Calling All Killers

Any of my fellow high ranking killers willing to run camping bubba until they fix boons? A week of miserable game play on both sides and this ridiculous game changer may be nerfed.
I don’t think that’ll be necessary, I’m positive the devs are closely monitoring game results in games with Boons and if they notice discrepancies in escape rates, etc, they’ll tone down their effects (make the Circle of Healing take longer to heal and maybe reduce the radius of effect of Shadow Step or maybe put a cooldown on its effect so it hides auras but only intermittently)
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I love a good camping Bubba game but I’ll be waiting for a long time if I answer your call.
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It would be easier just to not play. I am going to finish the Killer challenges, get my rank 1, then switch to survivor till rift 70 and then switch to another game. There are so many asymmetrical games out there now that are 10x better than dbd
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literally just play plague she hard counters boons.
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Plague at high mmr..
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Than theyll make COH let you clease without corrupting a pool as a counter to plague
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Does tp myers count?
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Just play Nea shes the best killer in the game
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Lol botrax
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The issue with calling for something like that, just the same as calling for a boycott of killer in general, is that only a fraction of the playerbase actually comes on these forums. You'll never be able to request every player of the game to do something because a large majority will never even know it's going on.
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We don't need every killer. Just a handful.
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As frustrating as it is, the answer shouldn't be to answer the toxicity with more toxicity. The devs check this forum more often than you think. Between that and escape stats I'm sure the Boons will get changed very shortly
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Say it again :D
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Like they fixed Gen speeds after the ruin nerf?
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If this happened, I'd reinstall the game just to uninstall it again.
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Judith takes forever. I have better success with tp+jmm.
Judith+tuft is good when it works but I wouldn't use it without map offering tho.
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I'm 5 games into bubba. Still getting kills and working half as hard.
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Honestly the cooldown idea is the best (right now... IMO)
Like how many Killer players used NOED instead of Ruin when Ruin got it's change... I didn't
My best build is:
Sloppy- Coulrophobia- Whispers- Corrupt
Sloppy makes healing take longer
Coulrophobia makes healing harder in TR and if you know where the Boon Totem is that makes it easier
Whispers counters Shadowstep to an extent
Corrupt for early game pressure... some survivors will place a Boon Totem around the blocked Gens, some other survivors will stay in the blocked Gen area (both of those situations are good enough)... then other Survivors will (try and) find a unblocked Gen to work on... other (other) Survivors will try to find you instead of any of those
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did you really just say they are monitoring game results when the console version has been ######### for years and they've received thousands of reports on it and it still ain't fixed
let me caps that for you so you can read it better YEARS
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I am psyched for Propnight. The weekend beta a few weeks ago was so much fun.
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I don't think they check anything.
Boon totems during PTB : most killers have said it's OP
At release ? Nothing changed.
After release : most killers have said it's OP
Last streams ? They didn't even talked about boon totems
Post edited by JohnWeak on3 -
I have really gotten into Home Sweet Home, and Identity V. Prop Night is going to be a great time, and I have yet to try Horror Legends.
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I'd just like to point out that if you want a perk nerfed, the answer isn't to tunnel/camp survivors to death. Especially since the survivors aren't at fault here.
For simplicity's sake, let's say there's x2 CoH and Shadowstep in every game. Now, let's say you tunnel or camp your way to a 4k every game.
From a data standpoint, this is going to show that these perks aren't a problem. But if you let them escape, it's going to show that these perks are potentially overperforming.
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You're conflating game balance and general bugs. In terms of balance the console and PC use the same stats for perks and add-ons, etc. And balance changes are done by the devs in regular intervals. Basically they release something new, monitor it for a quarter, and then do balance tweaks. For example, the Trickster was released in patch 4.6.0 on 2021-03-02, and then the next month on 2021-04-14 got a hot fix balance and bug patch. Then they monitored him for a quarter, and on 2021-07-27 in patch 5.1.0 did a balance pass on him.
That's basically the timeline for new major content balance passes currently. It's released, they do maybe a hot fix the next month, and three months after release do a balance pass. So I fully expect the Boons are under the same schedule, meaning we might get a hot fix in late November or early December and a full balance pass around end of January, something like that.
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it took them a year to change keys I severely doubt it you must not know this company's track record lol
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I literally just gave you exact details of how they do balance passes for new characters and their perks, which is what the Boons are. Again, you're confusing changing older mechanics and bugs with character balance passes which follow a regular schedule.
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oh so were talking character balance now
character balance coming from the same studio that has left billy gutted for years and nurse which has had bugs since release
I hate to say this but your not making a very good point
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Devs don't track perk win condition. U won't prove it's broken just because u think it is. That's why everyone runs BT,DS, DH etc. on one side and Ruin, Undying, Pop etc. on other side. U need something better, for example, video with big win streak to prove how strong it is.
For every strong players there are bunch on noobs who will prove it's completely fine cause they lose often.
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I know you want to hate on Behavior, but you keep talking about older bugs which is a different topic. And Billy did get a major balance pass (in fact him and Bubba were done simultaneously) and the devs are apparently relatively ok with him now. Moreover this thread is about Boons and how you apparently think the devs are "ignoring them" and I'm telling you what their internal schedule probably is for the Boon perks: one month later a hot fix possibly, three months later a balance pass.
You don't like Billy and think Nurse is bugged, ok whatever dude, that has nothing to do with what I said.
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I don't play a lot as survivor, but I didn't face a single camping Bubba since the release of boon totems.
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I'm not referencing older bugs cause I care about them I'm referencing them to point out there track record
I'm telling you that they aren't gonna change them I'm not arguing I'm making a prediciton Ik is right ######### screenshot this and come back to it months later when I'm right i dont care
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Ok, well if they don't make a balance pass in three months or so feel free to say "I told you so". I won't hold my breath though.
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"The game is balanced as it is !"
"Trapper needs a nerf, the recent addons changes are too strong"
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Any amount of players you'd realistically get to go along with that would be statistically insignificant from the point of views of the devs. If you want to do so because you want to, go ahead. If you do so because you expect some sort of change to come from it, keep on dreaming.
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I haven’t received your call yet as I’m on holiday in west Philadelphia.
it’s really beautiful this time of year
might pop over a state to Paris soon anyone recommend it ?
Peter Pan
with a frying pan
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I will play camp bubs till they wont fix speedhacks, totems not op
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I would but i actually suck with bubba 😂
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Yes bhvr will totally rework mechanics just to buff an already good perk. Completely realistic.
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How to miss the point 101: DbD forums edition
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There is really nothing wrong with basement bubba I don't see how this is an effective protest.
The only people who get annoyed at this are the players who are annoyed by anything and everything anyway.
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I can go out of my way to participate as I literally never do that. It would be so out of my comfort zone, but I am willing to make that sacrifice.
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Must be new to this game
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BUBBA? theres something more mean than bubba, Twins slug build and if u wanna be more mean let them bleed out never hook a single one.
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"As a result of the upsurge of camping Bubbas as of late, we've decided to nerf the Cannibal. Oh, and Pig too."
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I've been around long enough to see two shack windows. I've also been a high rank killer and survivor since two shack windows. I'm not asking for an argument. I'm saying this game as killer right now is worst then I can ever remember. The devs seemingly have 0 interest in making this game fun for higher ranked players so its about time that we make games as miserable for survivors as they like to make it for us at these ranks.
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I don't really get the problem with boons. I've gone against 57 (yes I counted) Mikaelas today, all with Circle of Healing, and really all I do is bring along thanatophobia and ruin and they're busy spending the entire match healing. Shadow Step is kind of annoying, though.
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Thanks mate, that was the best laugh I've had all week!
Like the devs actually pay attention to the massive stuff-ups they provide us with every patch or if they'd do anything to make things better for killers?
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I don't know what the final result will be but I do know their regular schedule is they release a new character, maybe do a hot fix for them on the next patch to resolve bugs or quick fixes, and then about three months after initial release they put out a balance pass. There's zero reason to think they're not doing that same schedule with Mikaela and her perks.
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eh, i just quit the game alltogether.
thats most likely going to acomplish more than what you're trying to do.
at the very least I'm having fun with multiplay online games again thanks to that decision ^^