How can it be fair?!

Honestly dudes, how can boon totems be fair when everyone uses them? It's unbelievable how OP they are 😪


  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    They're not that good... it takes ages to set them up and the killer can break them in literally one second and can hear exactly where they are. Leaving no scratch marks doesn't really help when you're already in a chase, and healing isn't that good when insta down killers like cannibal are so common. Although the healing one is definitely the better one and it really helps against killers like wraith and legion and trickster who get everyone injured easy.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I wanna see your devotion level too, for going to the extreme in the exact opposite direction.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited November 2021

    Step on the boon totems.

    Also meta will be meta, at least its deactivatable on some sense.

    I hope meta gets shaken up, Iron maiden looks like it might actually bbe useful, thanks to the BTL buff.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Dude not leaving any scratch mark is really good specially in chase that mean if you break the LoS you can out run the killer easy. Healing is great most killer required 2 hit to down you and cannibal is not that strong honestly you jump window and hold w and you should alwahs do well against him. The killer cant go out of is way to destroy a boon if he do that 14 sec later another boon is up while the other 3 survivor are on gen and if he cant snuff the totem in the middle of a chase because the killer will lose distance and survivor can escape the chase.

    Boon are really strong because you can use them an infinite amount of time and because your teamate can use them too so its like they have 6 perk to them if they dont run any boon.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    Xbox is my secondary account, my main was on Sworch and I was devotion 2 on switch

  • BaconyToast
    BaconyToast Member Posts: 75

    Get good?

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Got beaten by survivors with rainbow perks. Sorry but I think you're not that good at the game as you say you are.

    Game has problems with skill ceilings sure but lots of people here lump their inexperience on an easy target. It's easy to blame something than blame yourself after all.

  • HLC
    HLC Member Posts: 35
    edited November 2021

    Corrupt/Pop/Opression(Eruption) + info perk (bbq/lethal persuer) or you can use all 4 gen perks + 3 gen strat :D or just play Plague

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    i just can't help but laugh at people defending and saying,or even pretending, that boon totems aren't op or broken....yet, most of those people usually complaing about NOED.

    it's disgusting reading certain stuff...... when undying was released(before the actual changes), it wasn't considered " fair" that 4 people, who have access to tons of stuff like maps/keys/perks to find totems, had to cleanse an hex few times, BUT, 1 player that has to constantly deal with genrushing, has already a lot of pressure on his shoulders AND can't really destroy the totem(because if you destroy it, it can be blessed again and againd and again....) it's totally fair right?


  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Yeaaaaah no. I certainly dislike them, they certainly need some changes, but they aren't 'broken'.

    Also, they don't make health states obsolete, you hit a survivor once, you hit a survivor twice and they go down. I know you're prone to exaggerating but makes for a compelling argument hyperbole does not.

    For example: Do you see the survivor lose their scratch marks when they run into the zone? That generally means at least one survivor is running both boons, which means at least one survivor is not running the 6 or so meta perks, this means their hook game is going to be very weak and you can trade that slugging and juggling for some very tasty tunneling and proxying.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Depends on the map and timing. COH makes endgame a nightmare if the survivors have a brain. I had a match on red forest that went for 30 minutes because the killer had a really stupid 3 gen. Only one survivor had the boon and they set it up around the middle of the map and we just kept healing and going back to the gens.

    Shadowstep is a nightmare on indoor maps and multi layer buildings, especially playing nurse. A good survivor can lose you if there is an area with multiple gyms next to each other or at least make you waste time looking for them while they W away from the loop.

    The only counter is to kill the survivor setting them up

  • HLC
    HLC Member Posts: 35

    2.5k h killer main = its broken, unless you play Plague :) just got 4k vs 2 boon totems + x2 purple medkits + syringe... most killers will suffer from this and i think it will be nerfed soon

  • HLC
    HLC Member Posts: 35

    I told you this works :D 2 my new tactic is let them bleed out for tbag or clicking or just being toxic :D

  • Iliketoplaykiller
    Iliketoplaykiller Member Posts: 352

    Just play survivor man, I’ve given up on killer as of late with how much survivors have now. Best thing you can do is take advantage of the boon totems while they are still new / fresh.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Sadly these aren't even the survivors that will know how to use them most effectively. Give some great loopers infinite healing for the whole team and then the pain will really start.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    This is a horrid post rofl. I'm 4k hours into this game and Boons are new. There aren't subtle ways to handle boon totems more effectively. You either allow them to happen, or you chase the boon location and lose the game. It's that simple.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    When multiple survivors have boons, they're absolutely broken. They can theoretically replace them faster than you can snuff them, meanwhile there will be at least 1 survivor doing gens.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    So you didn't see my other post where I just described such an example? Rough, man.

    Also, with your 4k hours, you may be doing things you don't even think about that haven't dawned on OP yet. Again, I get that they're strong and they need some tweaking, but they're not broken. Broken is a very strong description for when something is completely unmanageable and Boons are not.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Anecdotally, because you're having a hard time with this, in a recent game I identified where the survivors set up there boon and I waited until I had a tag on three of them before I followed them and snuffed it out. They proceeded to fall apart because I had them all in one corner of the map and no gens were getting done. Open season.

    Again, I get that they're strong and need some work. They're not broken, health states still exist and the more resources they bring to prop up multiple boons the more exposed they become to other strategies. Calm your tits.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    You mean your terrible example of one of the survivors not running a meta perk? Yeah lol. I saw it. That isn't the argument you think it is. If a perk is strong enough to replace the already obscenely strong survivor meta perks then that means that perk is also obscenely strong.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Or it means it's a shortsighted decision in the name of flavor of the month, you know, that thing that always happens when a new toy comes out. Maybe you should stop respecting the DS and BTs that are there less and less and start enjoying the consecutive hooks.

    But thanks for going back to actually read it this time :)