Where is the Focus?

So we going to remodle and polish the game and add more and more cosmetics, but not balance the game or fix any of the bugs?
I'm still not playing this game, still drained from the fun being sucked out. Hope it gets better.
Inb4 “different teams do different things, you know that right?”
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Idk why people say that like that's a defense😂
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They’ve been doing both though.
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Dont worry soon everyone will be playing VHS.
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Yeah. Just like everyone was gonna play F13. And then everyone was gonna play Last Year. And then everyone was gonna play HSH. And everyone was gonna play prop night. And everyone was gonna play Dead Silence. Yeah all these games were said to be the DBD killer and yet here we are. So now it's everyones gonna play VHS. And in a few months it will be everyone's gonna play "x,y,z"
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Different teams of a small indie company, to be precise.
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VHS is free and I prefer both games prosper....however, I won't blame people for leaving DBD as it seems like if you are in the circle you have a voice.. otherwise you are just a number. Again....I want the best for both and VHS looks to lakc in some spots, but gameplay is promising
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Cosmetics bring money. Bug fixes - not so much.
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This is true
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Neon/Fancy cosmetics sell, game balance and fixes don't. Its all about the outfits
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Cosmetics, the realm beyond, and a new mmr system.
So nothing really important.
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Problem is before from a killers perspective it was fair and fun,with the recent nerfs/updates playing killer is frustrating and seems biased towards survivors.This paradigm shift will likely make some players look elsewhere,from reviews and watching game play VHS seems a viable alternative.Only time will tell i guess.
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They're not a small indie company by honest metrics, that's just the byline for people who don't pay attention. They're an established company with 800+ employees.
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everytime time someone says killers have it so bad right now, I just want to direct them to videos of dbd in 2016. We literally had 2 windows on killer shack, 2 window vaults at cow shed, nearly every junk tile had 2 pallets 20ft away from each other, we had literal infinites loops where you would never catch a survivor running it unless they literally stopped moving because the set up was horrendous and we had no blood lust. And yeah you could say "oh but you had instant moris!!!" Yes. We did. We also had instant gens. You could load into a game, and 20 seconds later hear 4 gens pop because the survivors each brought a brand new part that literally did 100% of the gen progress just by tapping a button. The state of being a killer in the game today is FAR FAR FAR from the worst it has been. It's infact in one of the best states it has ever been in. You doomsayers have no clue what you're talking about in the slightest.
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Excuse me, not cow shed, cow tree***
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Consumers neurons activate at the sight of neon cosmetics
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Fyi i have played this game in various formats since its release,it is my opinion based on what i see now. The game always had its faults but was also fun to play,i feel that has gone.You are entitled to your opinion,however the presumption of and manner of your reply is laughable.Defend the game by all means but it is moribund.
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1,000 employees is not indie
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Oh god it's a redditor
I'm banishing you to the island of the pinball bird.
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No. The indie company thing is an ongoing joke about bhvr. The r/whoosh, well, it was appropriate for the situation.
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You're still banished to the pinball bird island
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Pretty good job so far
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To be fair, Survivors were also dumb back then. If you put an average Survivor (me) in 2016 DBD, they'd never go down.
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I'll take Blight with me and we're gonna have the best pinball tournaments of the history of the Entity.
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I'll Be sure to leave you copy of "Master your finances and SHAKE it up"
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You seem not to understand that there's people still peddling that crap without any sense of how ridiculous it is. As long as it's still something people buy into, it bears refuting.