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PC- Lagging out for no reason

NYN1NJ4 Member Posts: 4

Step 1: Boot game

Step 2: Play Game

Step 3: DC for no reason

Happens when playing any character, on any map, with any perks. It is a consistent enough issue I only get 5 min bans at a time, but still

frequent enough that I'm genuinely considering dropping the game until this is fixed.

2 votes

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  • StevieK
    StevieK Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2021

    I agree.

    In the mornings CET it's fine. Played a couple of games this morning. In the evenings I get disco'd and lags that make maneuvering almost impossible quite often and meanwhile my temp ban is now at 30 minutes !! Just a couple of minutes ago I get the in-game message "disconnected from match server" (literally 1 minute into the game when approaching the first generator) - still received bloodpoints (?) and banned for 30 minutes.

    How "enjoyable"

  • Machine
    Machine Member Posts: 3

    Also happening on Xbox one, both killer and survivors, all maps just lagging, bouncing around, can still hit someone they scream blood flies and they don’t change health states. Game is close to unplayable right now.

  • NYN1NJ4
    NYN1NJ4 Member Posts: 4

    Yea, it's not any specific time. It's like every 30 minutes to an hour it happens for me