Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Dead hard is a problem??



  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i think you're just in denial over it.

    you're right tho, there is no point to further debate on this topic, its quite appearant that you wont listen.

    have a good day.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Yep. I'm in denial, while winning out against DH, baiting it and taking easy downs. But I must be wrong. Okie dokie.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Dead hard needs to be reworked. Its the only problematic perk atm that offers no downsides.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    didnt you just say you wanted to stop debating on this?

    then please do so.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    You can stop replying any time my dude :) it works both ways

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    But the thing is, you're a lot like me in the sense that you want to have the last word. That's why neither of us have stopped replying to the other

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Dead Hard was always a problem as it granted Survivors a third health state 90%, now it's 100% with an extra bonus of being able to eat up Killer Powers which is just overkill for no reason and the devs will not do anything about it for 2 years minimum

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited November 2021

    You should probably submit your tips to Killer mains like Otz and Survivor mains like Aryun that both constantly laugh at the absurdity of Dead Hard in its current state/ungamable situations.

    If you know/can demonstrate something that such players are ignorant of, it's an easy gateway into making money off the game.

  • Killer_NPC
    Killer_NPC Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2021

    DH into wall happens if you look at killer but the loop - dead zone- loop part you forgot , also ######### up while not using exhaustion perks like at loops and dh can correct you , no other perk can do that .. you just take 1 part of the argument that you didnt agree and ignore the rest ...

    want more proof why its broken ? go to 2:05 and tell me which other perk can do that ... even if you sprint burst there you die because he started running to late , but nope dh not broken at all ... not even that its that broken its just overpowered perk , if you run any other you are at disadvantage (just pls dont tell me sHe StiLL WeNt DoWN tHouGH , because she didnt drop pallet which was mistake since she didnt realize he has pwyf , but the thing is that perk gave her extra life that she used poorly)

    its funny though how many people dissagree with you are try to prove the point and even what person above said , look at every survivor main and killer main at high elo playing game on stream or yt saying that the perk is op and look at high mmr players all running DH-DS-2 changable perks , but everyone at high elo who plays competitivly has DH and DS (and im not talking about meme builds they do for content).

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Yea exhausted on the ground was BROKEN, made all the killers DC

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The hit validation isn't an issue with dead hard. Its an issue with how the Devs handle hit feedback. If the killer doesn't hear a scream or have blood splatter on their screen after a survivor dead hards, it would look like a normal dead hard. You will go into whiff cooldown and continue the chase. Its only because you hear the scream, see the blood, and the survivor still running away do you feel cheated.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Problem with dead hard compared to other exhaustion perks is that it has absolutly zero restrictions.

    Lithe needs vaults. If the killer is able to catch you off guard and there are no vaults near it doesn't do anything.

    It also isn't an option. If you are in chase and you vault it happens. Doesn't matter that you could have vaulted that window 3 more times before you needed the speedboost it happens when it happens.

    Dead hard has zero requirements except being injured which is what your opponent wants to do. So that doesn't really count. It is bound to happen and if it doesn't who cares if you can't use your exhaustion perk

    And it is activated whenever you want. You can vault as many windows as you want. Run however long you want. Do whatever you want. You have 100% control over when dead hard happens.

    On top of that the distance dead hard creates really isn't that less then other sprint based perks.

    Sprint burst if the killer was smart and didn't wiff gives you (18m - 13.8m) 4.2m over 3 seconds vs a standerd 4.6 m/s killer

    Dead hard gives you (~8.4m - 4.6m) ~3.6m over 1 second. Without any real restrictions what so ever.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Ah yes that 2 second stalling. The only use it can get is if the killer swings, which if he’s good he won’t. Or if your on a loop. 90% of the time dead hard just buys 2 more seconds of time.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    You don't play killer don't you?

    It give the survivor more then 10 seconds when they dead hard for distance in any loop that either have a window and/or a pallet. It also turn a winning chase to a waste one if they find another loop which most of the time they will.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Do you play killer because you should be zoning them away from loops?

    Yes they dead hard at a loop if only there were killers that have mobility and one shot abilities that completely counter. I can but a complication of DH being more useless then useful.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I must admit, it really seems like you don't know what you're talking about.

    Survivors lead chases, 1 hit down killers usually prevent one instance of Dead Hard, you think Dead Hard for distance only extends chases for 2s when it's universally known as one of the best chase extenders, etc.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    I’m sorry WHAT? Ah yes when chasing a survivor they always go the exact way I’m going giving me free downs instead of trying to get away from me.

    Also don’t forget the 1 shot perks and addons. What are you talking about only prevents it for 1 instance can the killer only use their power one time per survivor? 😂😂 It only extends chase if the killer is bad enough to swing or when you time correctly with a loop. You can watch the best killer in the world OTZ and the best survivors in the world and then usually die with dead hard 2 seconds after using it and only rarely get any value out of it.

  • aperoni
    aperoni Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2021

    But apparently it was fine when we were getting hit straight through it.

    EDIT: And if you really want to fix all of the broken perks within the game, how about NOED or Rancor? But no, because that benefits you.

    Once a survivor uses Dead Hard all you have to do is just get real close to them. I play my fair share of killer (while admittedly I enjoy survivor more) and once I learn someone has Dead Hard, they just looks like an idiot using it again. I don't fall for any of the mindgames and just either wait 'till I see them use it or get real close to them before hitting.

    People act like killers can't just completely remove someone from a game if they wanted to. Especially Bubba, and there's nothing they can do about it. If you're getting facecamped by Bubba you're dead. So why can't survivors have a dash?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    requiring to be injured is a huge downside.

    Also, unlike every other exhaustion perk, the distance is very minimal.

    So yeah, I’d say there are definitely downsides.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    When you hit a healthy survivor with any kind of one shot they go down.

    then after they get unhooked or recovered from that they are injured and free to use dead hard as much as they like.

    Hence oneshot abilities only prevent a single use from dead hard

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Dead hard is only a problem for very bad killers. It's good against Nurse but that is about it.

    Sprint Burst is really better. If everyone was using Sprint Burst, Sprint Burst would suddenly "be a problem" because perks aren't supposed to be good for survivor.

    Meanwhile, some killers are using 4 slowdown perks. 🙄

    That's a problem!

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited November 2021

    Description of the perk:

    “Dash forward to avoid damage”


    ”BuT ITs A FrEE GEt OuT of JaIL FRee caRD”

    Yes it is. Technically it is. It is also in the description. That is how perks work.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    The usage of Dead Hard you're describing is its weakest use.

    It can be used for distance to get to a pallet/window and extend a loop when you're not even within striking range, tacking on 30s+ to a chase with an action that is generally uncounterable.

    If the people you play aren't using it to extend loops, they're not very good.

  • aperoni
    aperoni Member Posts: 23

    Eh, fair enough. Exclude the third paragraph, you're right. But I still stand by the other 3.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    A survivor can choose to not get healed and stay injured. What the killer does is completly irrelevant

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    I will happily say delete Noed/Rancor if it means we get to also delete dead hard

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    And how are they supposed to heal when your chasing them off hook? Seems extremity relevant to me

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46

    I think DH is a problem because it does multiple things

    1. get more distance
    2. immune

    All the other exhaustion perks mainly have one purpose, get more distance, but only with different activate condition

    DH validation is not a buff, seriously. But what the fix brings is the problem here

    First of all, even before the fix, it's always a meta perk because it's an easy second chance.

    It can also be hidden, you can hold this perk when you see the long attack then use it, even upon see the knifes waved down if your ping is very low, which force the killers taking more time to get very close to you maybe even do some mind-game when toe to back. And yet perhaps you don't even have the perk but killers still assume you have it or it will be a major mistakes then you can safely get to another loop. The existing of DH is a mind-game to killers.

    Further more, it affects some of killers ability now. Nemesis for example, his tentacles hit the survivor behind a pallet. Before recent patch just simple hit or miss by DH then break the pallet, but with the validation working, the hit got rejected by the server, but local end thought the survivor was hit so the pallet remains the same, the list is long but the idea remains the same.

    Again, the validation is aimed to make this perk works which is a right thins to do, but it mechanically gives disadvantages That means a nerf by how it looks like and it needs to be fixed.

    Back to the function it has.

    Distance or defense. I think the perk needs to be tuned into either one or get a full rework.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    people complain about dead hard now because it actually works now. they got used to the not working dead hard for 2 years reason why people were complaining way less.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It's apperently super easy with a good medkit and CoH. Or so i heard

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    But again if you’re tunneling them they still can’t heal. So what’s your point?

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Most of the time you can't push them away from a loop and if there was a situation where you could, there are lot of pallet near each other so there are a small chance where you could push them into an open area.

    There are 8 perk that cuase exposed (dragon grip, iron maidan, hex NOED, hex devour hope, hex haunted ground, make your choice, rancor and starstruck) and 5 one shot killers (billy, myers, bubba, ghostface and the oni)

    Iron miadan and rancor are mostly situational when it come to getting any value on them.I

    Make your choice, haunted ground and dragon grip can get some good useage but it depends on the decision on the killer and finding the survivor which haunted can be pair up with hex retribution and make your choice you can hear the scream of the survivor (which depends on if there are one or more of the same character to see if it give more or less value)

    Starstruck can get value but need to carry a survivor and is limited to the terror radius which can get bigger with agitation and destressing. It get a lot of value if it on a killer like the nurse has she can goes through anything.

    NOED is a perk that i do hope it gets change but it in current state it only work when all 5 gen are powered and if the survivor left one totem up. It can give the killer a kill and possibly 4k'ing.

    Devour hope is a good hex perk as it can become the sole reason why the survivors lost while still being fair as you need to be outside of 32 metre for it to gain token and up to three all survivor are exposed till the totem has been broken. If paired with undying it become very strong that if undying isn't destroy by te time it get it 3rd token, they will have to be lucky enough to find both of them.

    Oni and billy are very limited when it come to there oneshot. Oni need to fill up his bar to activate his and it limited in steering just like billy but can go into his dash more quicker then billy and even if you have little experience of playing him you can get a lot of value if you know how to play him. Billy is very slowed when revving and at most loop his power won't do much unless the guy is very experience and skilled at playing billy.

    Bubba is slowed when he's revving his chainsaw but he can move around like normal and can hit more then once but isn't great at most loop and is harder to menuveur in them but can still get some great value is some situations.

    Myers and ghost face need to stalk to get them exposed individually for ghost face and all for myers. Myer need to tier up which can be a hassle once if you can find anyone. It take awhile to tier up which it can take awhile or in a moment. Going into tier 3 he gain increased vaulting speed, extanded lunge and all survivors are exposed till tier 3 run out (60 seconds) he can snowball while in tier 3. Ghost face power need to be activated to gain undetectable and the ability to stalk survivors. He can be reveal which put his ability on cooldown for 24 seconds. When he stalks survivor that can only exposed individually but can exposed all with they group up together. His crouch can make some look that are unable to be mindgame to being able to depending on both players.

    Hope i didn't miss anything because i did more then this and it was erased (myer and ghostface part)

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You can heal a bit after stunning a killer. Have a superfast medkit and Resurgence and it's actually quite doable to heal while being chased.

    My original point was that dead hard users don't heal at all but you randomly started talking about other random stuff so i assumed that talk was over.

    Pretty sure none of us have a point anymore

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Where is my popcorn? Such interesting and hilarious topic

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747
    edited November 2021

    Being injured can sometimes be a benefit with dh. Because you have that second chance. And not waste time healing.

    The distance is enough to get that extra distance with the pallet/window. Not to mention the invincibility frames and the new hit reg. Its too strong. So there's no downsides. The only downside I can think of is getting unlucky or you're not aware and get caught in an open area. I use dh religious so I know how strong it is.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    The only time there are a bunch of pallets near each other or in indoor maps. What do you mean you can lush them away from a loop I can send you 20c videos of killers doing just that from both killer and survivor POVs if you want.

    Ive never heard of an Oni struggling to gather blood unless they’re facing 4 medkit SWF. He has addons/techs/strayfing which instantly makes it 50x easier to steer and hit so regardless a good Oni should have a problem landing his 1 shots. Billy… he’s suffered enough I’m not even gonna get into how they massacre one of the most fun killers in the game.

    Ghost face won’t even get into either because I’ve literally gotten in front of him and looked directly at his face for 10 seconds and still didn’t give me the chance to expose him so I’m keeping my hands off him too.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Literally an extra health state for Survivor for free. Counters Killer powers, including ones it shouldn't logically, like Trapper traps, Doctor shocks, etc

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    I don’t know why to this day you can still DH over traps.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Blood is easy for oni to get which is why i didn't mention it by limited i meant by his steering and duration. He is a good killer and nost player can get down with him if they know how to position him and use both his movement and steering (right stick for controller and mouse for mouse and keyboard) to get a better chances but he is still limited but not as much as billy.

    Ghostface has a terrible reveal machenic and i wish it was fixed

    Also i would like to see those video of killer that push survivors off loops pls.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Sensitive is really the perfect word to describe the killer community. Dead Hard is a solid perk but it remains pretty easy to play around/bait out.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    Which makes sense, since the game is survivor sided.

    If it wasn't, then there would either be same amount of complaints from both sides, or more complaints from survivor side (that is the situation where the game is killer sided).

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    I had a team yesterday that whenever they had DH available, they always got the hit validation. Frame perfect DH every single time, even on quick hits.

  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    You only "bait it out" when their bad and ran it the open injured and have nothing left.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    Goes both ways. Killers wouldn't have anything left either. The complaining on here is ridiculous. Feels like this forum is a nursery and the devs are semi absent babysitters.

  • Killer_NPC
    Killer_NPC Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2021

    "This isn't competitive game like csgo"

    Yet in CSGO you can que up casual with many different gamemodes and in this game you are forced to play ranked since booting up the game for first time.

    Also this is the reviews they show off on steam page of game.


    “Dead by Daylight has evolved into an unrivalled asymmetrical competitive multiplayer game, and one of the best horror games around.”

    9/10 – Gamespot

    “Dead by Daylight’s inventive concept for a competitive horror game strikes an incredible balance between two very different styles of play, and makes both compelling.”

    9/10 – IGN

    Also they hold tournaments and tried to make this game an esports for many years. Too bad devs suck at balancing in general from maps to perks..

    Even league of legends which is arguably biggest esport ever doesnt let you play ranked untill you reached lvl 30 playing casual or vs ai games..

This discussion has been closed.