What’s up with All the Camping and Tunneling?



  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    Can’t tell if your being sarcastic to that person or not but I agree.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    "Semi" infinites aka not infinites.

    Old Brand New Part was a lot stronger than old ruin.

    Circle Of Healing is not as strong as old insta heals. They don't even server the same purpose. Just because you can heal with both, doesn't mean they are applied the same way.

    Last but not least, I'm sure most killers on this forums always go against 4 men sweaty SWFs, and never seen a solo player in their lives, but in reality that's now how things go...

    A lot of people have quit the game, and there are a lot of new players, so "SWFs are stronger now because they've been playing for 5 years", it's even rarer.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    No, just, stop right there. How long have you been playing Dead By Daylight? If you’ve been playing since at least 2018 you would KNOW that maps have been nerfed for survivors, tile layouts such as jungle gyms, pallet gyms, have been decreased in specific maps, pallet rng has been decreased, and also many perks have been nerfed and keys just recently. Killers CHOOSE to camp and tunnel they don’t HAVE to.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Remove hooks. Down survivors automatically go to cages.

    There, fixed.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    oh it was a sarcasm post, i've been playing since 2017 i know plenty of stuff has been nerfed and people on this forum will still make up an excuse to play like a butthole to get validation from other players

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    I disagree with you on pretty much everything but that's not a big deal.

    But what i'm sure of and these are facts is that since the SBMM release :

    • every survivor takes a strong item
    • high skilled survivors are mixed together

    The game has always been balanced around the fact that average to good survivors were matched together (in the old system). Now that each survivor is great at high MMR, the game needs to be balanced around it and atm it's not the case.

    I have never struggled as much to get only 0, 1 or 2K... If i camp/tunnel i get a 3 to 4k but it's not fun for any side.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    I had a pig last night that chase for 4 mins giving me max chase points and you think at one point she simply just up even after 3 gens got popped lol. but its fine some killers I love when they tunnel cause they arent hard to loop like ms piggy.

    However the top tunneling and toxic killer types I will say is these nemesis players ofc because am leon main, cant tell you that 95% of the time the neme player always will most likely to go for me, I do not even bring or use clicky clicky clicky, me with random or swf can get the instance we all start the trial together and even though am sure mr neme see the nea with clicky clicky clicky or the other 2 on my team, they will still beeline right in my face to hit and tunnel me to hell and forth.

    It is so gross that they even the punch and whip you for no reason as if you where the one that started some beef with them vs the nea with the clicky lol. my friends even try to use bt to help and even BODY block 2 of em to get the neme off me but ofc no he dont even hit them, its insane as heck and they call its a strategy, its more a ego thing if you ask me. 🙄 PS am talking tunneling nemesis way before even boon totem exist since the day the RE DLC came out.

    Why also do killers always mention gen rushing, is that not what the survivors are to DO to live? what oh we are to stare at them and not do what the game was designed for to do, my god I wonder yall even consider what you say, so survivors are not to do what the game sets them to do. If gen rushing is such a issue like isnt running killer meta slow perks simply can by pass this, ruin, thana,tinker, pop,corrupt the fix to it?

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Here's a question: Besides it not being fun for the Survivor, why SHOULDN'T the Killer tunnel? Getting someone out of the game ASAP is a very good idea.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715

    You can’t complain about gen rush! It’s the survivors objective what else are they supposed to do!?

    Also killers can’t tunnel or camp to rush their objective! That’s unfun!

    Killers should walk the entire 9500m2 map and keep 4 people from spending 80 seconds on 5 objectives!

    They should also chase survivors for a long time because that’s fun and should never play optimally!

    If you down more than 1 person at a time, that’s slugging and unfun!

    You can’t defend the hook when we’re all running around you, that’s camping!

    You can’t hit the injured person off the hook even though they will go down quicker and are closer to being eliminated, that’s tunnelling!

    But also let’s complete this gen in the killers face because going down and getting hooked means less than completing a gen.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    Oh thank you kindly for being right on just one thing which is the first point you have on list that I did state. The rest of the grocery list are things I have not mentioned so your time I guess LOL.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    7 generators

    4 survivors

    3 hooks per survivor






    Tool boxes

    80 second gen speed with no tool box or great skill checks

    That's pretty much why.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I didn't camp or tunnel before, at least not when it was not worth. Now I tunnel every totem user out of the game, because I NEED to if i want to win. Do you get it?

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    Even Self Care is fine when it came to juggling because SC takes 32 seconds a pop to do. That's 32 seconds of you not doing anything useful (and 32 seconds for my Nurse's Calling to find you). That also only affects you so unless all four survivors are running self care (which is highly unlikely), juggling survivors running self care is still very much in play.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    it’s been really hard getting kills without camping or tunneling in this new MMR.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455

    Nope I prefer self care over circle of heal because its already there for me to use anytime vs going across a HUGE map just to try get some healing, shadow step honestly is what I will run sometimes. The time am spend running half to a big map from my nearly done gen where I can hid close to it and self heal is not time worth to me really.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited February 20
  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I don't disagree. I'm saying if they want to "win" that's going to be the easiest way.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    due to the boon totems, if i need to i will attempt to get rid of a survivor quickly rather than attempt to juggle them as, they'd be healed without the need of a medkit or other survivor so, to increase pressure terminating a survivor eases the burden or allows me to get rid of the boons completely

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Game is not the real world hahaha. But I get your point

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    THERES NO OTHER WAY TO PLAY ANYMORE. Jesus, you survivors are the whiniest bitches.


    Newsflash, we can't spread out hits or aggro anymore due to op boons and a million and one healing perks and medkits. If you want killers not to tunnel, you have to give up one of your 50 advantages you have over them. Otherwise, there's a 25% chance you won't enjoy your game as you get tunneled and camped or proxied.

  • Powder_Kegs
    Powder_Kegs Member Posts: 66

    Camping and tunneling are the only interesting parts about playing killer anymore, especially after the recent and toxic hatch update. Killers have more control in a trial than ever before, but only if they play by the rules of "do gens or die". Survivors are forced to "do gens or die" so there isn't anything else for them to do. Gen speeds are barely in a place where either killer or survivor have time to do anything other doing gens or dying.

    Camping and tunneling is efficient at any stage in this game, but it works best near the beginning due to how unstable the survivor team becomes after 1 death. Their chances of survival plummet as a team to rock bottom levels after the first death. If you're managing a decent patrol and not too slow, putting the second survivor on a hook when there's 3 gens left is almost a guaranteed 4k; there simply is no room to complete gens in the game of "do gens or die" so everyone does. All of that is ensured by slugging the last two survivors, which means they have absolutely no chance of survival.

    The devs have intended this. For survivors, it is "do gens or die". In order for killers to play "do gens or die" they have to camp and tunnel to stay in control of pressure levels.

    All of this means, this is why most meta builds have four of the same six perks you see round after round. There's no room or time for anything else. If anything else, consider that the game devolved from what it used to be; the hatch update was a toxic endeavor as it stripped away conditions for victory and dumbed it down. The game is pretty stale these days and has failed to evolve.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    Stop assuming all survivors clicky clicky and t bag, for am not one of them, a few bad apples should not spoil the rest and umm you killers are just as hypocritical as well. How about a ghosty who floors you and goes and humps your back for at least 5 mins before hooking you holding the game hostage so people cant move on to the next game . Toxic survivors creates toxic killers and toxic killers create toxic survivors, ill say it again BOTH sides are equally wrong.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455

    Ok and dont ######### when a survivor dc (which I dont do anyways as its not worth it IMO) for your tunneling/face camping toxicity

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    To the survivor mains on this discussion. You have all wanted OP perks and killers nerfs. You have it now, don't be surprised that now all fair killers, that can't win anymore, have left the game and that only the huge campers/tunnelers are still here.

    Yes survivor is unplayable now because every trials is a tunnel/camp fest.

    But that's what you implicitly all wanted when you came here to say the killers were too OP.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Kindred. It won't save you but a good portion of matches it'll either save your team mates wasting their time or give them that exact opening where the killer might be distracted. We can't stop camping, and in some scenarios, i see the tactics in it, but when it becomes an epidemic (played 5 games and 4 of them were campers at the first hook in the match, worse yesterday) you just adapt to it. Run kindred and waste their time. I tend to sacrifice on the hook if it's a stealth player and I see someone coming towards me. I might accept the camp, but I refuse to feed it.

    "Why should I have to run a perk to counter it?"

    You don't have to, but if it's going to keep happening, its an option, kinda makes me feel less bad about spending my game just hanging out making kissy faces at the killer staring at me on hook.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Yes lol. God forbid we get our third SWF in a row, full of macro clicking, tea bags at every pallet, no matter how clearly survivor sided the loop was, and obnoxious play that was clearly meant to tilt us, whether or not we actually tilted.

    Killer's don't owe you anything, and they're certainly not thinking 'Maybe they're a solo queue so I should play a bit differently.'

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Yup Kindred is pretty much a must have when you are soloQ or duoQ.

    Killer is camping ? Gen rush.

    I don't even understand why at high MMR so few players use it...

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    It's been said a few times before, but recent changes have perhaps been a major reason:

    The Boon totems, as the currently stand, are a major concern to killers. If there's evidence (or suspicion) to show a particular survivor has this perk, then they will be heavily targetted, but no different than when the keys were powerful. It's the new "key" for now, but I reckon they'll nerf Boons later on.

    Also, MMR. Some players have decided they want a higher MMR, despite a) people with it complaining about how unfun it is, b) that there is no reward for doing so and c) not knowing how they stand amongst others. It's better to get Pips which actually reward you with more BP, than climb up a ladder people cannot see which rung they're on and get nothing back for it.

    Finally, there's just normalcy, really! I mean, some days you get tunnelled and somedays you don't. Nothing wrong or illegal about it and everyone has to accept that matches will not all go as you want! Today, I had 1 match where I was hooked once and died as nobody came to save. Another where everyone decided to get Cannibalised early, leaving me to almost get the hatch but lose yards from it. These matches can be annoying, but they happen and they do not take away from all the great matches I've had as both killer and survivor.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715

    I think the problem with this is that it probably actually encourages camping\tunneling :(

    It sucks to be on a team with someone who DCs as the rest of you are easy kills now.

    It just gives the killer what they want - a player out the game asap so the rest are easy pickings.

    I guess everyone could DC but then everyone loses; both points and everyone's time.

  • fiorefe
    fiorefe Member Posts: 17

    Thats because people have discovered the sbmm thing.

    Yk, like... A kill +10 points...

    And bc of that, they're all getting obsessed with killing, leading them to tunnel and camp.

    Before skill based, everyone was obsessed with ranking up, now they're obsessed with killing.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    As it is if survivors don't make several mistakes the killer loses playing "fairly." The trouble is you can't wait to see if they will screw up enough to have a balanced game. Best solution seems to be early removal of what seems will be the biggest PITA. Right now that's boon users.

  • fiorefe
    fiorefe Member Posts: 17

    Yup, but the game's devs job is to make a fun game, and when u get killed in, like... 2 minutes, u dont get to enjoy the game, soo... it isnt fun. If I get a really fun match, and die in the end, I'll be very happy, but... If I dont even get to PLAY the match, I'll def not be happy.

    Can u understand what Im saying?

  • fiorefe
    fiorefe Member Posts: 17

    It can be a "me" problem, but why tf It started when sbmm came?

    And... that sbmm thing, for me, isnt "adjusting" nothing.

    Yk, Im a bad player (in my opinion), but I keep getting those super good killers. Like... If in 8 out of 10 matches I die, my sbmm doesnt "adjust".

    I get reaaally mad when a game mechanic doesnt make a difference for me.

  • Inspire
    Inspire Member Posts: 123

    Saying that killers/survivors didn't know what they were doing in 2017-2018 is a complete lie. 1-2 years after a games release is usually when the playerbase starts to learn and understand the game.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    I don't blame how rare Spirits are after this patch lmao

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Behaviour must do something against Tunnel and Camp..... Maybe stop buffing survivors and Nerf genrush? Maybe, I don't know.

    Is not fun to tunnel someone, I am main killer and I don't like It but to be honest is the only way to keep pressure in a match. I am tired of being forced to use every Game with every killer gen regression perks to avoid getting stomped in 5 mins, but Behaviour doesnt want to change this metagame so we have to adapt and sadly the best way to deal with this meta is tunneling. Look for the weak link and tunnel that player out of the Game as fast as you can loosing less gens possible. There is Allways a weak link, even in competitive teams, and really easy to find.

    Do you want to end with this meta? Ok, Me too, I want to use another perk not the same 4 perks for the rest of my Life. Start Complaining about how easy is to repair, how easy is to "Loop" on strong survivor Maps (75% of DBD Maps), how strong SwF is and when BHVR make any change, this tunnel meta Will end or Will be reduced a lot, If I can Chase you and your team mates without loosing One gen per hook, I will Chase the entire team and play Fair, but for now, I Will keep my tunneling strategy, and Facecamping as Bubba while I am Looking something on Netflix :)

  • JexxTron
    JexxTron Member Posts: 228

    20 mins to read all ya posts. all agree killers must guard hook and look for people coming to save. No better way currently. I play killer to get money for SWF. So let the killers do what they need to do and let the survivors do the same. Why do you need words like "TUNNEL" and "CAMP" They are just words to complain with. just go play. If you don't have fun, go play Silent Hill again. Killers, maybe you should drop your catch and chase the person behind you. a downed survivor is useless. There are no rules. The rule book is from the parodies on youtube. Game on. Everyone rises to their level of incompetence. And anyway, all you boys are dogs.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited October 2021

    The problem is as the game went on, the ways to apply pressure became less relevant. Slugging was nerfed by increasing recovery speed, even moreso with perks like UB. Hit and run doesn't work because for several reasons, which is even worse with the introduction of a free 5th perk in the form of a Boon totem. A bad survivor can deal with a much better killer by simply holding Shift+W on massive maps, and camp/pre-drop every pallet due to the safety of pallets being buffed with hit validation. Throw in second chance perks and well, you have to simply deal with so much to the point it's just easier to tunnel and camp.

    It's not really an enjoyable experience for both sides. I just want to get into chases with the killer, but generators go so quickly and killers so often do those two things, that I just end up with countless boring games. It doesn't matter if I go and "waste time" applying a Boon or running to heal near one, when I have so much time to work with in-game compared to the killer.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    It’s because that’s how you have to play killer now. Too many surv buffs too msny killer nerfs and the mmr system. Not sure how I can even get into a game … who is actually playing killer?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yes, start. There is a difference between starting to understand a game and understanding a game.

    Look at SC2. Year 2 of WoL and year 4 of WoL were night and day in terms of refinement and sophistication.

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207

    Honestly, I blame MMR. Camping and tunneling is the easiest way to either break even or gain in MMR. Most tunnel matches end in 2-3 kills. Kills are all the matter really.

    Welcome to BHVR'S idea of fun and fair. lol

  • Yidna
    Yidna Member Posts: 14

    Hit and run playstyles are basically unplayable atm with boon totems. Resetting is extremely easy now and its at little to no cost.

  • LittleSagey
    LittleSagey Member Posts: 78

    oh ive been here since the beginning, but im saying killer is at its lowest point in the current meta/state. We dont talk about old insta heals and forever broken hooks because games are always trash when they are new. but in the current 2019-2021 era, its pretty bad right now.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    You must be drunk because I play killer most of the time and it has been a pain in my -bleep-. I don't play dirty like camping or tunneling but have noticed I have been doing that more and more because of CoH and Gem Rushing.....I tend to guard my little 3 Gen Dead zone to try and keep the pressure up but it doesn't always work.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Woah. No objectivity. All arguments must be subjective viewpoints on objective arguments.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    I felt the pain when you said "played solo"....

    Solo q needs some love from the devs.

  • mrdead
    mrdead Member Posts: 51

    MMR 100% encourages tunneling, camping and discourages altruistic play,