[NEW] Killer Concept

Dav105 Member Posts: 73
edited December 2018 in Creations


  • Wowz261
    Wowz261 Member Posts: 19
    Interesting concept but she seems too similar to the hag and survivors could counter her with the same tactics.
    cursed generator: seems a bit op especially in the late game when their are 3 gens left when really there is 1 ( camping opportunity  ) ,and the survivors are on a time limit since killers are being buffed and every second lost is a second they could have used to escape.
    Hallowed crows: might as well be spies in the shadows 2.0

    Locker rage: interesting concept but what if a survivor is inside?
  • Lord_Rafi
    Lord_Rafi Member Posts: 14

    great concept art :) and i am out of here wushhhh

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    i like too see someone breaking the lockers and inside its a dwight XD

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    Maybe breaking a locker while a survivor is inside would injure them and trap them in. A survivor would have to "repair" the locker and free the survivor? :)

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    I like this killer concept, my only question is are the webs visible when fully grown because depending on the size of the web then this could easily be avoided making the killer weak. 

    And I am pretty sure the animation for the locker perk would just simply be opening it then closing it back. That way if a survivor is inside they will be captured. 
  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    darth vader should be a killer. i thought i should put that out there.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Hollowed crow- Lol I'm a crow and I'm so triggered cause a p3 Claudette is hiding behind my rock 😱😂😂
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Iceman said:

    I like this killer concept, my only question is are the webs visible when fully grown because depending on the size of the web then this could easily be avoided making the killer weak. 

    And I am pretty sure the animation for the locker perk would just simply be opening it then closing it back. That way if a survivor is inside they will be captured. 
    Lol no the survivor in the locker is killed instantly haha