The only Joy I get in this game now

The only joy I get in this game now is bringing in a tombstone piece and just using it on a random person out of nowhere. Until they fix this nonsense of OP survivors this is what I will be doing.
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I mean, that's pretty funny if done correctly ngl
One second you're chilling with the killer, the other he grabs your neck and lifts you up
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i just had a Tombstone myers on "the game" it was funny, as we tried to have a sabotage build :D
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Thank you!
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Ya just had a game survivor I didnt see all game is running around one of those hills. I go up it break out tier 3 jump down and just grab her neck 😂
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RKO outta nowhere? 😂
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Lmao exactly
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One more time
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I like to tombstone people!
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I liked the old "run, [BAD WORD]" sound they used to have for t3 stalking, I would love to see it added back in somehow.
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I mean yeah tombstoning survivors is pretty fun, especially the annoying ones.
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That's boring😴
I was hoping for a more suspenseful story.
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What could I add to make it better?
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The map that it took place on was it raining?
The things the survivors were doing to survive the night. Flashlights, toolboxes, med kits?
How strong were they? Sabo, blinding, looping and juking?
The first kill. The look on their face?
What happen after the first kill. Were they scared?
Were their aliens? And if not you should add them in.
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You should be a writer.
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Don't have the time or I would give it a shot.