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General Discussions

What one fix improvement or change would you implement immediately.

There are many but I think a good place to start is with the MMR.

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  • Member Posts: 175
  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Make NOED base kit.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Make medkits actually work

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited November 2021

    I’d like to see the end game screen changed so that instead of seeing everybody’s Grades (which aren’t used for matchmaking) you see 5% percentile brackets for the hidden MMRs. It would give a more accurate picture of where the system estimates you and your opponents are skill-wise, plus it would allow you to see how your own rating varies between different killers. And it would clear up some of the confusion on the boards when people talk about Grades being out of whack in a match thinking that the Grades are used for the matchmaking.

    I have no strong opinion on good or bad the MMR is. Personally my own matches seem fine under MMR, but I have no objective dataset to look over from the game to declare what issues the MMR has or doesn’t have on a broad scale compared to the system it replaced. Mismatches can happen for all sorts of reasons, not just a problem in the algorithm, but also due to things like swfs and ragequits lowering ratings and brand new players maybe being initially set to be “average” which could put them too high initially, etc. It can also be caused by a lack of enough very high skill or very low skill players online to reliably match against each other in a reasonable timeframe, or by just dumb bad luck. Without a way to actually see your own relative rating bracket and your opponents and a way to set up a database of randomly selected matches at various skill levels it’s extremely difficult to make objective declarations about how balanced matches are or should be.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Remember when dailly missions used to give 100 000 bp

    I remember

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Remove the blood point cap in each category.

  • Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2021

    Put mettle of man to its formula glory

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    im being genuinely serious with this

    Make feral frenzy a lethal power again

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Nuke the grind from orbit, my first change is...

    ... thank you, we're on the same page here 😄

  • Member Posts: 968

    Make killers 5% faster (except for nurse), baseline kick naturally deals 5% gen regression and regression after that is now the same as tier 1 ruin minimum.

    These changes are mostly aimed at:

    • Dealing with how safe some pallets are as equally as possible for all killers
    • Dealing with larger maps
    • Creating a better back and forth over gens naturally
    • Make gen tapping a more strategic choice instead of always the best choice (because the perks that are meant to punish gen tapping are so laughably garbage, looking at you overcharge.)
  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Yea, MMR would be first to go. SWF in public matches would be second. They can get a 5th and do KWF.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    If I could change anything instantly, I would try to do big that has been a large problem for a while. I would shorten and shrink all maps by a good margin, a little bigger than Dead Dawg Saloon. This would not only make Killer much better, but is a change survivors also would enjoy.

  • Member Posts: 1,599
    edited November 2021

    Can I get two?

    BattlEye level anticheat with appropriate game logs, and if I get that second one let's change Escape-Based Match Making to Emblem-Based Match Making - you can still have an MMR, but based on how well you actually do.

  • Member Posts: 349

    i actually made a Post about that. Take a Look and tell me what you think about it ;)

  • Member Posts: 175

    Very well said.Don’t totally agree but like some of the idea your putting forward.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Remove MMR immediately.

  • Member Posts: 6,825
    edited November 2021

    I’d fix performance issues.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I's make a market to turn in things used less...

    Like BP offerings... 4 Brown for 1 Yellow and so on and so forth

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Rework totem spawns. Survivors should not spawn with a totem already on their damn screen, or even close, and there should also be a little extra care taken from the killer side now that boons are in the game.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Mmr changes, it needs to be based on more than just escapes/kills. Also increases and losses should be adjusted according to the mmr of your opponents. If I face a squad of fresh potato survs and they get crushed I should not gain a ton of mmr points, and likewise for survs. Also if I come up against a bully squad, even if they mess up and I kill one, all of their actions (stuns, flashlights, unhooks, dodges, long chases whatever) should lead to them gaining some mmr rather than losing it. Overall the amounts of mmr change should just generally be smaller too.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited November 2021

    I think Totems need a major rework. On some maps they are ridiculously difficult for survivors to find which can allow ruin and lullaby and devour to completely ruin a game, on others they have such stupid spawns that all of your totems are gone within a minute of the start of the match. Then there was the recent stupid nerf to the killer's totem defense perk, which got rid of the sound notification when a totem is being destroyed, that was put in just so that boon totems could be used more. Then there is how ridiculously powerful Circle of Healing is, so powerful that it made Nancy's totem healing perk seem awful in comparison.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Here's a couple. Yes, I know I'm cheating but it's impossible to pick just one.

    • Haddonfield, RPD and Badham reworked to be less obnoxious.
    • Map offerings removed entirely.
    • Pinhead lunge bug fixed and his voice restored.
    • Pseudo infinites on the above maps fixed.
    • Demogorgon's ambient sound volume reduced significantly when playing him.
    • Wraith and Slinger nerfs rolled back.
    • Boons incur a 90 second cooldown when you snuff one.
    • Boon totem 'snuff' radius increased.
  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Remove Dead Hard for distance. Limit it to a perk that lets you avoid a hit, not a perk that lets you avoid a hit AND an on-demand chase extension button.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    You can scratch one of those off, at least, they did already fix the Pinhead lunge bug afaik

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Ooh. I'll give him a try then. Along with Demo and Hag, he's quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Good luck! His chains are super hard to land, but pretty satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm actually okay with them. Starting to learn a few tricks (like snagging someone right after they drop a pallet).

    My only issue is dealing with survivors who use the box to stick you in the middle of a jungle gym or drop. No idea how to handle that.

  • Member Posts: 175

    Totally agree,think of the logic used by the devs,”we’ve got this number based on your skill but your not allowed to see it,but you’ve got a progress level based on numbers and colours which you are allowed to see,but ignore that it’s just there for show” I’ve used this gif before but I genuinely believe this is how the MMR works.

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2021

    Revert back to when Sabotaged Hooks stayed broken forever.

    Devs so killer sided smh

  • Member Posts: 175

    Totally get where your coming from and they are sound well thought out ideas but the only thing it removes is the randomness or surprise in the game because as survivor there is nothing more satisfying than using DS when the gate is open and you’re about to be three hooked or using noed on some toxic who has been annoying you all game.Plus you’d have to change the name of noed to Ed,and more than that forums such as these would effectively close as there would be nothing left for players to moan about.😉

  • Member Posts: 848

    Bringing back the Stranger Things Chapter from being deleted.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Streamline the perk-acquiring process. As-is, I feel actively disincentivized to unlock teachables because they clog the bloodweb and make the perks I actually want harder to obtain.

  • Member Posts: 312

    DS, BT and NOED are all counterable. If they would be in the base game (which they are except people are new and don't have them unlocked because it takes years...) people would consider them more and they would be as normal as pallets or generators.

    This game has enough randomness with other perks and killers, and the maps (here i wish offerings would vanish too, it's annoying to get survivor sided ones all the time, is there even a killer sided map except for Nurse and blight?).

    This game is already grindy enough, if you get only 5 surivor to level 50 (or let's say you unlock their perks) the bloodweb is already full of useless stuff and with time you can only prestige them which is also kind of useless except nice bloody shirt -.-.

    I wish there would be more oppurtunity for BOTH sides to have a come-back. When you get a DC or they misplay and it's a 2v1 with 4 gens, it's already over. So stuff like:

    -Ruin has more value, more chases

    -survivor can get tunneld and he doens't need perks slots just because the killer has a bad day

    -a second chance should be always an option.

    if you get gen rushed you can literally do nothing, if you need to buy/unlock all the characters with hours of farming just to be viable in the game... it's insane, that shouldn't be the case. but w/e i guess. they don't listen anyways.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    But, but, but, but that's to guard the survivor against getting tunneled out of the match 😱

    Just to be clear, i never understood it either as most of the time i know who will be on dead hook and who isn't

  • Member Posts: 72

    Console optimization

  • Member Posts: 20

    If I could fix something in an instant it would be the whole matchmaking.

    I would make it that 3 things are required to better your MMR.

    First would be that we keep the MMR and set it with the idea of the emblems who counterweight the Kills and the escapes. That way you have the "fair play" back and the Killer won't get punished for playing nice. And survivors need more then just gen rush and escape to get better MMR. And the old ranking system would set you with guys who are your MMR and your rank and if there is none of that in your rank it looks in other ranks for MMR.

    And it wouldn't help people who farm, cause at the end the Killer needs the kills for the MMR.

    And the survivors still need the escape for better MMR. That way campers lose MMR and fast games won't provide much.

    That would be what I would do for an fix. So both sides get something out of it not only one side.

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