Which perk is more annoying Dead Hard or Decisive

I really hate both because survivors rely on them so hard and they get cocky like they did something knowing well its those two perks carrying them. If I had to choose one Id say Dead Hard.
Dead hard is more annoying
Decisive is very easy to play around.
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Dead hard, it just press 1 button and waste an extra minute of killers time, crutch perk and should be nerfed.
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Dead Hard for sure. Mainly because I don't tunnel and it's really, really obvious which survivors have Decisive Strike.
Also, DS doesn't constantly roll back my hits and confuse the hell out of me. :U
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The one without counterplay
Dead Hard is used for distance, not iframes.
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DS for me Dead Hard doesn't bother me as much.
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Nah this game needs DS.
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Dead hard by far.
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DH for sure. Sometimes the press of a button can outright lose you the game.
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Yeah but survivors need something to counter tunneling. I love using it at EGC because it’s a free escape.
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Dead Hard.
I prefer facing 4 Decisive Strikes instead 2 Dead Hards.
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Both annoying but part of the game,as long as they are in the game gives killers something to moan about just like survivors moan about noed,and so the world turns,lol.
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Dead hard by a mile. Especially with the way the weird hit, scream but not really hit, scream is happening right now.
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Dead hard.
I try to play fair (not concerned with “winning”, obviously). Therefore if I get DS’d, that’s my bad. Prolly didn’t pay attention to which Mikayla was just unhooked since they all look alike.
That said, I’m fine with Dead Hard. But given the limits of this thread’s question, that’s my answer.
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Dead Hard. There are many ways to counter DS, but DH just basically gives an extra health state while in a chase.
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Dead hard.
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I'd have to say it's Dead Hard... cause of the new validation
Not because I'm a salty Killer main... but because it's new and the game hasn't done it's due diligence on this new version (but I can say that about anything they have done to servers in general)
Because The killer can "get a hit" but the survivor can still run away
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Dead Hard 100%, facing 2 DH already wasting your time.
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I used to hate Decisive more, but after survivor validation, Dead Hard... No contest. Would rather all 4 had DS than one Dead Hard, but who are we getting, I get to deal with 4 of each. Yay!
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Dead Hard. Ever since validation went live for dead hard getting moments where you hit a survivor and hear them scream and then nothing happened is super annoying.
Didn't really have a big issue with Dead Hard before validation.
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Dead Hard, by a mile. It's rarer to see a survivor without it than with it, and constantly gives them get-out-of-jail free cards, on a stupidly short cooldown. Plus, it constantly feeds you false information, leading to you getting spun.
Decisive is annoying, but since they stopped the absurd locker/DS abuse, I can play around it. I also don't see it nearly as much now.
That said, PYS is the perk that scares me the most, by far. CoH too, but I literally build around it now as it's there every single game. It'll probably get nerfed soon.
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Definitely DS... you can play around it, but it requires slugging which is no fun for survivors. That said, as a killer, I have no reason to avoid a survivor unless they're literally the only one on death hook.
Since it's a 1 time use perk anyway what would you do? Slug everyone to play around it? No... that's just silly. It's also way easier to play around everyone having dead hard anyway.
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Not even! If survivors worked more as a team, DS wouldn't be needed. Andlike most game metas, the meta makes up for you lack of skill or covers up core issue.
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DH for distance. Literally the definition of low/no risk, high reward.
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Dead hard. I recently got "missed on hit" killer side for "exhausted on the ground". And I'm a bit upset by that.
As for DS I actively try and not trigger. Other times I try and eat it. Since ya know...I don't consider it anti tunnel anyways.
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You can't play around dh for distance. There is literally no hard or soft counter for dh for distance. When killers complain about dh is for distance its never for the I frame because it does have counter play dh for distance doesn't.
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Dead hard, it's not even close.
I don't see how DS can even be concidert annoying anymore. Even those 59 seconds DS's are a blessing cause you know they haven't been progressing their game.
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Honestly, neither.
If I had to choose, I would say when a survivor hits a crucial DH for distance and prolongs the chase. That can be annoying. Otherwise, I appreciate when a survivor makes me whiff with a good DH.
I don't tunnel 99% of the time I play, so I rarely eat DS. It's usually a wasted perk slot for most survivors in my killer games.
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This game needs an actual function or Perk against tunneling. DS is just the closest, even if it is not an Anti-Tunnel Perk.
Both are not really annoying IMO.
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Neither one really makes me miserable, but after the recent changes, I'd choose DH. I don't mind not getting a hit I shouldn't, but thinking I did (especially if it resulted in a down), really messes me up.
DS since the nerf is almost a non-factor for me. I try to avoid tunneling, and almost no one runs it anymore (at least compared to pre-nerf levels). When I do get DSed these days, it's a genuinely surprising and rare event.
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Ds is a must for me in solo queue.
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Dead Hard by far. Don't even remember the last time I got hit by a DS. Meanwhile they might as well make Dead Hard basekit because every lobby has usually 3-4. Even Sprint Burst which is almost on par with DH in terms of strength is rarely seen, probably because it requires more than 2 braincells to use unlike DH.
Since the hit validation change it's easily the most annoying perk in the entire game. It makes me cringe everytime I see that stupid animation of the survivor dabbing.
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Dead Hard... Also known as:
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lol it took me a second to realize.
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I say Dead Hard only because who tf can seriously complain about DS in 2021?
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Dead Hard
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Dead hard for sure. Sometimes it does nothing, but sometimes it extends the chase.
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Dead hard, way too good at giving free distance in loops, and to this day still completly destroys consoles and stutters the game, which makes it even more frustrating.
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Dead Hard, all you need is one good Window/pallet to reach and the entire game can be thrown out of the window.
Then, you have to realize that this can happen with the three other survivors, and more than once.
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DS still can be annoying but it went through many changes and became pretty fair. So DH is more annoying imo.
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Dead hard for sure.
DS is one free getaway, dead hard is several.
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DS isnt an option. You really cant hate DS, it's an anti-tunnel, you cant progress the game anymore with it activate.
DS is to stop being hooked multiple times in quick succession, as you cant control your team you may get farmed or something and it's the only defense you have tbh.
DH, sure... you can DH through powers, some even on reaction and it also gives distance too.
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Lithe has been acting worse on console.
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I never have to see DS because I don’t camp.
I don’t find DH annoying because I find SB more annoying. If “annoying” is what we are going for.
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I'm a solo survivor as well. I don't run any meta perks and do well without them.
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I only run it cause of teammates unhooking me in front of the killer without BT.
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But that doesnt leave the killer with his only option of countering it by slugging people. You won't slug someone just because they have dead hard. Even if they use it in a good manner, that's no reason to do something negative to them.
If they do dead hard for the distance then maybe dont waste even more time in that chase?
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I don't ever bm unless you've done something to really get me mad then I might smack you a few times on hook. Thats the thing if you just abandoned chase because they can dh for distance thats a time loss for you and they still have dh if you get the to use it and then abandon chase its still a time loss and in 40 they will have it again dh for distance is a lose lose no matter what the killer does.
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The game is due for more re-balancing again. These BOON totems are driving me crazy. Then DS and DH are over-used now.
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In that case there is a good way to play around it. You're cutting your losses short by leaving them alone before you waste extra time. That gives you more time to pressure gens and you can always come back and have an idea of where they are. Are they getting healed? Doing gens? What have they done in the past?
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same with t bagging killers with NOED who did nothing to stop a 4/5 gen loop and hook no one. (t bagging ghosty) yeah right. Here we go with number 1mil easy to counter dead hard complaint , whens the next boon one as well waiting for it in next 30mins