The Meta is killing this game.

I really noticed something the last update and the killer release before. It's...Forgetable
What do I mean by that? I mean it's like they didn't even happen. Yeah we got many nice changes like spirit nerf and key/hatch changes but...these changes are almost not noticeable because of the Meta.
Nothing changed. Survivors still run the same 6-8 perks every match after a certain Rank/Time played.
Killers run there 6-8 perks over and over again too. The last time I saw a huntress, Billy, Demo, Ghostface wasWeeks ago.
The only killers I seeover and over again are Hag, blight, nurse, spirit and since the Archiv started trickster.
I know the game is a bit older but slowly the hype and fun out of new updates dissaper. Something has to change... Weaker perks have to be buffed while stronger ones nerfed when there too overused.
I can’t speak for anyone else but some of the survivor perks like DS/UB/BT, since face-camping is still an accepted playstyle those perks will remain intact.
In order to shake the meta they would have to touch on some of the core mechanics, specifically with hooks and gens.
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Ya I know like weres the buff for buckle up they side they well be buffing perks that don't get used that much but never buffed buckle up the weakest perk in the game and now deception, lucky brack, and couple more. That are useless becuse of the perk boom totems.
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The only way to fix the meta is to change the base game so you don’t need those perks anymore. An example was when back then you kicked very slow so brutal strength was a meta perk but they increased the base speed so Brutal Strength wasn’t needed anymore. They could do this to the base game make some of the survivor perks base and rework the concepts as mentioned above. I’m actually creating an idea to rework slugging which I will post soon
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Worse than Meta Perks is the game needding those Meta Perks to be remotly playable.
In every game there will be a Meta but games offer more ways to play but not DbD. DbD needs to change the core gameplay but BHVR will never do that for 2 reasons, first they are very proud of themselves and for them the game is nearly perfect and second reason is even if they wanted to it will be mostly impossible to do since they're dealing with such a messy code, which is their fault to begin with, so a deep core game system change will not come anytime soon or ever. They have a 7 year plan for DbD so until those 7 years end we will have the exact same game just more content added to it. What happens after these 7 years? Nobody knows but the certainty is DbD2 with proper coding, with them listenning to feedback and all that is nothing but a dream. They've invested so much into DbD already, all the licenses they've already used and would need to pay for use in another game, all the new in-house killers, survivors, maps, etc, too much work for them.
Most likely they'll just move on to something else or never stop DbD as it is which is already stale and people are already waiting for alternatives.
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People run the same few perks because they're the only ones that are truly viable at high level play, because the devs are scared of introducing new ones in fear of being called out for 'power creep'.
The constant complaints about Boon perks over the last few weeks is the best example. They're the first good Survivor perks introduced in literal years (Dead Hard was the last meta perk, added over four years ago), yet they got nerfed before they were even released because Killers were unable to adapt.
On the reverse side, Undying suffered the same fate (albeit a few months after release instead of before even coming out) because Survivors didn't want to actually have to look for totems instead of gen-jockeying.
The community is reaping what they sow. Can't have anything good on either side without the other massively complaining about it.
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PTB boon totems would’ve been really bad for the game. Survivors could heal up in a second before the killer finished wiping their weapon. And I agree with your point about undying.
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I would argue that the Boon perks are something that are becoming part of the "meta", at least for the moment. Since their release, I've literally played hundreds of games and seen someone running one or both of the new perks in, if I had to make a solid guess, 85-90% of those matches, sometimes multiple people (and almost always one person in groups I'm guessing are SWF). I've run one (COH) in a large number of my solo survivor games, and often I'm not the only one, and they've been incredibly useful in those matches. As killer, I've gotten used to the sound of the Boon getting activated in almost every match now.
Granted, some of this may be attributed to the current Midnight Grove Tome challenges, and some of it may be the novelty of the new perks marking their usage, but I've seen the new perks a TON.
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They will add more second chance perks so
Make DS basekit I will equip Unbreakable.
Make BT basekit I will equip Soul guard.
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Good at least those perks that weren’t used are finally being used now
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Also as I mentioned I’m making a concept to rework slugging all slugging perks would be reworked
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The meta hasnt been changed for a lot of years, welcome to the game. It hasn't killed the game yet and I don't see how it will. The meta in most games stay about the same. In dbd you can definitely use other stuff, if you are playing only the best stuff then that is on you. Be the change you want to see, there is loads of viable stuff to use.
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You dont nerf meta perks because the strongest perks will still be meta no matter what.
What we need is meta enhancement, therefore buffing other weak perks on par of current meta ones.
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There always has been quite a low diversity of killers being played. But contrary to believe, you're facing more and more diverse killers. 3 years ago, you'd be facing the same 3 killers 80% of the time. Billy, Nurse and Huntress. The last time you would have seen a Clown or Pig would literally have been months ago.
It's still not great.
As for nerfing or buffing things simply because they arent used a lot or used too much isnt really a good decision tho. Iron Will is a very solid perk and will always give survivors some value, doesnt mean they would get a lot of value, but even if you were to buff other perks that are weaker than Iron Will to be stronger than Iron Will, survivors would still use Iron Will similar to killers using BBQ or Pop. They are low risk perks.
Thing is, high risk in this game isnt really rewarded with big things. There are a lot of very powerful effects in the perks, that simply arent worth the risk related to that perk. Take Off The Record for example, it requires you being hooked, to give 0 sound and 0 aura reading for the next 80 seconds, making it objectively better than Iron Will. Yet, needing to be hooked for it to be active makes it very high risk, since you still leave blood behind, you still leave scratchmarks behind. There are plenty of reasons to heal up, giving only the 0 aura reading to be an effect, but there are other perks that dont require you to be hooked.
It's not that Off The Record is a bad perk, it's more that the risks related to that perk are far too high considering it's reward. And yeah, if you get maximum value out of Off The Record by also having it triggered with Lucky Break, for example, you would essentially need yourself to be grabbed first and face a killer who runs aura reading perks in the first place.
If you could activate Off The Record whenever you'd like, and each hook would be a token to activate it, you could even nerf the duration of the perk to 40 seconds and it would be so, so much better than it is now. While it would be an objective nerf, the practical ability to actually use the perk would cause the perk to see a lot more use.
It's similar to Clairvoyance, people were running it because it had some practical ability(pushing other players) that the player had control over. Now that it has been changed, I dont see any reason for Clairvoyance to be used at all since it is a very high risk perk(you need to cleanse a totem to get the effect, meaning you might not even be able to use it) with an awful reward that other perks give for free.
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Meta has been present for years in the game and it's not killing it if it was it would died years ago. With that said I notice that matches have less and less meta builds. People are trying out different perks now, not that I'm completely denying that Meta build doesn't exist. They pretty much still in the game all I'm saying is that it's not as bad compared to before since Survivors have A LOT of builds to experiment with.
Killers doesn't change though they don't have a lot of leeway to try anything.