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I'm Done with DbD

I've been playing DbD for over 5 years, and i've always had a great time with it. I've played Killer, i've played Survivor, i've played one more than the other sometimes, but it's been fun overall.

But ever since the update.. it's just been constant nerf after nerf for killers. They just can't stop! Every single update, just tearing us down more and more and more. We haven't even gotten a single, tiny, solitary buff, but the devs just love Survivors and keep giving them incredible godly powers every update, while we fight for the tiniest scraps that we never get.

So that's it. I'm quitting DbD. And i'm staying gone until every one of my Killer brothers and sisters follows me, one unionized whole, part of a greater axis for change, so we can take back DbD from the survivor-gripped clutches of BHVR and make it ours once more.

We'll change this game for the better, killers.


Nothing's going to happen. I'll work myself up into a subdued rage on the forums, curse BHVR and those damn survivors for taking over everything. I'll call to unionize us poor killers to take it all back.

Then i'll boot up DbD again. As will everyone who voted up my post.

And i'll do pretty alright. At least, until my one bad game-- then it's back to the forums.

And 'round and 'round she goes.

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  • Member Posts: 383

    I hear you man the games are just unplayable since the update. The game thinks im some kind of god at killer. Gens are done so fast and most of my games are a 1k or they all escape. Was never like this before.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Haven't stopped me from getting 4k when playing Killers.

  • Member Posts: 452
    edited October 2021

    I don't think the devs will ever change killers in such a way, that it does get the power role the killer deserves. Killer players are just babysitters so survivors have a good time.

    I still play this game but I minimalised my expectations. I don't kill anyone anymore. Survivors need to be held by their hand and let them out of the exit gates, so that's what's I'm going to do.

    I wish you all the best in your future :)

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Another lost soul...

    I welcome you to the land of exile.

  • Member Posts: 297

    i feel that

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    so long partner

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm thinking this with your second option. There are those who leave, but understandably return with fresh hope in their hearts.

    If you do return, may the rejoinder be a lot more enjoyable than how you are taking it presently.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    I have my doubts. Evolve 2 did the same thing. This game does the same thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if VHS ends up down the same path as well. Basically making the game easier overall for their largest microtransaction buyers to encourage more sales. Kind of an EA move but eh.....

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Just do like me and just play just survivor for the time being.

    Been playing since day 1 on playstation about 70% killer, and ever since they implemented sbmm all i got were sweat fest after sweat fest after sweat fest, etc.

    So i decided to just stay on the survivor side for the time being.

    Maybe if more people would do that they will see an sudden increase in survivor and a decrease in killers.

    And who knows, maybe they will open their eyes for once.

    Tho getting to know bhvr over the years, i don't think they will.

  • Member Posts: 22

    i am also tired of Doing Brians Dishes cause he is a bit of a slob and doesnt clean up after him. but these are the things ya got to do sometimes.

    Kind Regards,

    Brians apprentice

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Behavior hand holds survivors.

    they can have up to 16 perks. Mainly consisting of meta when you're high Mmr...

    It's ######### boring to keep facing a same team that just don't do anything but hold W and never mindgames at all..

    All the While, your gens got rushed to #########, ruin got cleansed 15 seconds in, aaaaaand just ggez all around...

    ######### mmr.. hope it dies out soon so it can go back to the good ol days

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, the possibility of survivors being able to escape needs to be a possibility, and killing 1 survivor snowballs very heavily into a 3k(I had a game earlier, all 4 survivors were alive and 4 gens were done, only 3 hooks, I killed one without the final gen being finished and it turned into a 3k since there was not enough time to finish gens).

    And the biggest issue? The people I played against thought Boon Circle of Healing was the reason why they got so far. They didnt set up the boon untill 4 generators were gone, and even with that "infinite healing" it didnt matter because the time it cost them to run there, make sure I am not nearby, heal themselves and then run back was more than enough for generators to regress faster than they could repair it. It was the medkits that allowed them to heal themselves without needing to go anywhere specific that ruined my snowball potential.

    The balance of the game is fine, items being brought to the trial simply shouldnt be in the hands of a survivor at the start of the match. Heck, I would even say to put them inside a personal chest inside the killer's basement. Giving survivors the option to either go to the basement for a good increase in efficiency at the risk of getting caught or never recieving their items all game. Needing to go somewhere specific to do a specific action to gain a benefit is balanced. Being able to afk for 3 minutes, get hit and then being able to heal yourself as soon as the killer was forced to leave you for whatever reason is a problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    They definitely do indeed, i have absolutely no fear when i get chased whatsoever.

    And that actually is something you should have if you're survivor, the fear you might not get out and actually have to work for it to escape.

    Unfortunately the have said that sbmm is staying, which just shows how dumb and ignorance they actually are.

  • Member Posts: 360

    K. Bye.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Bye 👋

  • Member Posts: 462

    Bye wise Grandpa! What you gonna do there... you know... in RL?

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I wonder how many people actually read it.

  • Member Posts: 709

    Welcome to the salty killer convention! Held once a week on the forums it seems.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I always think of Arrested Development: 'I didn't read past "unfrozen."'

    Just replace "unfrozen" with "the thread title" on these forums.

  • Member Posts: 544

    my guy is spitting facts the dev's treat survivors like royalty and treat us like homeless people

    I am starting to get sick and tired of nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf

    you made a good choice quitting. might I recommend VHS game it's way better and has dev's that care about both sides

  • Member Posts: 709

    Survivors should die the second they load into the match. I think its fair because boons or something like that. Its op.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Personally think Mikaela's entire perk pool ruined the system. It's disgusting power creep. For a good bit, Killer has been fairly balanced with the survivors, the maps being more of a determinant factor than anything else. Now, the Boon Totems that can be re-enabled and provide such powerful effects to an entire team in addition to their already meta perks, is ridiculous.

    The counterplay as a killer is be toxic, and that's such a horrible direction. Don't want survivors healing in 4 seconds? Tunnel them. Don't want Boon Totems coming back up because they were snuffed out and make it impossible to protect gens the later it goes? Tunnel them, proxy if it's a Mikaela. Want to use Hexes as a killer? Undying is mandatory (into 16 perks) because they'll be looking to use their recyclable Boons.

    Even if people want to take the stance that Killer is actually strong, none of this is fun, and has perfectly acceptable justifications for losing interest in the game.

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