Best pallet shredder in the game?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
edited October 2021 in Polls

Yeah, pallet shredders can burn them quicker then the base pallet break. In my opinion Nemesis is the best it’s easy, doesn’t drain his power, and importantly it doesn’t break his fov of survivors. But, what do you think?

Edit: auto spell for some reason wrote nemsis below

Best pallet shredder in the game? 48 votes

The Hillbilly
The Cannibal
AhoyWolfAGMlandromatOscarnatorManyAchievablesSOMENINJANAMEGuiltiiTacitusKilgorePopsicle01 9 votes
The Demogorgon
CamoRangerUistreelD4M4VR1CKThatOneDemoPlayerAurelleBennett_They1ThemGarlicRice 7 votes
The Oni
TaigaThunderfrog 2 votes
The Blight
Awkward_Fiendkekprod 2 votes
The Nemsis
TapeKnotbleep275blue4zionDimekAven_FallenDr_LoomisWTBaconMak0ChurchofPigYidnaglitchboiFobboBrokenbonesgetuy45u4iuWishIcouldmainGannTMGwintyPSPDBDudesyain 28 votes


  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811
    The Nemsis

    Personally for me, Nemesis is the best just because he's still able to move forward when shredding through pallets. Even if it is a decreased speed, the others have to stay completely still until the animation is up, unlike Nemesis.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    The Nemsis

    Nemesis can break pallets before they're even fully dropped. He's 100% the best pallet eater in the game

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    The Nemsis

    Nemesis eats pallets for breakfast

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    The Nemsis

    Gonna have to be Neme for me, although I wanted to argue Demo is better since it's available right away, and has the addon to reduce the time it takes.

    So it's like a 49/51 for me on who is better.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited November 2021
    The Nemsis

    Order from best to worst:

    1. Nemesis - Full camera control when destroying pallets, the duration is quite short, and can hit the survivor instead if you're lucky. Also his tentacle charges up very, very quickly. He's got almost everything the other guys have with zero downsides in terms of using his pallet shredding ability, other than having zero mobility which is barely an issue.
    2. Blight - His ability to break pallets is very, very fast, and you usually gain your power pack quickly if you only use 2 charges. You can break pallets from long distances, and very quickly.
    3. Demo - Shred charges up very quickly and you can speed up with shred and break pallets from long distances. They can also zone the survivor to close in the distance.
    4. Billy - Billy's is similar to Demo's where you can speed up to break pallets, more similar to Blight however. His chainsaw takes longer to charge up however. With his chainsaw, you can speed up to catch up to the survivor which is why I put him above Bubba.
    5. Bubba - Similar to Billy in terms of shredding pallets, except you can't speed up to destroy them as well as he can, and you can't catch up to the survivor after breaking the pallet. Shredding pallets also takes up a charge, making him a bit worse than Billy's pallet shredder. This is actually quite debatable, because if you have chili add-ons or engravings then you might be able to catch up to the survivor even with 2 charges. If this is the case, he'd go over Billy.
    6. Oni - Breaking pallets with his large schlong takes a million years, so he's easily the worst in terms of shredding pallets. His redeeming quality is being able to catch up to the survivor like Billy, but his power is limited.
    Post edited by glitchboi on
  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    The Demogorgon

    I don't have nemesis, so I'm going wit h demo, who's probably second best.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    The Demogorgon

    I haven't played any of the other listed killers enough to get a solid opinion on them, so I'm going with Demo.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308
    The Nemsis

    S.T.A.R.S Members And Pallets, Part Of A Complete Bioweapon Breakfast.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited November 2021

    I was actually trying to work this out earlier because of that challenge node right before the skirt for Mikaela in the midnight grove archvies where you have to drop / break 20 pallets. I played some matches as Demo and Nemesis cause they were the first that came to mind- I probably could've done the entire thing on Demo since he's got a decent chase tool that can force the pallet drop and break it as well.

    Nemesis wasn't actually as good as I thought he'd be for the challenge because when you play nemesis you realize that a lot of the time the tentacle strikes you're going for are over obstacles including short loops, pallets, and windows, so you can ignore downed pallets a lot more easily and you aren't really incentivized to break them. Unlike say the aforementioned Demogorgon example, who needs to physically be on the same side of the loop so there is a lot more incentive to shred through most if not every single pallet you come across. There's also the small point where Nemesis can't even break pallets with his power until he hits T2, so it's not like you'll be breaking them until at least a little bit of time has passed in the match.

    However, I found a surprise (but not totally surprise) pick for this in the Clown. It's been awhile since I've played Clown (or gone against him) so I'd almost forgotten how much pressure he puts on survivors to drop pallets early. Unlike other chase killers like Nemesis, Oni, Demogorgon, Cannibal, Blight, Pyramid Head, who can all mess up their powers, you can't really mess up as clown.

    Which is to say that, when playing as Nemesis there's a chance you miss your tentacle strike, or as Demo you miss your shred, or as Oni your Demon Strike, as Cannibal you might chainsaw into the side of the loop, or as Blight rush past the survivor you're chasing, etc.

    As Clown, none of that is really possible, it really is quite difficult to mess up how you run a loop as Clown. You throw your bottle on one side of the loop, run around the other side forcing the survivor through the cloud of gas, and then more times than not they're forced to drop the pallet because they're left without many other options. You don't have to be extremely precise with Clown's ability, you'll probably be throwing the bottles straight into the ground anyway, and there's more than enough AoE in the bottles to cover an entire side of the loop so you can't really miss.

    You just can't milk loops (that aren't god loops anyway) against a clown multiple times in a row, unlike say if you're garbage with Oni and always miss your demon strike. Even if you're awful with Clown survivors will still be forced to drop the pallet down regardless of how good or not you are, and this is why people don't really like Clown, because he's so one-note and there's not much room for skill expression, there just aren't that many fancy things you can do with Clown that would impress other DBD players.

    Keep in mind this has nothing to do with winning by the way. Clown being able to force pallet drops doesn't mean he's good, and it certainly doesn't mean you'll win your match. It's just a fact: depending on which map you go on you can have someone instant drop every single pallet on the map and there will still be enough resources to waste your time long enough for every generator to pop.

    What I am saying, is because survivors are more likely to instant drop or after a single loop, Clown is really, really, really good for that particular challenge of breaking 20 pallets. Slap chase heavy perks to make you super oppressive in chases around loops like Brutal Strength, Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Bamboozle, and you're good to go to break every pallet on the map. Doesn't mean you'll win- but you'll probably get that challenge done way quicker than any other killer probably.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    The Nemsis

    I usually get overall positive results (not the 'rona) with Nemesis.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    The Cannibal

    Nemesis is a much better pallet breaker, but if you are seeking effectiveness AFTER breaking the pallet bubba is by far the best pallet breaker in the game. He shreds pallets, albiet slower than nemmy, and then follows said pallet shredding up with immediate lethality and mobility. Pallets mean very little to him, nemmy still has to respect a few pallets and only gets 1 damage state off after breaking an unsafe pallet. Bubba instadowns you at mach 5.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    The Blight

    Blight is the best killer on the list, and due to that he's the best pallet shredder.