Blight with training wheels

First match of the day. BBQ, Ruin, Undying, and the extremely busted Tinkerer.
So I almost had a Gen almost completed and the Blight shows up from nowhere undetectable. I got down. Before I go back and finish the gen, one was on a hook and another slugged. The Blight shows up again because of tinkerer.
And killers want to complain about Boons and SWF? All I have to say is killers have some extremely busted things that need nerfing.
I'm already quitting for the night because there is no chance against the killer meta. Experienced killers with training wheels is busted. Rework tinkerer, nerf Blight, nerf Ruin. It's not fun.
Thanks for your contribution as always.
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Literally 2/4 of those perks can easily be removed.
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What I'm seeing from solo queue is this, constantly. Survivors have no awareness, are wanting to get slugged near people on hook, and make unsafe saves, and not do gens. Then they blame the killer or their "OP" perks for losing. Literally, drop pallets and push push push the gens, and you're getting 3 people out minimum. All gen-related killer perks can be overcome if you just commit to the gens hard enough. I'm tired of suffering losses to it, yet not experiencing it in my own survivor games. Get good, people.
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Shadow Step near a gen, reach 75, run away. free escape and killer spends time searching for someone that isnt there.
You're welcome.
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Considering your continued reported experience, being a miniscule escape chance against impossible odds, I find it strange that the lowest echelons of MMR would be facing full meta builds in the first place. Maybe write your fiction better.
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Humans are animals, all we need is movement, if you dont notice the giant yellow monster spriniting around at mach 10 than I don't think your using the main counterplay to undetectable.
Its called your eyes.
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Run back to the gen, he gets another Tinkerer proc because Ruin regressed the gen
Ruin and Tinkerer is just an endless boring cycle of being chased off gens, and in Solo Q you some times don't really get any chances to look for that totem because you have no idea what your teammates are up to.
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The only advice I can give: Use Small Game to detect totems to find and cleanse the Ruin and Undying totems. Equip Spine Chill if you want to avoid getting surprised by Tinkerer and equip Shadow Step or hide in a locker if you want to avoid BBQ.
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Git Gud.
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As long as blood warden blocks both exits for 2 minutes when one gate is opened
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So that one survivor wasted at least 15 seconds of the killers time, with the chance to waste another 15 if they come back...
…providing a total of 30 seconds for All The Other Survivors to progress the game uninterrupted instead.
It's pretty reasonable, solo or not. You can't expect this game to be balanced where one player can do everything, and I think that's the key misstep in the Sluzzyside philosophy of Game Balance. Solo players may not always act that way, but the game is inherently 4 players working against 1.
Tinkerer is certainly tougher in solo than SWF, then again so is everything. That's more a testament to the balance-breaking of voice-coms & the stubborn refusal of the devs to recognize the extreme differences with/without on the exact same match-up. That's how you cut off the Hydra's head. In the game we've got where balance is a much looser tent trying to cover both arenas? Tinkerer is well within the margins of reasonable for 4 isolated players to counter.
Meanwhile, you could label the cat & mouse game required to combat Tinkerer as being repetitive. That said, putting "repetition" up on the chopping block as inherently boring (and therefore worth removing) does end up ringing extremely hollow for a game that's got it everywhere else, and where the core excitement extends from literally running around the exact same circles before the pallet drop... allowing you to move to the next set of circles... and so on..
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Nerf BBQ too. The blood points give killers more access to broken add ons, like Alchemist Ring.
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First match of the day. Dead Hard, DS, Unbreakable, and the extremely busted Borrowed Time.
So I almost had a survivor killed and the another survivor shows up from nowhere and take protective hits. I lost that survivor. Before I find him again and kill him, two gens were done and another was over 90%. The another survivor shows and take more protective hits.
And survivors want to complain about Ruin and Tinkerer? All I have to say is survivors have some extremely busted things that need nerfing.
I'm already quitting for the night because there is no chance against the survivor meta. Experienced survivors with second chance perks are busted. Rework Dead Hard, nerf Unbreakable, nerf SWF. It's not fun.
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Hex: Ruin can get a rework in my opinion but those complains about Tinkerer...
Seriously that thing is a fine and good perk. Survivors can know about Tinkerer and act acordingly. It only triggers when survivors do something and allows the Killer to react. That perk is no problem at all...or do you want old Tinkerer back?
"Add-ons that affect the charge time of your Power are 5/10/15 % more effective."
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Hey that version seems quite fun to use. So sure...
Tinkerer is one of the perks better against soloQ than SWF.
As long one survivor finds out that you have Tinkerer, it's just not that good when you expect it.
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Ngl the old tinkerer was really fun to use on Huntress
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Why don't you stick to playing killer than if you get so irritated by playing survivor?
Clearly survivor it's meant for you 😉
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Here's an idea if you know he has tinker, you're injured and he's just hooking someone maybe go find another gen and than comeback later to it and I don't know break ruin while using small game, map, detective's hunch, etc plenty of options there but, wait you never use them only the meta survivor perks right?
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He's not wrong. Blight with Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer is pretty busted in my opinion.
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If you're getting "downed" from the tinkerer killers you may need a training wheel yourself..... I suggest Spine Chill, that will give you the brief moment to run and make it to one of the many pallet tiles. There is always an answer on the survivors side.
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Good Job Sluzzy, I mean it.
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ruin and undying can be removed from the game. BBQ is countered by hiding in a locker, and spine chill counters tinkerer.
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Far from busted if you ask me.
Destroy ruin and he starts to struggle more.
Get with 2 people on the gen an push ot out asap.
He comes to your gen while it's not finished?
So what?
He can only chase 1 and if he starts staying close to the gen, 2 others can push other gens.
He has to make the decision to either make sure that gen regress a lot and lose other gens.
Or leave that gen to pressure the other gens and losing that gen in the progress.
If he starts chasing 1 of you 2 than the other jumps back on the gen.
Remember your repair progress is faster than his regress progress.
I don't get it why people complain about others perks being OP/busted/to strong, while themselves are allowed to run the strongest perks on their side? 🤷🏼♂️
Just use whatever the game provides you and stop whining about 1 side
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If Sluzzy spent half as much time playing as he did complaining, he might actually get better at the game. He reminds me of my litte brother who begged to play video games with us, but then would start crying when he lost because its not fair that we are good at the game. But its ok sluzzy heres your participation trophy.
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It's even more annoying when they run that Alchemist Ring add-on.
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That's still not a good answer. That's as bad as Spirit with Stridor. Must have Spine Chill every match or you just lose. How unbalanced is that?
There's also a lot of gens nowhere close to a pallet.
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The killer meta is still way stronger than survivor meta.
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It's still busted in my opinion.
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it's really not buddy
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so should ruin and undying, and tinkerer get nerfed because it's "busted" on blight??
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At this point it's even 3/4 of those perks as Boon: Shadow Step counters BBQ (and any other aura reading for that matter).
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Its supposed to be. The killer has to be stronger then the survivors. Its simple math, lets go through it. Lets say each surivor is given a power ranking based on what ever behavor use and its on a scale of 1 -5 . Suvivor A has a PR of 3, B has a PR of 4, C has a PR of 2, and D has a PR of 5. Thats an average power rating of 3.5. The killer has to be at that level or higher to achieve the goals Behavour has outlined. Average of 2 kills a match. Its going to suck for Survivor C and A (Maybe b) but playing against better players is how you grow in the game. Asking for the killer to be weaker then all 4 survivors 100% of the time is short sighted and boring. If you want that experince I would suggest Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
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Honestly, I can agree with one thing. Tinkerer is really busted.
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- Repair a gen to 70%;
- Walk (don't run) for 10 seconds away from the gen;
- Laugh at the killer searching for someone and hopelessly kicking the gen to make a regression you'll undo in half a second.
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4) They kick a gen with Pop or regress it with Ruin and Tinkerer can activate again.
Plus you really can't make that much distance by walking, especially on killers that can make it to gens really fast.
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5) Your teammates are also progressing gens and then the killer has two other Tinkerer procs to chase. If he leaves, you hop back into the gen.
The killer can only chase one survivor at a time. Even if your gen regresses at some point he will have to leave the gen, then you just finish it.
Survivors move at 2.26m/s while walking, in 10 seconds that's 22.6 meters. Unless the killer is right next to you not even Blight or Nurse can get that fast on a gen. Most killers don't even make use out of the Undetectable.
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Unless the killer isn't pressuring generators well, three consecutive Tinkerer procs are very unlikely, especially with stacked regression (which seems to be the case with the majority of Tinkerer users).
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I'd be fine with just tinkerer getting nerfed.
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A single Tinkerer proc means the survivors aren't pressuring gens well. There's only 1 killer for 7 gens and 4 survivors, the math is in your favor, even if it's a Nurse or Blight.
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And here we observe the elusive Sluzzy, preying on unsuspecting victims in their natural habitat. An absolutely marvelous apex predator rivaled by none.
Glorious :)