General Discussions

General Discussions

Bubba players are like a dead fish in the bedroom

Member Posts: 3,195
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

As a self proclaimed killer main, I will tunnel camp slugs play dirty etc. If I am provoked or if the survivors are beyond my skill level. But I have to chase at least 2 or 3 people before I reach that conclusion.

Bubba is a big brained, mechanically intense, technical and fast paced chase killer who has the stopping power to initiate power plays and set the tempo of the match. I just cant fathom booting into a match and doing nothing.

Like, ok bud. You got one down at 5 gens, and now you have a guaranteed 1k . But why are you settling for scraps like a bottom feeder when you're not even desperate? The game just plays itself at that point. Might as well be an auto battle phone game at that point.

Oh look at me I'm a pro survivor, I cranked 5 gens against you and escaped ezzzz. Not. The whole time I'm holding M1 I'm just begging for the game to crash so I can be released from my boredom. Escaping camping Bubbas isnt even satisfying

Can we at least start playing Twins or Nurse and just Slug at 5 gens? At least slugging gives you a chance to make some sort of a play. And if they are good, at least the match is over fast.

Going against good Nurses is always fun.

Tldr; If you want to play a killer who never moves, can you swap to Hag please? I wanna actually loop a good Leatherface for once. Hes actually kinda fun to face

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I don't really get it either. Almost every LF will camp.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Maybe they like you.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Some do it to piss the poor survivor off. They “revel in the salt”, as some would put it. I’ll never understand such a mentality myself.

    Not much you can do, either. Which is probably why they like it so much. Kinda weird, that.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Bubba is the best for mining salt. Some are even so successful, their victims are drowning in salt and make forum posts about it while Bubba already forgot about them after the match ended.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I think it’s just part of the cycle of toxicity that comes with this game. Perhaps the Bubba in question had a string of bad games and playing different killers and got bullied, insulted, t-bagged over and over, and have decided that they’re going to get revenge on their next poor sap they catch.

    Heck, with how the game is at its core, they don’t even have to have been bullied or insulted for them to just feel like everything is against them, sometimes the survivors are just that much better than them and it just makes them feel like they are in a downward battle and decide to camp.

    And sometimes, they’re just toxic and want to camp to rile some feathers, but that isn’t just a Bubba player thing and and more for someone who just wants a power trip because they couldn’t get one in real life.

    Thankfully, in my experience, camping Bubbas are not as common as the complaints on the forums make it seem. I haven’t been able to play in a while due to health (I should be released from the hospital today, yay!), but I’ve rarely seen a full face camping Bubba unless we plow through three gens before they get their first hook or it’s endgame.

    In the end, I’d rather have a camping Bubba vs an Iridescent Head Huntress Camper.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    That’s not how I play Bubba. I still got yelled at by a survivor though because they were stupid enough to keep running near me trying flashlights and hook rescues when I’m not that far away. After the match he also complained about me “running NOED” which I wasn’t doing either. (I think he thought Thanatophobia was NOED since the icons are kind of similar.)

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    what sort of expression is this

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    To be fair, a generator is what...80 seconds? Times that by 5 and you have plenty of time to write that thesis while holding M1. I've gotten good at texting with just 1 hand

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Nah I’d rather play against camping Bubbas than Twins or a good Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 718
    edited November 2021

    He loves getting DS'd at the escape line or Proved Thyself a lot :D

  • Member Posts: 1,417
    edited November 2021

    For a second I was confused too, but then I realized what they meant....but it's funny cause it initially reminded me of this:

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Still cute.

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