Survivors, What killers do you think need help?

I have a Question for Survivors. When you see a certain killer that you know you can beat easily what suggestions or buffs would you give them? What could they do to be better? And finally, How much fun would you have if a killer played the way you think they should?

I Personally would like to know how you guys feel about this.


  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Any thoughts on the OG killers? Trapper through Nurse?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Trapper could use some small buffs

    wraith is fine

    Billy needs his overheat removed

    Nurse needs a nerf of some kind(I have no idea how though)

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    On console Nurse has two extremes. Being terrible or being amazing. I feel like a slight rework is needed. A buff? A nerf? I have no clue.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Billy does need some help, I don’t use him because he is basically a weaker version of Oni now.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Who are the top 3 killers for you? I’m a pure killer main and (sadly) have made posts saying I’m quitting just to come back a day or so later. My top 3 are Huntress, Nemesis, and Trapper. I used to main Doctor before his rework.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited November 2021

    They could all use an applied/passive 1v4 in some capacity.

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    Honestly? Only legion and clown. The rest have potential and can dominate games if they're played by a good killer. Legion and clown could use some tweaks but aside from that everybody is mostly fine viability wise. it's just that some killers are easy to win with and some are not and nobody gets good enough with the hard ones to win all their games, so they just think they are bad. If you're really good, almost any killer is viable :)

  • killer998
    killer998 Member Posts: 100

    Well at the top of the meta it's Nurse, blight then because of spirit's nerf and then yeah it's probably spirit still.

    Spirit's nerf hit her really hard.i felt it at what I assume is high MMR, and as survivor I'm hitting her a lot. If she gets that dust nerf, she is absolutely dead.

    However my personal favourite killers were Deathslinger, ikr? It's sad. Rip slinger man. Oni, and Spirit.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Those must be the PC killers. On console Blight is considered one of the worst. Mainly due to the turn radius.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    And Billy’s janky animations along with the roar need to be fixed.

  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    What does everyone have against the roar? I really enjoy the roar!

    I do think Billy's limp has to go. The fact you physically feel his limp while walking is one of the reasons I don't wanna play Billy. I also think no other killer has this limp.

    I think Ghostface needs some love. His base kit is awful, and his add-ons are just as bad.

    I think I would personally put his base cooldown somewhere around 20 seconds, maybe 18. Then take away the cooldown add-ons. Give him more varying add-ons, ones that can change his power and style.

    For example:

    An addon that makes his TR global while in Shroud, like the Iri Button from Legion, but feint. This could combine irritatingly well with TR builds and perks.

    An add-ons that makes his reveal range bigger, but make it take tremendously longer. Also, provided they fix the direction indicator of the reveal, this could be fun for finding survivors while skulking about.

    And then the last question:

    I love playing against an aggressive Bubba, Billy, Oni or Demo. Their powers are chase focused, and are amazing to play against.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    Every killer in the game needs a buff. Or massive map reworks need to happen. As is no killer can compete with good survivors on some maps.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Honestly I’m fine with the roar but yeah his animations are pretty bad right now

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I agree. The roar is totaly fine: It acts as an audio que to the survivor that Billy is now sprinting and it fits his character. However his animation could use an update especialy when he stops on his own.

    For me it is Legion. They are just not in a good state right now because...when you rather take a pallet to the face than your own cooldown you know it is bad.

    Also I think that Twins could use an update. They are not "bad" but they are clunky and not much fun for both sides. The idea of being at two places at once is fine, Victor is a good piece of body horror and they allow for some interesting plays...yet their best way is to slug and camp. Damn, thats a good piece of work down the drain.

    I like playing against Cenobite, Oni, Billy and Ghostface. They are all fine and I like playing against them just as much as I enjoy them myself (aside from Oni). All of them are interesting for me: Cenobite is fun because I know how to solve the box and mess up his teleport, Oni and Billy are overall two very interesting Killers (+ Oni has a sweet chase music) and for Ghostface...well, I play him myself, I know from where they approach and how they try to mindgame and I enjoy showing that I know all the tricks myself. And should I lose I get to learn something new for my own Ghostface-game.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Legion needs big help.

    As for others they need little bit tuning in numbers and map size rework. Currently maps are either to big or full of loops like Haddonfield.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    No, the roar should go. Curves have already enough counterplay so the survivors don't need to be notified when he's coming around a corner. It also doesn't make any sense that they gave him add-ons for stealth chainsaw only for him to scream for no reason.

    It's like how Trapper now sounds like he's having a good time when he picks up a trap; it just sounds cringey and unnecessary.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,910

    As about a 50/50 Killer/Survivor player, my opinion is that Legion is the most in need of help. Myers could use updating, Ghostface's addons suck out loud, and Pig could use some tweaking. But the Legion is useless against good survivors.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Maybe at the lowest possible MMR sure, every Killer there is viable because Survivors will continuously make the same mistakes and give Killers free hits/hooks/kills/wins without much input needed on the Killer's side. At the higher levels, it is absolutely false that most Killers are equally viable, it also has absolutely nothing to do with skill or 'getting good enough with hard ones to win all their games'.

    With a decent chunk of the roster it really doesn't matter how good you are. You can have 600 hours or 13,000 - A really good Trapper is not consistently beating really good teams of 4 Survivors that make almost 0 mistakes and/or communicate the entire match about where your traps are and where your location is. This doesn't even include stacked perks, stacked items, stacked offerings to guarantee a specific map that they have a strategy for. Your only hopes to consistently win beyond a certain level while using a weaker M1 Killer are to:

    A) Try to find a weak link to tunnel out fast if they even allow you to catch them easily enough so you can even the odds a bit

    B) Play regular and pray that they make enough mistakes that allow you to snowball and steal a win (This might not ever happen against a lot of teams in Higher-MMR lobbies)

    C) Accept that you're not winning the match and just try to make nice plays/collect your bloodpoints so you can move on to the next match.

    Do you actually believe no players in the world have taken the time/effort/patience to master or play hundreds of matches with specific Killers in an attempt to win most of their games with them? People reach a point where they realize the effort is not worth it when you look at the results. If all those weak killers were actually viable like you believe, there wouldn't be a meta and thousands of more people would pick their personal favorites at all levels of MMR instead of picking characters that give them a better chance to win

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Seeing the effort/reward ratio of Hillbilly is just sad. You have to be a god Billy nowadays just to keep up with average survivors. They could definitely reduce his charge time so it is at least the same as Bubba.

    I see people keep mentioning Legion, but I'm honestly fine with them being very weak. Legion has by far the easiest power to use in the game, it makes sense that the trade off is them being weak AF. Maybe some number changes to help them are ok (less cooldown, not losing power on M1), like they did with Wraith, but you can't do a major buff to them without changing the fact Frenzy hits don't take skill.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,703


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,311

    Nurse needs a full rework. I’d start by making her faster in chase/base movement speed and giving her one blink while removing her fatigue and screen darkening and working from there.

    Unfortunately, I think the devs fear the tsunami of rage and tears that will result and would rather leave her a buggy mess.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah she has always needed a full rework. I’m generally against these since they alienate the current player base for that killer (Freddy) but nurse’s power is so busted in the current state of the game I see no other option

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Technically they can still get killer instinct pings if they stab an injured person which could be useful if you want to find out where everybody is. And if you use the red add-on that destroys pallets instantly it could be a good way to take out a pallet, nick someone for killer instinct and a deep wound, then go back to normal for a down.

    But yeah, for the most part if the survivor is injured you want to chase them using basic attacks.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Legion needs major help...and no Im not talking about a buff to a single addon. At the very least a complete and total addon pass. Iri addon's should consist of having a generator aura read as it's main draw. All of the useless killer instinct range addons need to be reworked into something useful. Those addons don't do much when you don't have the speed to catch up to the survivor. I run 4 addons right now either Duration or Fatigue. Running any other addon is just pointless.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Can I say all but nurse and blight?

    Or would i be witch hunted and called a killer main lol

  • aperoni
    aperoni Member Posts: 23

    By "need help" do you mean a buff? I don't think every killer deserves a buff beside Nurse and Blight. Spirit is still extremely powerful, she is able to traverse from one side of the map to the other in less than 10 seconds. Huntress has busted add-ons (looking at you Iri Head) that let her get downs and pressure from a mile away. I could go on. Yeah, I do agree that a lot of Killers need quality of life adjustments, but not full on buffs.

    One Killer that I think completely need a buff/rework is Legion. Their power is just game slowdown and useful when paired with Thanatophobia, that's about it. Strong survivors won't even heal, and a lot of them even benefit from being injured (looking at you Dead Hard).

    Another killer, The Pig. She's 100% RNG. I wouldn't touch her beartraps, but I do think that she should get her crouch speed increased, that means going into crouch and out of it, aswell as movement speed. No one even uses the crouch mechanic because of how it feels like a slow death as you tiptoe around the map while gens are popping left and right.

    I defend a lot of survivor mechanics, and I get attacked for it, but I'll do the same for killer. I could go on with a BUNCH of killers that need a buff, but I'm sure you're already bored reading this lol

  • HLC
    HLC Member Posts: 35

    You need some help i think

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    I’m actually enjoying what people are saying, because everyone is making fair points and being civil I’m actually loving this thread.

    Also “Needs help” can be buffs or maybe you can give advice on how YOU think the Killer should act. It’s just a discussion with no true wrong answers. :)

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,726

    Legion needs a full rework, but it sounds like we're getting at least something for him so we'll see what happens.

    His power is incredibly underwhelming to play against because you mostly stop caring about it as soon as you're injured. 9/10 times I just don't heal against legion if I'm not on death hook, it's just a waste of time.

    No matter what they do to him though, I think one thing he needs is that he needs to be able to grab people in frenzy. Using your power and then seeing a generator finished in front of your eyes because the survivors know they can't be interrupted just feels terrible.

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    How about the Twins?

    Victor is basically just a guided missile who is typically pointless. A good survivor will negate his wound easily, without boons.

    With a proper rework they would make him more interactive. (Breaking pallets and hitting gens. Maybe dragging or pouncing a downed body unless removed.) They would make Charlotte Husk useful (Maybe a generator repair debuff / aura reveal aura), and in return, greatly extend the range she is allowed to husk near hooks and exit gates.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Legion: They’re power is run around and stab. Nothing special a terribly weak power for a terribly weak skill ceiling. They have slowdown and tracking but is totally triumphed by their weak mobility and no chase. So hopefully they turn into something unique and strong promised in their trailers and a good chase music

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Trickster and Wraith are in dire need of buffs, Chainsaw killers should get rid of the "overheat" mechanic.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Legion, Pig, Myers. Ghostface just needs his detection fixed. Billy could use a little more control at base kit.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Thank you guys for giving me your thoughts.