What am I supposed to do?

I've been recently getting back into Dbd and I decided to play killer again. Bear in mind the last time I played killer was approximately a year ago. On my third game, I decided to go for Adept Freddy and got a survivor stack with 3 of them running the healing boon totem and Breakout. Any time I downed and picked up someone, the other two with Breakout would come running and body block and the one I'm carrying would wiggle out. If I slugged and tried to chase the others away, the one on the ground would get picked up quickly because of the boom totems.

What exactly is the counter play to this kind of survivor stack or is there any counter play? By the time 1 gen was remaining, they knew I couldn't do anything with only 1 hook and they dragged on the game longer to farm me for points. Honestly, if there was no DC penalty, I would've just quit the match after having 3 hooks denied in a row.


  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Run them away from the boon totem and just slug anyone that gets in the way. When they get hit once they tend to move out of the way, or just fool them by going to another hook. This is what I do with players that try and flashlight save, or try to damage the hook. As a killer it's all about mind games. Put them where you want them to go. Make them jump the window, use the pallet. Don't be afraid of losing some gens at the beginning because it gives you less to patrol.

    You will always get teams that play together and will do anything to get the win. I had one today with a really bad team. I wanted to give them a chance as I wanted pumpkins. Two left decided to hide in the lockers in basement, banging doors to get my attention. When I ignored they came out. I hit both and then downed one. I was going to leave one on the floor and go for other but could not be bothered, so I hooked them. The other went to hatch and the one on hook just DC'd, so I had no time to chase. They got the hatch at the price of a DC. I could not see the point myself, but they will be celebrating they got a win on a game that would have been just 4 hooks if I did not want it to extend.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    If that specific playstyle is an issue for you Mad Grit would void it straight away. Add Iron Grasp and Agitation too if you'd like for extra protection but MG is all you'd really need there.

  • Sustina
    Sustina Member Posts: 46

    dont forget to facecamp the hook and chainsaw anyone trying to rescue

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just for reference Agitiation would allow him to actually catch up to survivors nearby if they try and back away (with Agitation rank 3 your movement speed than a survivor, even a survivor getting Hasted by Breakout (survivor with Breakout moves at 4.28 m/s, a killer with Agitation rank 3 is 4.34 m/s) . So Mad Grit lets you stall the timer by hitting the other survivor, and Agitation lets you hit them even if they're backing away.

    Still kind of overkill unless you're frequently running into survivors using Breakout, but there you go!

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    I mention that I haven't played killer in a year to explain that I'm rusty and out of the loop with what are common builds. When I last played killer, most people ran Prove Thyself and just tried to rush gens as fast as possible. I'm not expecting to win every time, because that's not how player vs player games work. I wanted to know what I should do to counter this strat if I come across it again.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    This is actually a helpful response, thank you. In that particular match, I couldn't find a noticeable weak link to tunnel and face camp. I think next time that it's obvious I'm being trolled and farmed, I'll just set down my controller, go do something else for like 10 or 15 minutes, and take the de-pip.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It helps to engage a lil, taking on teams that stomp you will make you a better player overall you can get a good idea of what good looper might do and how to counter it next time.

    Once it starts to drag out though I usually break walls, kick any pallets, repeatedly snuff boons, spam my power for points, till the last gen pops then go open the doors myself.

    Also I never care about pips its completely meaningless and people get to obsessed over it.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    I understand that taking on higher skill teams will help you improve. Before I took a hiatus from Dbd I got to rank 4 (barely Red rank) by sucking up the horrendous matchmaking and doing my best. In this specific case, I was able to get several downs, I just couldn't secure hooks.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 767

    If you stay over the person you've downed you can hit them back down again when they try and heal them back up off the floor; eventually they will bleed out and die when the timer under their name runs out.

    You wont get as many points as hooking them, and its not exactly an engaging tactic; but if you really have no choice it is always an option.

    Works against teams that try and sabotage the hooks as well.

  • BBQ
    BBQ Applicant Posts: 39

    Camp with bubba while using the perk 'Deadlock' and more often than not, there will be 3 gens left by the time you get the first survivor out. Simply pressure gens and whittle down the remaining 3 to get the 4k. If however the first survivor ran you a minute or longer, you will likely be at 1 gen left by the time they are out, 2 at best.

    If they bomb hook with BT to save the first hooked survivor and you didn't have them in the basement, there isn't much you can do other than trade the hooked person for the unhooker with BT, if this happens the mission is basically failed which is why agitation & iron grasp are so important on camping bubba.

    This is the simple bubba camping strategy, but be careful because bubba is very susceptible to getting ran for a long time, even with bamboozle. So if you camp hooks that aren't basement hooks, you will be setting yourself up for failure against the more coordinated teams.

    There is a few other dirty tricks with the weaker killers, but this is my most favored one after having a bad streak playing killer. Otherwise just run meta killers with meta builds (undying ruin with tinkerer and BBQ) and you won't have to play like dirt to secure the 4k.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    To be fair, survivors wouldnt stick around to farm more bloodpoints if the survivor bloodpoint system was actually consistent across games. If I can have the choice of staying 3 minutes longer to gain almost double the amount of bloodpoints, why wouldnt I stick around?

    "but you shouldnt play for bloodpoints", I would agree, if bloodpoints werent needed to refresh bloodwebs and if refreshing bloodwebs didnt cost 50-60k BP, which is 3-4 survivor games, and with BP offerings(which, due to tons of green and yellow addons and items, you barely recieve any bp offerings) and WGLF, you'd still need to play at least 3 games on average, while it is only 2-ish killer games without using anything, and with BP offerings and BBQ, it's can be as low as 2/3rds of a single game on average.

    Essentially, BP needs to be reworked for survivors, then survivors wont really have a reason to stick around later as there is nothing to gain.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    So, I don't know if it matters or something, but everyone is saying to run certain Killers or builds, but that seems counter-intuitive if you're trying to adept Freddy.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I agree I have faced a few today that did that to me. I'm no where a bad killer player, I can hold my own against some good teams but I get a few......Oracle.....I swear if I face them again it wont be too soon.....ahem.....But best course of action is if they want to drag out the last gen practice on them....use them trolling and farming to practice fake outs, mind games and learning common loops and how to beat them.

  • Rancid_Discharge
    Rancid_Discharge Applicant Posts: 193

    The problem is if this guy actually only played 3 times in a year why is he getting survivors like that? He shouldn't be outmatched so badly if he rarely plays.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited November 2021

    There is some truth to this. Survivor BP rewards really only peak if you completely stomp the killer in most cases. Even with a ######### game as killer I can usually walk away with 10-15K but when getting stomped as survivor is usually a 4-5k (A stomping as survivor doesn't happen to often though in my experience). <-edit note that sounds like bragging but its more about I'm finding survivor easier and easier and killer more tedious with each update post SBMM.

    The other kicker about farming points is killer max out quicker because they have 4x the players to interact with each game. Survivors who want to farm for 10 mins often max out the killers points in 2 mins. Greater returns on the survivor end for killer interaction probably wouldn't hurt.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    The only help i can see in your comment is: Just quit DBD.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    This^^ but now a days MOST killers still expect their precious 4K EVERY GAME

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    I'm getting the impression from most of the advice given that the Adepts aren't worth the trouble.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    Dbd's matchmaking has never been balanced and never will be balanced. I'm at the bottom of Ash rank and when I saw that the survivors were Red, Gold, and Silver rank, it honestly didn't even phase me. If you play Dbd long enough, you learn to just accept it.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Can I ask what you usually run on Bubba like a build or two or something. Looking to try out a few builds I don't stick to one very long.