Am i the only one who thinks Survivors have too much advantage?

Killer is getting harder to play because of SWF that can communicate, constant pallet loops with touches, and now these boons. Whats next?
Killers are the main attraction of the game, they're what get the most attention. And most of all, there would be no matches at all without them. So why aren't they the higher power in the game?
Survivors basically control the game and it doesn't feel fair
Leave solo survivors out of this. Just say SWF
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Solo survivors too. I'm a new player and I main Killer and I feel underpowered and boring.
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SWF will always be more powerful than solo queue full of potatoes even if some or all survivors perks was nerf, communication they say is key. I been in random queues with low rank killers who stomps even a high rank quick. The 3 potatoes I had earlier letting this huntress easy slug em because for some reason instead they let the first person get hook then save , they was trying to pick up the person in front of her. As someone who do not usually aim for hatches I had no choice but to do so cause I mean come on. Also happen 1 hour ago too with a nurse lol.
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Solos are fine cause of average stupidity and lack of teamwork. SWF are strong.
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Solo survivors at high MMR is like facing a good enough SWF...
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It's because SWF can run every meta perk and also have access to basically every information perk in the game by communicating as a team.
The game needs to be changed so the difference between SWF and Solo is thinned drastically and then Survivor needs to be toned down a bit, specifically by being given a secondary objective along with some meta perk nerfs.
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No you are not the only one. Killer is hard mode majority of the time. That is how DBD is these days.
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No you are not. The game is unplayable lately.
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Considering consistent survivor nerfs by removing windows and pallets, decreasing rate of survivor sided maps and on the other hand increased rate of bullshit indoor maps, bottlenecked maps and other maps full of dead zones, I dont think survivors have too much advantage.
Not to say about totally broken killer addons which they bring at about 40-50% of the matches which is more often than survivors with brand new parts, keys or instant heals.
I havent noticed more 4 man escapes than 4 kills than usual.
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Selective memory. I suppose you think the removal of infinites and the introduction of entity blocker were "survivor nerfs", not necessary game health changes?
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No way people are suggesting solo queue is possibly op
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Selective memory. I'm not talking about things which were years ago like infinites (removed in may 2020) or the introduction of entity blockers (2017?)
I suppose you forgot about the consistent recent survivor nerfs like removed window in Myer's house in Haddonfield or removed car pallet on badham. Also reduced distance between window and fence in Badham so you can get hit there now everytime trying to vault this window. These changes werent even mentioned in any patchnotes.
Huge dead zones and stupid RCPD where you can't get from one side of the map to another without crossing the central room with two narrow ways 20 feet away from each other are also in this game for a long time.
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I do think survivors in general have too much of an advantage, including solo queue.
But most survivors aren't typically that great nor even want to exercise efficiency when they play, and prefer to troll, be immersed, or otherwise be inefficient and poor players relative to a competitive setting. So survivor advantages are often equaled out by their typical inability to play the game at a competent level.
That said, if you ever get a group of survivors (even solo queue survivors) that know the game, and more importantly, want to play it well, then expect to be put at a large disadvantage as killer without there being much you can do.
This likely won't change either as the vast majority of the player base is either casual or likes to interact with others more than do generators effectively, meaning they need that handicap to perform/win at a consistent level.
In short: The developers aren't likely to ever significantly reduce the advantages they have, no matter how killers feel.
And honestly, I think their desire to ignore real game balance in favor for community wants is smart from a business perspective as much as I hate to admit it.
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Ah, another one of these - Survivors are OP because they got a new character with a powerful Perk.
Wanna know what I say? About goddamn time. If you're not in a SWF, MANY Solo Q players have to PRAY TO GOD that they dont get potato teammates. For survivors, it's a breath of fresh air to know that if one of your teammates have Circle of Healing or Shadowplay, You can counter certain killers. Now, the only valid point here that you could make would be about the killer you play and how you play.
If you find yourself constantly getting bullied and or losing without a single kill, chances are, you need to get better at the game then make a discussion post about how survivors control the game. We reallllllllllllllllly dont because the Nurse, Spirit and Blight have something to say. Nemesis, A good pyramid head and huntress would also like to chime in. What really invalidated your post was the fact you said ' Killers are the main attraction, so why dont they have a higher power. ' They do, chances are, you just don't know to use it like others do. They dont need a higher power if they're actually played correctly and have proper perk match-ups that suit your taste.
It's the fact that many of the killers in DBD want them to be so broken that Survivors dont stand a chance that baffles me because that says something and it's a term i haven't had to use in a while but you lack the skill to actually close the gap. It's really showing how much you just want to kick back, flick a button and then down someone in an instant. If that's your style, go play bubba; but don't expect to get anything good out of it.
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Good survivors are OP. Simple as that. There are garbage SWF. And there are competent solos who can play (more like exploit) the game. It doesn't really matter. As long as you are up against 4 survivors who are decent, the game is heavily in their favor. At the start, anyway. Obviously tunneling addresses that and on a team with "that guy," it is relatively easy to 4k.
But mmr makes "that guy" less common the higher you go. And the consistency of solos goes up.
At low ranks, even god tier survivors would lose because they are bogged down by 3 potato.
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Yet another thread from someone who has never played soloQ survivor but still dares to say something about the game's balance
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Hasn't everybody been complaining how strong maps are for survivor? The god window on Haddonfield needed to go. And Badham's a crazy map too. That window was unsafe anyway. RCPD has enough god pallets to make up for whatever shortcomings you can think of. What's the killer gonna do? Stay in the main hall the whole time?
But compare those minor inconveniences to killers getting nerfed who already had so much counterplay. Spirit, Wraith, DEATHSLINGER?! We need to make more killers be able to compete, not less.
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Pretty much the only people who don't feel that way are content creators that exclusively play survivor, and low MMR players. Playing killer at high MMR, it's basically impossible to feel otherwise. Survivors always have the advantage.
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I play solo and i find potatoes and good players without comms.
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I already said it.Add comms to game
Someone is disturbing you: Silence it
Someone wanna play like old times: silence everyone and you
Devs are always saying they dont wanna balance around comms but thats what the doing.
Its easier to balance 2 things than 3 things.Add comms to this game already and we can have a proper balance
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Becuz surv was busted as hell now after 50 nerfs to the same things instead of just one we see some fairness.
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I play solo Q and i het potatoes and good players not our fault that mmr thinks that hid all game and escape have more skill than chase.
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That might be due to the fact you are a new player. SoloQ is not the problem.
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OTZ did this thing recently where he was testing if items were OP , he played in swf with pretty good survivors without any perks with only items and winrate (3 or more escape) was over 80% in 12 games and winrate without any perks and without items was about 65% in 12 games.
So yea SWF is OP if the group is decent at the game
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even solo with boons is very easy
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All 3 maps you mentioned are still basically survivor-sided, even after the "nerf"
Haddonfield has too much window and long fences. Badham with the same issue but more strong structure. RCPD is basically dark and too much corner. Again, still survivor-sided.
Also survivor's advantage is not only about map design. perks and item, add-on combinations and the notorious SWF equals infinite aura perks but only stronger.
I agree killers have strong perks and add-ons, too. But all of them are higher rarity or rely on totem. On the contrary, human items can be used for a long time if you survive or with the right perks or add-on, also the new boon just enlarge the hex perks' disadvantage. one time only and rely on RNG, at the same time boons are reusable, selected and allow multiple function and numbers of them.
Survivors' advantage is getting larger. Killers do get some buff, but the nerfs of them just too heavy and without proper compensate, Deathslinger for example.
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@Frontdoor6 no u not one,it is funny when woman from BHVR said that sometimes she plays with friends (i think in discord) that laugh...laugh above the killer I think :D
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Make survivors OP because when i get potatoes i loose the trial. Okay bro.
Level up and you won't get any potatoes.
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take a look around this forum. there are hundreds of killers ranting about survivors, so no, you're not the only one.
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2021 killer is easiest than ever.
Old players know why. 2020-2021 killers are soft. You'll learn.
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You are 100% correct. Pallet volume, gen speed and Boons alone have made the game broken for killers. Add in swf and sbmm and anyone whonclaims the game isn't completely survivor sided is delusional and not to be taken seriously.
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What do you expect from this community? This place has slowly turned into the cry corner, I honestly can't wait for VHS to come out to get away from all the whining and crying this community does, people like the OP think they should 4k every game to have what they call balance
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Survivor is only kind of hard because of matchmaking. In fact now that MMR gives me actually competent teammates most matches on solo queue, my escape rate has sky rockted. It used to be something like 40~50%, and now it's easily around 70~80%.
If someone doesn't DC on the first down (which for some reason still happens), it's high likely that we'll get a 3 or even 4 man out. In fact just yesterday I played 10 solo queue matches and only on one of them we got 4ked.
So yeah, survivors have too much advantage. Especially now that boons are the new braindead meta. "Get hit, run to blue totem for free heals and free Lucky Break", such an interactive mechanic.
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I really loved playing as killer, nowdays im not having fun so i've given up. I do dailies and maybe some tome tasks here and there but i dont play as much anymore as i used to. I miss my ghostyboy but i cant deal with the big maps,boons,loops and toxicity nomore.
Solo queues as survivor ive gotten many really good teammates so you cant say all solos are potatoes. I'd say even solo queue survivors have it easier in this game than killers.
Edit: some typos here and there...
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Hop into a solo queue game easy stomp for the killer every time
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This is very true , they think it's hard now but I remember maining as Trapper when this game was first on the scene , survivors had recovering exhaustion while running , could sabo all my traps permanently making me m1 and on top of that they could sabo hooks that stayed gone the entire match leaving me with only basement hooks, literal infinites existed in the game and the entity blocker wasn't there, don't even get me started on the old BNP popping a single man gen in 10 seconds and insta heals
The only thing you had going for you was the old Noed which wasn't a hex back then, the old Mori , and the old facecamp where they wouldn't even get a prompt to unhook, other than that it was totally up to survivors whether you won or not and now it's a far cry from being that way and we have the best balance we've ever had yet it's never good enough people want to 4k without stressing a single braincell
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And of top of that, 2 versions of busted DS before the nerf, ACTUAL instaheals, pallet vacuum, GOD windows without breakable walls, bigger maps and many more i forget.
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I agree with all the above comments,it is frustrating and unenjoyable playing as killer.It has been a steady drip,drip,drip in the way of updates in favour of the survivor the last update has pushed it even further.It is causing killers to engage in toxic behavior tunnelling/camping etc,i dont blame them as it is bourne out of frustration,the blame lies squarely on the developers shoulders.The usual reply by critics is "get good",this doesnt apply any more the developers need to make the game fair,unless they do something soon players will leave in huge numbers in favour of games like VHS.....
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Yup literally every game since the update is gens fly and I get like 1k or they all escape.