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I have 2,5k hours and struggle with Trickster

As the title says, I think Trickster seems stupid to me. Fighting him feels like old Legion, where you just can't counter him in a loop. Sure his Map Pressure is lack some but that doesn't make the chase with him okay.

The problem with Trickster is that everything a survivor does can get punished by 2 or even 3 knives because survivors get stuck in animations. Vaulting a window/pallet or throwing down a pallet? Boom knives in your back. Just by being in his line of sight makes it so that you can't do anything since hitting 6 knives isn't that difficult when you throw them like a machine gun. So having walls is very important to counter a killer like that. But not every loop has walls. And even if they have walls, the Trickster can just chase the survivor around the loop until they are close and just spam knives. The survivor can't do anything about that because vaulting a window/pallet just makes it so that you get hit with more knives. Sure that may be slow since you initiate to chase the survivor around the loop until you are behind them, but if you do so, the survivor can't do anything about that. And that was old Legion's problem too. Downing survivors could take some time, but it's was guranteed since no counterplay was available at that time. Same here.

They have already fixed Spirit and Deathslinger for their lack of counterplay in chase, so when is Trickster's turn? I would recommend to increase his Map Pressure and reduce his effectiveness in chase by making the knives be stuck on the survivors until they manually remove the knives themselves like mending but increase the requirement of necessary knives to damage a survivor by 8 again. That's just one idea tho. More needs to be done to fix Trickster.

So what do you guys think? Am I missing something or is Trickster really as stupid as he seems?


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    You need to run tiles really tight and stick to corners, his power is extremely weak against structures that have corners. Instead of running the window on jungle gyms, run the pallet instead

    You'll get less value out of it, but he won't be able to use his power effectively

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    He's just a mild adjustment from "Hold W for win" to "Hang tight to corners for win"

    A lot of Trickster players, including myself, can also be juked with some serpentine/jagged movement if you keep your fluidity going - semi-strafing can get you to a lot of loops with minimal knifage.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551
    edited November 2021

    Trickster sucks. Run tight loops and drop the pallet if you get the chance, Maybe bait some pallet respect here and there but ideally you want to do a safe pallet drop so try to aim that. Don't even go for Windows unless it's a last resort and you're ready for the risk.

    Once he breaks that pallets then a Trickster is just boned with his slow movement speed and play around with the chase mechanic keeping it from starting as long as you can.

    Also never understood why Survivors keep describing their "Fighting" on a killer. You're not supposed to be fighting lol. This isn't a fighting game and you're actually in a 4 v 1 situation. Trickster isn't as broken as old legion nor as strong in chases like Nurse.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Tall walls, if you keep your eye on him, he has to win like 10 mind games to down you. He a 110% Killer. He can camp pretty good, but try playing him on Haddonfield absolute nightmare.

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    using spine chill with sprint burst can take much more time from most killers

    its specially good agans 4.4killers

  • SandwichGamer107
    SandwichGamer107 Member Posts: 27

    Alright I heard what you guys suggested and I try to implement these playstyles against him. I know that you are supposed to run tight corners against him (when shouldn't you run tight corners when looping a killer?) but most of the time they still get like 1 or 2 knife hits on me. Sure it's less than usual but it just delays the unavoidable for me. Anyway thx for the suggestions & help.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    You can't do much in a chase against a good trickster. But the best play is to... you guessed it: pre-pre-drop pallets and hold W whilst trying to use the environment to shield you from his knifes. It's boring and you probably still won't last long though.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,044
    edited November 2021

    "reduce his effectiveness in chase by making the knives be stuck on the survivors until they manually remove the knives themselves like mending but increase the requirement of necessary knives to damage a survivor by 8 again."

    this would be a huge nerf and would barely do anything at all for his map pressure. this would also make him even more uncounterable in chase because you could never decay lacerations in chase like you can now. you want him to be like old legion? that's how you do it. cause that's exactly what old legion was.

    how would that actually give him a map pressure boost? you hit one blade from a mile away and they take 2 seconds to mend it off? it just wouldn't do anything meaningful at all and remove actual chase counterplay.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited November 2021

    Go to T walls, jungle gyms, main buildings and the Shack and he can't do almost nothing unless he achieve a mindgame against you, in open maps with low profile loops he have almost no counter, just try to go to the Shack or the main building.

    He is the worst killer for facing a Shack imo, you only have to run around the 4 walls and he take ages to down/hurt you unless he try to hit you with M1 and considering he is a 4.4 killer he will struggle a lot anyway trying that.

    I think Trickster should be completely reworked. His power is too powerfull or too useless depending om the position of the survivors or the maps, in a lot of maps he is almost useless, there are no average point for him.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Hes a decent killer. I love playing him, even on PS4. You need to learn the aiming.