hatch nerf goes brrrr

let the hatch atleast spawn or give us an option to kill our teammates / sacrifice a teammate on a hook cuz its super annoying when the last teammate sits through all their skill checks and you carry a game but you dont get he hatc czu you gotta loop him for 1 min before even being able to look for the hatch its unreasonable... the hatch is meant to give the last player an option to escape yes. im fine with them not letting 3mans jump out etc. but if there are 2 people left and 1 generator... they can atleast make it spawn
If I'm not mistaken, the hatch is still a physical prop in the trial from the beginning. It is just invisible. So you should, after some practice, be able to find the hatch by running over it and finding the indention where it spawned.
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"give us an option to kill our teammates / sacrifice a teammate on a hook cuz"
Yes. Let's do this one. There is nothing that can go wrong with this one.
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That actually cant be done anymore as either this patch or the previous patch one of the fixes that was listed was that you could no longer feel hatch while it was invisable.
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No, just, no……..
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Kyf gonna take a whole new meaning
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Hatch won't be nerfed enough until it's completely gone. That's what I got from this nerf.
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In that case you'd have to be a killer that could bump into it with their power like blight or bubba I guess.
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I'd only agree with being able to kill your teammates if other survivors start running around with a red glow so you can be ready for their attacks.
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u get the point why struggle on a hook for 2 min when im mid chase... the hatch is suppose to let the last person escape how are u suppose to escape with the hatch if the last dude is doing the skill checks to the last second no voice chat so you can't tell them that you wont unhook them... no one gives hatch for free for some reason like they used to back in the days... so whats the purpose of the hatch? and last thing the key its also useless now or what? can u only use it to open the hatch after the killer closes it...???
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Keys also have the aura reading add ons. Which are way better than opening hatch.
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i mean im fine with them removing the hatch i dont care but it pisses me off that i cant use something that exists due to my teammates not using their full brain capacity and thinking if its realistic for me to unhook when im injured cross map mid chase last survivor
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So you wanna be selfish in a team based game? Yeah I'm gonna have to stamp that with a big no.
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that was meant as a little joke btw ;) but u get the point it is also hard to actually suicide on the hook which is a good and bad part with the skillchecks i like that u cant time the suicide... but the real problem is that the survivors in this example my teammate doesnt understand that i cant save them crossmap injured mid chase
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how is it being selfish OOH ok i understand u want me to download hacks ok... how am i suppose to unhook someone crossmap when im the last survivor left mid chase injured?? the killer needs to make A REALLY BIG mistake in order for that to happen
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I've had the most luck finding hatch prematurely as Trapper or Hag - the prompt for their power disappears over the hatch zone.
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It seems like they snuck in a change to have the hatch spawn near the last survivor.
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rly? gonna keep an eye out then ;)
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You ain't supposed to win in that situation amigo. That's a losing fight, if you win that, them god damn you must have dead harded into shack pallet with hatch inside. Like in that situation you gotta accept death.
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yea ik but hatch != win some i mean i still gain a pip but for me i only care about hatch the matches the killer really suck and doesnt deserve the win due to either me messing up or my teammates doing something bad...
one more thing did they change the mmr becasue im almost rank 1 and i play with rank 20s some games and some games like rank 1s... same with killer some games are high ranks some are really low and you can loop killershack the whole match because they platy doctor and spam shock
one last thing doesnt u think its the dude on the hook that is selfish ;) he refuses to die so i cant get hatch he is the one who doesnt wanna die alone
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yea clicking next to the hatch isn't that skillful
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Could save them? Just a thought,
hatch only gives extra points... if you're that selfish you probably dont deserve it just saying
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All 5 gens completed...3 survivors left...you're on the hook...you see the aura of one survivor working on the gate....while the other is on his way to make a valiant rescue. Before your feet get a chance to touch the ground again, the survivor on the switch takes a hit...goes down...and 5 seconds later they meet their end on their death hook....yet there is no room for dispair in your heart for one of your brave teammates is about to save you. Unfortunately for you, grasshopper, the survivor you foolishly assumed was going for the rescue happened to be @FlameGNG ,who instead pulled out a @%^@# knife and stabbed you through the heart.....thus keeping both his hatch escape and kill streak going.
You claim you carried the game but let the rest of your team die, you have no interest in saving the other teammate who is clearly only getting hooked for their second time, and now you also want to be able to speed up their sacrifice or better yet kill them yourself for your own benefit.... Seriously, how big of a scumbag are you?
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They probably just want the extra bloodpoints. I usually stay on hook for a few extra bloodpoints unless the other survivor asks nicely with emotes.
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bruh you are typing out of context i do more gens then my team combined and i loop longer than my team combined there were never a point were all 3 besides me were hooked since i would obviously go for a unhook then what i mean is that when i loop they stand around and do nothing... when i unhook with BT they run away and i go down because they wont take the hit thats what i mean by carry some games i can get pretty uch twice the amount of blood points than my teammates
you see what i mean is 1 gen left 1 survivor on hook why be a dick head and stay on the hook and not even give the last survivor a chance to escape?
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I always let go to give the other survivor a chance, EXCEPT- if we had one gen left and I KNOW 100% you were trying to wait for me to get caught & die. If I get chased off my 50% done gen, then loop over to the other two gens and they are as cold as your heart, you best believe I’m doing every single one of those skill checks to give the killer more time to down your scary behind. I decide if I martyr- no one else.