Is anyone even that upset at Stranger Things leaving?

I know some people are upset but are they actually? I haven’t seen a single Steve or Nancy in ages and I’ve only ever played against a Demo like 6 times, all of which were before they announced stranger things’ removal.
Are there actually people upset at the characters’ removal because it seems like everyone’s already moved on at this point.
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I'm upset to see the license go. I feel bad for stranger things fans who will eventually wanna play this game but they won't have access to the characters. But I'm happy to see Hawkins Lab go.
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I have the characters and hate Hawkins so I’m fine with it personally
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I'm sad Hawkins has to go. Love it both as a Killer and as a Survivor but at the same time I feel great since I got the perks from Nancy and Steve :^)
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The characters aren't leaving. Anyone who already owns Nancy, Steve and Demogorgon (AKA most of the community I'd imagine) get to keep them. Only the people who haven't bought the game yet (and five and a half years into the life cycle, there can't be that many people interested who haven't tried it yet) will miss out.
The only thing we're actually losing is the map. Although Hawkins may be my personally least favourite of the indoor maps, it's still sad to see gameplay content being removed permanently.
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Even if they're still in the game, the fact that they won't truly be characters included in the game anymore saddens me, as well as Hawkins going away. Also the DLC being deleted from the store means less Demos, Nancies, and Steves.
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I get Steve and Nancy's all the time, demo once or twice a month. Both before and after the announcement.
For the map I don't really care. I'm not a fan of it as killer and very indifferent to it as survivor.
I strongly prefer midwich and The Game if I want a multi level indoor map. If those go I'll be sad, especially Midwich since as clown all long hallways do is give me more time to bash your head with pissplosion bottles and as survivor I play Cheryl exclusively so it's thematic.
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I'm very sad that it's leaving. I'm bummed newer players won't have the chance to buy Demo, and I'm especially sad that one of my favourite maps in the whole game is being disabled.
I'm still hoping they'll repurpose the layout into a new map...
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I see a Steve or Nancy almost every game. Haven't played against Demo ina long time. And Hawkins is my least favorite map in the game. Overall I'm not sad to see any of it go since I've already gotten the achievements and perks from the chapter but it does suck knowing any license can leave the game at almost any time.
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It's all about Situational Awareness.
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I already bought the chapter, so for me only the map and the skins from the store are going away.
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I care not for the 80's teenagers, only their perks and Demo.
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I don't care that much, they found a good solution for the Perk, and I hope they just reskin the Lab, it's a great map, that would be a shame if it just landed in the trashbin.
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I’ll miss the Hawkins map, I liked the look of it. Demogorgon is still around though so that’s good.
The show is good, I haven’t seen season 3 yet though. 🤷♂️
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I already own the characters, so the only thing leaving for me will be Hawkins and the cosmetics from the store.
But I'll miss Hawkins because it was one of the most unique maps in the game and I loved its aesthetic.
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I have a feeling that when the Stranger Things game fails we'll get them back.
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I was glad it happened since we get all chapter perks for free which was pretty neat
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I don’t think they’ll fail tbh but I hope you’re right.
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Losing Hawkins blows, even though I suck at it as survivor.
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I'm not sad because I already have the DLC, but I'll sorely miss the Hawkins map. Lots of fun times there hiding from killers and whatnot
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I already own the characters but I'll miss the Hawkins map.
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I'm mainly bothered because a mechanically unique character is now no longer obtainable, resulting in a divide between older players and newer ones that can't be closed.
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The people who own the DLC aren't losing it, so it's not like they have to play Steve and Nancy and Demo right now or forever miss their chance. As long as they own it, they're fine.
It's the people who start playing the game after mid-November who will be upset that Stranger Things left.
As for the rest of the Stranger Things content, I'm going to miss Hawkins Lab when it's gone, and I already miss the old perk names.
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Im not but I just hope they dont accuse me of hacking when they see a demogorgon
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Barely knew em, can hardly miss them
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I hate Nancys as teammates and Hawkins is my least map
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I will really miss the map.
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No, Hawkins is a horrible map. Can't wait for it to go. I hope RE and SH licenses are next.
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I like Jonathan, my man screams like he's passing a kidney stone the size of a golfball. It's beautiful and in the whole 2 or 3 games I played with him I absolutely stayed close by to hear the symphony of his shattering body.
God damn I might buy him just to wail at strangers.
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I'm annoyed that I bought the Stranger Things DLC and now the Hawkins Lab map is being removed forever. If I bought it I should be able to play it as long as I want. I'll still have Steve, Nancy, and the Demogorgon but not the map. As much as people hate the Hawkins map I will miss it.
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You didn't pay for the map- you get sent to associated realms whether you own the DLC or not, or I wouldn't be getting sent to Badham or Midwich every fourth map lmao
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I was saying that I regret buying the DLC if the associated characters can't ever be on their own map.
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Hawkins was maybe my second favourite map.
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The thing is - other than the map and unbought cosmetics - they aren't really leaving. Demogorgon, Steve and Nancy will all be available for the trials for anyone who already has bought them.
Newer players may not have the chance to own them, sorry for them. But effectively those three characters will be a more common occurance than the legendary outfits people earnt way back when the game started - they're still here and will continue to be so for as long as the game continues.
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I play Demo. I have the characters and all the skins but I won't lie, I won't shed a tear Hawkins lab will be gone.
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I don't like Hawkins, i don't even like stranger things. But I hate losing content more.
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I see more Steve and Nancy's than pretty much any other Survivor. At least two per day.
Also, I main Steve and Jonathan. :p
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Scoops ahoy and Johnathan are going to be like legacy light flexes in 2 years
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I'll miss the map and the lack of future content, but not that much since the characters will still be ingame.
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Honestly I cared a lot when I heard about it, but BHVR is not acting like it's that big of a deal and only trying to profit off it as much as it can before it goes - so I stopped caring.
Honestly a lot involving the game I started to just stop caring.
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Would have preferred to lose the Resident Evil chapter but heres hoping maybe next time.
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What I'm more interested in, is that does Demo get any buffs, nerfs or any kind of balance works after the Stranger Days DLC is gone?