When you say the devs favour survivors, remember this patch

Survivors have had issues with uncleanable totem spots for years now, and they get fixed very very slowly, bhvr just decided to delete the collision around boons so killers never have to worry about that until they're fixed.
fwiw, I'm glad they've done this, but the same should have been done when there were many uncleansable totems as well.
Another Us vs them post? This forum is so tiring
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How is it Us Vs Them?
I said I'm happy they've done it but it should have been done years ago when survivors had the same issue.
I'm pointing out that the devs don't have a bias, they just do whatever.
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I think one side mains should be restricted from feedback. Poor children still fighting about whos candies are better.
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With every major update the game gets some new killer-sided mechanics (window blockers, less pallets on maps, weaker structures, bloodlust, regenerating hooks, unsaboable beartraps, middle vaults, removal of vacuums, BT nerf, SC nerf, 2 DS nerfs, get regression, the ability to close the hatch, EGC, faster killer animations for hooks, pickups, vaults and trap sets, DC punishments, weakening of every possible loop on every possible map, the list goes on forever), but yeah, the devs are definitely sided with survivors!
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oh lord....
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Not the same imo.
As survivor, I've seen over the years since hexes released uncleansable totem spots less then 10 times.
With boon totems as killer I've seen double that amount in two weeks. Afterall, interacting with totems is designed to be for survivors and they suddently made killers to do it too so naturally it would be broken mess for years to come.
If uncleansable hexes were actually often apearing issue, they would either disable them or possibly gave more attention to fixing them.
Also people who say devs favor any side will keep saying so no matter what.
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all that just for survivors to still be the power role ;)
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The killer doesn't get sucked into the totem while snuffing. If you remove collision while cleansing a totem the survivor would get stuck in place.
Was any of these changes bad?
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That just shows the general killer main mentality at its finest. The devs only nerf survivors and buff killers with every update since 2016, and they are still complaining about "the game being survivor-sided".
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I mean any competent person knows that devs aren’t biased towards one side or the other.
This is something that this community (specifically the forum community) has perpetuated patch after patch.
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Imagine being so blind. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/298 I want you to read this and come tell with a straight face the devs "Only nerf survivors and buff killers".
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- The hatch will now only appear when one survivor is left alive
- Survivors can open the hatch after it has been kicked shut by using a key
- Key interaction takes 2.5 seconds, and does not lose progress when interrupted
Yup, sounds like a survivor buff, doesn't it?
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to be fair these changes should've happened a long time ago. Keys were super unhealthy and were a free get out of jail card after a 3 gen.
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I ran into one in the Game once, and I’ve had a couple that took some effort to target, but most totems are snuffable. Still annoying when it happens that they’re not though.
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There was a really annoying one on Lery's, in the shower area. That was a rough one, glad they're taking steps to fix that.
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They're really reaching with their posts, these days @_@
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I like how you're crying that Killers keep getting buffed while Deathslinger, Spirit, Freddy, Twins, Hillbilly and Pig were nerfed in some of the more recent patches along with Undying, Coup de Grace (why) PGTW (again, why), Hoarder (again, why) and Mori's (probably missed some stuff) while also getting some brand new Boon Perks that in the right situation (which isn't hard to come by) can be more powerful than some Hexes. Yes Survivor is underpowered.
Also why do you think DC punishments are a Survivor nerf? Did you get salty and left matches that much?
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The key word is "only". Devs buff and nerf both sides. But reading seems hard to you, or you just prove my point of you being blind, considering you conveniently ignored the rest of the update.
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The fact it's not even an us vs them post it's a "they don't have bias" post??? lmao
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DC Penalty is a killer ended change?
I have an odd feeling..
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Devs have always favored killers. Killers won't admit it.
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That "Enjoy it while it lasts, Killer Mains!" feels extremely condescending and it bugs me for no real reason.
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Within the last few weeks I've been playing the game I've seen about a few dozens of survivor DCs and only 3 killer DCs, one of which the killer claimed was due to his poor connection. I also have seen about 20 threads by killer mains complaining about DCs and 0 similar threads by survivors. Survivors DC overwhelmingly more often that killers, because this game is hell for solo survivors they sometimes just can't bear. And instead of fixing the game, BHVR just introduces the DC penalty, so that solo survivors are forced to endure the pain. So yes, DC penalty is obviously a killer-sided mechanic which mainly killer mains support.
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You are completely missing the point. He never said these were bad changes. He said these were changes meant to HELP THE KILLER which directly contradicts the "devs only care about survivors" bullshit.
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Can I ask how normal uncleansable hexes are? I'm asking because I have 5k hours in this game and 90% of it I have spent playing survivor, only recently playing killer more frequently. I can't even remember ever finding an uncleansable totem as survivor, while I ran into unsnuffable boon totems every other game right after Mikaela was released.
Maybe I've been super lucky?
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Once again, the community managers responsible for giving information to the community has said something dumb
Whatever happened to Not Queen's way of thinking, not seeing the game as 'Survivor mains' and 'Killer mains'? Whether the little remark is meant to be a joke is besides the point. First the "wraith is a wee bit OP" thing and now this
Not impressed
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Maybe because when a killer dcs its an automatic escape for survivors, and if all 4 survivors DC its an automatic loss for the kilers
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Imagine if there was some bug with nurse that made her unplayable (More than usual at least) and they had a developer note in some hotfix saying like: "Nurse has been killswitched until we fix a specific issue. Rejoice Survivor mains!"
This is just really bad communication
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The devs can still have a bias when buffing/fixing things for the one side (I don't think they have a conscious bias personally but they absolutely have a bias to buff/nerf for lower level play, which is almost always going to be buffs to help baby survivors and nerfs to hurt killers who stomp said baby survivors).
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I find any that are between two things are a pain in the ass, specifically between two barrels, two trees two rocks etc.
One was finicky enough that even though I could see the prompt for a millisecond I can't mash the button hard enough to force it.
I also main clown so maybe it's his ######### gut again.
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Yeah, the one I couldn’t snuff was when I was Clown on the Game. Guess he couldn’t fit his jiggly belly in there. 🤷♂️
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They fixed the Clairvoyance bug, big sad. :c
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coff decisive stryke and hatch/keys coff coff, welcome tot he club, these were huge, HUGE problems....that killers had to bear over the years..
a mechanic that doesn't work due to a bug is one thing, but a broken mechanic implemented by the devs, that destroys the game balance and people start over-abusing it, it's another matter...
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I love the last part lmfao
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Please go on!
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Oh no, the devs did a bare minimum change for the better regarding killers during a QoL pass, alongside 5 survivor-side improvements - and following some hefty nerfs to killers and boons (not the perk type, though the Boons are a boon) to survivors in the latest real updates. All while leaving a potentially moderate killer, moderate survivor, and potentially severe survivor issue in play.
These passes trend toward mild nerfs toward killers or fairly even to both sides. It's the bigger updates which trend toward more heavily favouring survivors - but all killers really need is for lower tier killers to be buffed, rather than nerfs and lateral moves which seem to be the dev's forte. Survivors need a lot of tuning to get everyone up to speed, and deserve some decent QoL too.
EDIT: also, sad to see the "pushing with Clairvoyance" bug gone. It was a funny soft-counter to camping :P
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Can you blame people here? There are plenty of issues being called out on specific mechanics or perks, and you have people say "doesnt matter, killer is weaker in so many different locations to compensate for worse mechanics".
As long as killers keep whining that survivors dont deserve a Quality of Life update, like a ping system, survivors are never going to be happy for killer changes. Just like survivors who keep whining that killers dont need any changes, like perhaps a basekit Fire Up for all killers, killers are never going to be happy for survivor changes.
Just look at the last patch alone, people are still complaining that boon totems are too OP because they can be reapplied. I mean, would you be happy if you could reapply Ruin by standing next to a totem for 6 seconds? Ofcourse not, that's going to take away more time than you can gain unless that totem can survive for long enough, let alone that survivors wont really be affected untill you personally go to that totem, it simply wouldnt really be worth doing in the vast majority of cases. Same reasoning is applied to boons, except that survivors are given the option to infinitely reapply it so that survivors can make more mistakes. That is literally what boons are: creating more oppertunities for survivors to make mistakes. It is in 95% of the cases better to heal someone under a hook than to run to the nearest boon totem to heal up. It is in 95% of the cases better to look in a chest and hope for a medkit than it is to go for a boon totem.
Yet, people still claim it is broken(aka, stronger than meta), when it is not.
So ofcourse survivors are going to be salty when boons, which arent actually that powerful, instantly recieved a fix that allowed killers to snuff them, when survivors had to deal with 5 years of uncleansable Ruin, uncleansable Devour, uncleansable NOED and more recently uncleansable Crowd Control. It sometimes took 5+ months for these spots to be fixed, maps not even being disabled even if there was an uncleansable totem.
So the point of "when you say the devs favour survivors, remember this patch" is a very correct point, just like there are patches that point out "when you say the devs favour killers, remember this patch". The devs dont favour any side, the devs favour what is balanced. Spirit wasnt touched for nearly a year after most of the mechanics that made her high A tier(bigger maps, toolboxes being stronger, prove thyself and leader being stronger, etc) were nerfed. Making her equally powerful to nurse, if not more powerful in a lot of other circumstances. Why wasnt she touched? Perhaps because the reason why she wasnt touched, was because there were 30 cosmetics for her that needed to be sold?
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"It seems you have played 20 survivor games in a row, please play at least 5 killer games to re-enable survivor games."
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Btw, the only uncleansable Hexes ive ever known of where on the new Coldwinds when it released, and they were fixed within one patch cycle.
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The hex totems that couldn't be cleansed as survivor are a myth as it was really rare to happen. Nothing compared to the issue with boons. I can't remember the last time it happened to me, probably 1 or 2 in 2k hours...
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I have seen the error of my ways, clearly they only care about killer mains because they fixed a bug that was supposed to already be fixed. Thanks for talking some sense into me, Duck.
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Did you know that you can die on hook?
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Try dying on hook when you are slugged and the killer intentionally lets you to bleed out.
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Slugging rarely happens. Which reason do you play at?
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Bloodlust, entity blocker, and pallet vacuums aren't survivor nerfs or killer buffs, they were desperately needed for the health of the game. Why do y'all keep lumping those in with killer buffs? They're not even the same.
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No, in fact your post is blatantly misleading. The vast majority of changes and attention go to the survivor experience. One exception doesn’t change that.
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I remember coming across maybe 1 uncleansable totem, never an uncleansable hex. But I have seen several unsnuffable totem spots since boons came out. So this is a double standards situation, but not for the reasons you're thinking.
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Took them like 3 days to disable dead dawg again due to an uncleansable hex. Took, what, two weeks to do much about unsnuffable boons? They didn't even disable the maps like they did dead dawg when it had an uncleansable totem. They just made it so you couldn't spam offerings for the busted spawn maps. If they were even fair they'd disable both boons with the killswitch until they figure this out. Wasn't that the point of the killswitch? Turn off broken stuff so we aren't forced to deal with it?
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Didn't see you mention this but its an important distinction - Hexes aren't placed by the killer, nor can they be replaced.
So if a Hex is in an uncleansable spot, its totally random and really just bad luck.
If the match happens to be on a map with an uncleansable totem in the right spot, survivors can choose to bless that spot knowing the killer will be unable to cleanse it.