of course there are problems like survivors trolling their team mates, or toxic killers wasting survivors time. But the solution to that isn't getting rid of the dc penalty, because that just creates a far bigger problem in this game, which is people just rage quitting as soon as something doesn't go their way.
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Are you by chance playing on the dark side of the moon?
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For gods sake please turn off dc penalty
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Even with the validation it’s still broken… hit a killer they are stunned carry on running you have gone down.. they don’t 100% work even as killer you get stunned when your not even In the distance of the pallet
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Nope, I always have stable ping under 60ms. Unfortunately, killer's ping is hidden, so I can't compare, and we can only guess the reason why BHVR decided to hide killer's ping.
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Personally the films from DC are penalties in them selves
I leik marvel more myself ( the green lantern being my favourite )
what you guys think ?
kind regards
Ronald Weasley
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Survivors don't have a legit reason to dc, you're just babyraging when you got hit. Facing cheaters however, is a whole other ballgame.