Anybody else hate rank resets?

I get why they do it, and it's not like I'm mad about having to work my way through the ranks again. What I don't like is how awful the matches are after a reset. I'm a rank 1 survivor and killer on many past seasons, but it seems like whenever I get a reset my matches are actually worse on both survivor and killer than they are at high ranks. As a survivor I get lots of matches with salty teammates that quit after a single down, killers who tunnel, slug, and hook camp a ton. As a killer I get lots of sweaty matches with flashlights and hook destroys and body blocking. It's like there is no chill at all every time there is a rank reset, I hate it.
I thought they used a mix of MMR and ranks these days. So they match you with people of a similar MMR and a similar rank usually, unless there is a particularly skilled player at low rank, in which case they can be matched with red rank players (like I have been seeing after the reset, today while I was Iron 4 I got matched with 3 red rank teammates).
Either way, my matches are definitely worse after a reset. Both yesterday and today I have only only had like 3 good survivor matches out of probably 15+ survivor matches. Before the reset I was getting a good match like every 2 out of 3 games.
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The rank doesn't mean much at the moment, cause the rank only provides BPs at reset and nothing else.
So the reset is not at fault. The thing is you still have your MMR cause it's not reseting. So you have the sweaty players and the campers all the time, but cause you are now lower rank you see and feel it differently from rank 1.
That's why if you want it a bit easier there should be an MMR reset with the rank reset too.
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Nope. Just MMR - no ranks. Personally I think it should be a mix of both but they wont go for it. I can see why and can see the appeal of a strict 50:50 win ration but still...
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I did hate rank resets. I never understand the point of it. And I stopped caring about ranks after I get rank 1 achievements.
Now ranks converted to grades and it's not used for matchmaking. Higher grade gives higher reward on reset. Rewards are humble but it's better than nothing.
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It doesnt bother me you find yourself at higher ranks starting to see the same loadouts and killers over and over and after a reset things tend to get tossed into the air for a few days which in turn eases any boredom
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I just got Iridescent survivor and I am sad to lose the cool red symbol that I worked relatively hard for... I just played in a SWF, actually. But still!
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Why do Yui & Kate DPs complaing about everything?
No, if rank reset wasn't a thing, the game would get really boring and feel stale. You get BP too so that's a bonus.
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They don't reset rank.
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That is psychosomatic, ranks aren't used at all in the MMR.
Also I'm bronze rank, you said players are matched with ranks, so why am I getting gold or iridescent ranks ?
Ranks have nothing to do with MMR.
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since they're called grades now it doesn't upset me at all because your MMR stays the same. The bloodpoint rewards are nice but it isn't worth grinding all the way up to Iri 1 for 250,000 BPs.
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They reset the visible Grades, like others said though they’re not used for matchmaking. They don’t reset the hidden MMR.
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Basically its a time spent playing rank. It tells you wether you have a life or not. Wether you're single or in a relationship. Kinda worthless.
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Because people are sweating their balls off. This has been the case EVERY rank reset not just this current grade system.
Also you have a better life not trying to get red rank. Too time consuming and just play because you want to not because you have to.
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This was posted Nov 2021? Thought this was a necro.