A proper QoL improvement for CoH
CoH is the boon that has received the majority of attention since release. In both having to be adjusted PTB side for literally breaking the game, then being run on survivors as an immediate meta perk. I dont think CoH is... as OP... as some people might but I think it does need some tweeking. My proposal is to scale it backwards as the game progresses.
Ex. CoH gives 100/80/65/60/50% bonus healing speed with 7/6/5/4/3 uncompleted generators on the map.
CoH biggest strength is late game. If survivors place it on a totem in an area with gens completed it effectively removes that part of the map for the killer. It becomes a 100% safe zone with the only restriction being the few seconds required to self-care once in its aura.
By scaling it with remaining gens it removes the urgency from a killer to seek out and snuff the totem in an area that is completely detrimental to them. It stops the cycle of tap gen, take hit, run to aura self heal, run back and repeat, from survivors. This wouldn't affect its given self-care as I think that was an OK change needed. Just putting a bit more of a limit on survivor end game where if its 4 survivors and 2 boons the killer is just at the mercy of the survivors until they decide to actually end the game.
I have 3 genned with 4 survs and they had coh. I got 4 sacrifices. I also only snuffed it a few times and that was since my gens were regressed enough to chase the surv over there and down him. They did heal a bit though.
It is annoying, I've seen it from both sides. But having the perk become less effective late game does seem overkill.
It could work though...since you as a killer won't always be as oppressive, so not a terrible idea.
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While this isn't a bad idea, it's definitely in the spirit of keeping the perk effective, I don't think that it's the right call- I think that the better fix for CoH is to cap self healing speeds in general, and tweak how much the perk itself stacks with other healing tools like medkits.
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Its definitely possible. As a killer main i dont mind CoH as much honestly. This post came around as I was playing survivor today and multiple games CoH late game completely flipped the game to survivors favor. One game 3 teammates didn't even attempt gens they were just running into killer taking a hit and leaving to heal at the end game. Even a 3 gen close proximity ended up getting 3 CoH around it and killer literally couldn't do a thing.
I kept the % in line with self-care since BHVR seems content with the change they did there. With CoH you could theoretically hit 100% heal speed again with self-care if a teammate boons. Adds a little bit of variety back since self-care basically disappeared and now you have boons every game. Capping the healing speed would put med-kits and all their add-ons in a weird place with multiple perks so I dont think BHVR would ever take that route.