Those who have faced 3 blink Nurse: How would you rate your experience?

Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I personally went against a very sweaty Nurse running this addon and recharge + meta. I'd rate my experience a 1/10! What about you?


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,655

    Not good, if the Nurse knows what she is doing. 3 Blink-Nurse should not exist at all. Yes, the Add On was bad before, but they should have changed it to anything else what is useful, but anything different than 3 Blinks.

  • Zacharry100
    Zacharry100 Member Posts: 133

    The owner of the post must have never faced nurse when she was at her best.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918
    edited October 2021

    As a nurse main i can say they are right. After putting 1k+ hours into nurse you are pretty much unstoppable without perks and addons on like 99% of survivor players. the other 1% you need those perks and addons though. 3 Blinks is insane.

    What they really should do is have it be a better Spasmodic where after a blink strike you get a bunch of buffs:

    • 115% movement speed
    • Faster vault and pallet break speed and lunge distance (think myers tier 3)
    • Make it so landing a hit in this mode takes it away so you can go back to blinking.
    • Extra fatigue for missing a blink strike.

    Then rework spasmodic.

    Matchbox should be reworked to:

    • Removes 1 blink charge
    • 4.2 m/s movement speed
    • Increase blink lunge range to be normal lunge range.
    • Decrease fatigue on successful blink strike.

    So matchbox becomes more, quick, short blinks and bookmark changes her playstyle more.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited October 2021

    Oh no, I remember facing OG nurse all too well. I just thought she was gone... :(

    Don't get me wrong, it's a lot better than 3-5 blink (did not play when 7 blink was a thing) without a cooldown, but MAN is 3 still miserable even with one.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I haven't faced one yet, but as a Nurse main I must say people are overrating this addon. People seem to forget how the Blink Recharge mechanic hurts Nurse a lot, and 50% more of that is brutal. Even if you add Fragile Wheeze it's only -20%.

    I'd take a 3 Blink Nurse over Range + Recharge or double Range everyday.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited October 2021

    I wouldn't. The fun of playing against Nurse is the fact that you can play around 2 blinks. She has 2 shots to get me, and if she ######### up, fatigue time. Gives me distance and more time, and it FEELS rewarding. It feels GOOD to escape a blink. With 3 blinks, the chance of that happening is SIGNIFICANTLY lower.

    She catches up with the first blink. Second blink, she over or undershoots because I made distance/double backed/broke LOS and abused that. Usually, at that point, it feels good to temporarily escape that situation. But then, out comes the 3rd pocket blink! I get hit anyway.

    EVEN if you wanna argue that the combo is slightly weaker than range and recharge or double recharge, this addon still shuts down counterplay that usually makes facing the best killer in the game still fun, even if she's extremely oppressive (and I really don't mind, as she usually only has 2 blinks).

    If you wanna say that a Nurse misblinking but immediately recovering with double recharge is overall a lot harder to deal with than 3 blinks, that's fair, I don't know if I'd agree, but making the Nurse ######### up with 2 blinks and having a 3rd come out to completely patch her previous mistake feels completely awful to verse, and I think Nurse NOT feeling awful to verse is incredibly important considering the fact that she's also insanely strong.

    This is something that felt terrible to face pre-rework and feels just as awful now, even if her recharge is longer.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Well I get your point, fair enough. It feels weird to play with 3 blinks after more than 2 years of her rework, so it must be weird to play against it too. My argument is just that it isn't a very strong addon, and it gets outshined by double range or range + recharge.

    It's overall a boring addon because the Nurse will be walking way more due to the slooooow recharge. At least a double recharge Nurse is fun because she's blinking all the time.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544
    edited October 2021

    As a guy who -insert meaningless prestige-

    Nurse is fine, still a gawd killer in dbd but she's been toned down enough

    If anything they should get rid of or replace her power recovery addons

    Post edited by ClumsyTrapper on
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,983

    This. Well said. My sentiments exactly. The few times I manage to dodge the second blink just stings falling to the third. I wish some of these sweaty killers would save ######### like this for the SWF’s. It’s really unnecessary for solo que players. Complete overkill.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Back then survivors were a lot stronger and had better tools to deal with her, but Dead Hard still nullifies one blink attack and she's still turbo slow unless she's blinking. It was a different game. However yes, she will always be very capable hands.

    It's probably more dangerous now because when 3 blinks was default you'd plan your moves accordingly. Now that 3rd blink sneaks up on ya. I still think running her around the basement or over multiple stories is the best idea.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Thanks to the dead hard buff every survivor is a 3 hit to down now so i think it is fine.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited October 2021

    With this games net code yeah it is. You can't even delay your hit to swing through dead hard and hit them when it ends any more because it forces you into a cooldown.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Bring back 7 blink nurse!

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039
    edited October 2021

    Nurse is fun to play against when they aren't good at her this applies to the 3 blink add on as well

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I think the old addon was kinda niche tho, if you could see through it, you could blink through it. And there is a lot of holes you can see through. People would never expect a 3-blink nurse to go through a crack in the door or wall.

    Personally, I would love it if Nurse had more addons that have creative playstyles like Spasmodic Breath. Whenever I use it(especially when used with Bad Man's Last Breath, Dark Devotion and Play With Your Food(you are guaranteed 1 stack if you lose the obsession after hitting them), survivors are always freaked out if a Nurse appears around a corner, since she doesnt have any footsteps, speeding at them at 120% or more movementspeed and hitting like a truck.

    Give me more addons like that on Nurse, and I would absolutely main her.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    3 blinks is not that much.

    I've faced 5 blinks before (didn't face the infamous 7 blinks...yet) and, to be honest with you, I would give it a 7/10.

    Nurse was a killer that really fitted Old DBD's horror aesthetic, and I like the type of challenge that she provides. What prevents her from getting a 10/10 is the excessive slugging and my personal preference for other killers.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Best thing about removing extra free blinks without downsides was it got rid of the skilless Nurses.

    Why is this back

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    She needs to be reworked TBH. But hey, let me know how that works mr. "This is a party game so it shouldn't be balanced"

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    These add-on are worthless for iri. you made them as bad as Pyramid head's iri add-ons. all killers should have strong iri add-ons, they're suppose to be their best add-ons. Matchbox add-on needs a buff. it should not remove 1 blink charge. only make you 4.2.

    I just do not find nurse as an interesting killer to go against, lack of counter-play on survivor end.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    No, the iridescent addons should not be the "strongest ones" It is unhealthy for game balance to do so. if you make them strong enough to be the "best" then there is no reason to use any other addon. If you don't then they become useless.

    In general most addons are boring and they need to move away from the "make x think 10% better" addons which are just pointless and boring. They need to make more addons that fundamentally change how a killer is played.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I don't see an issue at all. If a Nurse is godly, they aren't going to be reliant on that third blink anyway. If anything they'll just be more hindered by the longer cooldown. On the other hand if the Nurse isn't great, they probably won't get any better on the third blink than they were on the first two, and you have significantly longer to run away in their cooldown.

    The only people it really has an effect on is absolute middle-of-the-road Nurses, and those are so rare you can probably count them on one hand.

    If anything, this add on change was ONLY for the achievement where you blink 3 times into a grab, because since she only had 3 blinks when you needed line of sight, that was basically impossible outside of farming.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I played against old nurse a lot so I'm still the same, I still hate 3 blink nurse.

    I haven't played against the current one with the 3 blink addon.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Honestly, while I haven't personally played against 3-blink Nurse, I don't see it as a problem.

    People who suck as Nurse or are still learning her aren't going to fare any better than they would with two blinks and those who are already good at Nurse don't really need it.

    I'd consider myself somewhat good as Nurse, and I've used triple blink for a few games. Found myself not really needing it most of the time.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I think they use these add-ons for balance purposes. add-on allow you to have many versions of same killer in a game. you can have weak killer, a average killer and super empowered killer depending on what rarity the killer uses add-ons.

    Nurse can be base-kit which kinda weak from hold-W(still better than a lot of other killers), recovery+range which is suppose to be her average and 3 blink which is suppose to be her strongest.

    "They need to make more addons that fundamentally change how a killer is played."

    Waterlogged shoe for hag changes how hag is played, she becomes 115% m/s and her traps no longer teleport, instead they inflicted hindered. Who plays waterlogged shoe hag? Nobody. It's garbage.

    Hag has another add-on that disable teleports, but makes her phantasm traps bodyblock. Does anyone play this? Not really, trigger trap at base is usually an instant tp->hit. why would i ever use this?

    Scratch Mirror removes myer's exposed status effect and gives him 32 meter wallhack with 105% m/s. This add-on is only useful indoor maps, otherwise its so bad on normal maps that its literally unplayable.

    I could go on with add-ons like Oni's Renjiro glove or Pig's Amanda letter which trade their powers for aura-reading and once again, they're hot garbage. Nurse has add-on that removes her ability for 60 seconds to become 115 m/s killer. Do you use it?

    Add-on that change killer playstyle are epitome of trash add-on design. They're literally just an excuse to give killers garbage add-on choices that nobody will use.

    The critic about them is that a new play-style for killer can just be NEW KILLER. Why make an add-on for new playstyle when you can just release a completely new killer with 21 add-ons with completely new playstyle.

    Killers only need 1 playstyle, and it is playstyle of that killer, they do not need 20 playstyles. instead of making 20 playstyles, just make new killer.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    10/10 Wouldn't DH again.

    When I got against a 3 blink Nurse, I feel there's more gameplay to be had because E didn't give me a free Health State.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924
    edited October 2021

    While it is nowhere near the 5-Blink and Omega Blink Nurses from hell that many old players had to deal with, modern 3-Blink is still incredibly strong and honestly pretty unfun to face against

    Nurse, by default, already ignores 90% of survivor’s defences, and that 3rd blink makes her best counters (jukes while out of LOS) less reliable, it’s not broken, since at the end of the day you still need to deal with Nurse’s ridiculous amounts of jank and about 50 million different bugs and glitches, but it is very unfun if the Nurse is even remotely competent

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I enjoy it.

    Nurse is one of the few killer where you have to completly change how you chase. With more of a use of LoS blockers then just recognising and running tiles. 3 Blinks is harder but still managable. If she misses all 3 Blinks she's in fatigue forever and you'll most likely be able to lose her.

    3 is the max though. We don't need a return of 5 blink nurse

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited November 2021

    Great Nurses still misblink all the time - that's the only way a good Nurse actually has counterplay. Competitive Nurses ######### up their blinks all the time. You can't act like Nurses play perfectly constantly, it's literally not possible. This 3rd blink makes an already VERY good Nurse that still extremely oppressive, even if they misblink, even MORE oppressive, and it shuts down counterplay tremendously. This is how 3-5 blink was back then, and that's how it is now.

    You have to think about counterplay vs. those very good Nurses you're talking about. The only way you can have more than a 2 second chase is making them misblink with the 2 blinks they have. The 3rd blink in their pocket completely undoes their mistake. I have faced this, on a good Nurse, twice now. It's stupidly cheesy and feels awful to face, again, just like how it was back then.

    Have you actually GONE against it? Genuinely? Are you speaking about the addon from experience facing it? That's who this post is for.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited November 2021

    The only counterplay versus a good Nurse is making her misblink with LOS breaks and distance making/double backing. Good Nurses misblink against good Survivors at least a few times. No Nurse is always hitting both blinks every single time. You see it in competitive matches. What makes counterplay possible is the fact that she has 2 shots at you. A 3rd can patch up those mistakes completely and will shut down counterplay in most scenarios.

    It also gives you a faster recharge if you have all 3 up and only use 1-2. EVEN faster with recharge addons.

    If you're facing average survivors, sure, you probably don't need it. But anyone who knows how to face Nurse will likely make her ######### up at least once or twice, and the extra blink makes that far less possible.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842
    edited November 2021

    You're not wrong, but that doesn't necessarily make the add-on a problem since balancing decisions are not made around "good" survivors. They're made around average survivors.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Not really any different from normal nurse, even with recharge add on her fatigue is so long, that if she makes a mistake she loses a ton of time.

    Either way this add on shouldnt be a thing, I was okay with the previous, more meme version of it