Solo queueing against trapper after his buff experience, awful killer

I'm glad to see people playing Trapper again after the buff, lord knows we need more variety in killers, but imo he's still laughably pathetic because in my games, we always, always get at least 3 man escapes.
If I see a trapper, I will always follow him and disarm his traps and either stealth or loop him enough to get at least 3 gens done, depending on how early I stalk him.
seriously, if you have someone following you and stalking you, trapper is a literal M1 killer, why would anyone play him?
We play him for the challenge. For the appreciation of being one of the OG killers. To get someone in the basement.
Because few things are as fun as some timely traps and 4 hooked in the basement.
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Agreed, Trapper was an F-Tier Killer that was addon dependant which now is an F-Tier Killer but no longer worse than Pig
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He didn't really get an actual buff. He got an addon pass, the bag addons became partially basekit and his trap RNG got removed. He is still around as weak as before but feels much better better to play especially without addons.
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good point.
we should nerf pig.
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Does anyone really like going against trapper? He’s pretty boring imo. Very unfun and un interactive as far as being chased. He can shut down a lot of tiles/windows that survivors have fun learning/looping around. I guess there was a random trap in the patch of grass around the loop i didn’t see him place there so I just die and get insta downed…fun..
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Better nerf Irelia.