Dead Hard buff just isn't enough

Hello! So, dead hard was recently buffed but imo it's still lacking when compared to better exhaustion perks such as (literally every other one, even smash hit) sprint burst, lithe, balanced landing, etc...
These perks can give you significant distance, while dead hard... well, it gives you an extra 15 inches of distance at best (if you're not exhausted on the ground, that is). While very good players will use Dead Hard to read the killer and avoid hits, this isn't the reality for the vast majority of players who basically dead hard into walls or just don't use it at all.
The recent validation buff was really good, as it removes the "exhausted on ground" problem, but the perk is still very weak when compared to the best exhaustion perks. You can use any of these perks at will, but with dead hard you basically have to keep yourself injured to be able to move 15 inches each 60 seconds. This alone makes this perk useless against a lot of killers, as they'll just instadown you before you can do anything (Myers, Ghostface, Oni, Bubba, Hillbilly... even some perks such as Starstruck...).
So my suggestion is to buff Dead Hard by:
1 - Make it so you can use it at any time even when healthy
Every other exhaustion perk can be used when you're healthy. Every other but... dead hard. Making it less punishing would make it way more fun to play as a survivor. If you play survivor, you probably also think it's annoying to be injured all the time.
2 - Rework the perk by adding more functions
I think this would be the best solution. Although I don't like the fact that you have to be injured to use dead hard, I can understand how killers wouldn't like the changes above. To circumvent this problem, I suggest that dead hard automatically gives you fast vaults if you're aligned with an window. This would make for some interesting plays, but I would add one more thing: the ability to bypass some low obstacles (like the haddonfield fence). It's well known that this game is imbalanced because of killers like nurse (can literally ignore every rule in the game), spirit (teleportation), oni (demon dash), etc, but I believe this rework would add more counterplay against those S tier killers. It would only work on window vaults and low obstacles, and there would be a vaulting animation when vaulting these obstacles.
3 - Just make another perk instead
This would be the worst of the alternatives. I really like dead hard, but it's just not fun to use right now.
No thank you.
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I genuinely can't tell if this is bait or not. If it is, masterfully done... if it's not, whoo boy do I have a lecture on standby.
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I mean for me it is perfectly fine i made a ghost face rage quit because I kept looping him and dead Harding away but i think its fine rn
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yeah but as a I said, Ghostface still has the potential to make your perk useless. If you play against a good Ghostface, you won't have the chance to use it.
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Yea but if you use it at a good time you can mess them up and also it doesn't matter if they hit you. You are invulnerable to damage when doing it so if u use it at the correct time its perfect
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Yeah, you are the guy who thinks Pig and Clown should be nerfed. This is consistent as far as flops go.
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Okay. So.
Yes, Exposed is a thing. It's also the only counter to Dead Hard when Dead Hard is used correctly, and instadowns always have some other condition involved that makes them easier to dodge or the killer doesn't always have it.
Dead Hard is widely considered to be the best exhaustion perk. It's true that it gives you less distance than other exhaustion perks. When used to dodge a killer's swing in a dead zone, it only buys you a couple seconds of time. However, Dead Hard has a feature that makes it infinitely better than any of the others - it can be used on command. I can't overstate how much this counts for. You don't need to be in the right area, you don't need to be next to a window or pallet, you don't need to be walking around to preserve it - you have it whenever you're injured, which is going to happen in any chase you don't unequivocally win. From there, you have a dash and some I-frames at any point you want them.
Newer players use Dead Hard to dodge a hit. This use is always available, but skilled players will use it to extend a loop by dashing to a pallet and throwing it once the killer gets too close, allowing them to move to another loop and buying potentially huge amounts of time. Lithe can be used in a similar way, to bail on a loop and move to the next, but you don't get the pallet in the way and you're vulnerable to being hit through the window if you cut it close (which is the hallmark of the tactic) - the glory of looping with DH is that you cannot really be caught out of position with it and you aren't half as limited to the type of loop you can run effectively. Sprint Burst can't be used to extend a chase unless you 99 it, which is a very powerful strategy but also a finicky one that's prone to misfires, and also requires you to go looking for a chase at the right time as opposed to being chased off of a gen or the like - still, Sprint Burst is probably in a comfortable second place for prevalent exhaustion perks despite the walking-around requirement. Balanced Landing is very good on some maps and completely worthless on others, making it rather reliant on map offerings to supplement it. Head On isn't a chase perk (if you run into a locker in a chase, either you've wasted your own distance or the perk won't have enough time to activate), and as far as exhaustion perks go, Smash Hit is a non-choice - being able to pallet stun a killer depends heavily on individual killer behavior and also what killer's being played.
There's a reason Dead Hard has its place among the meta. At the top levels of gameplay, it is a fairly rare occasion when less than four survivors are running it.
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The third most run perk in the game doesn't need a buff.
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Are you being genuine?
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DH is fine the way it is. It hasn't received any buffs and it doesn't need one.
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This has to be a troll post right... How about you just force killers to stand in 1 place for 3 minutes at the beginning of the match while at it.
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It can also mean an increase in power level as a result of adjustments to game mechanics. DH is still the same perk. It just works more often.
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Would you agree that DH will now work and dodge a hit where it didn't before?
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Wait it out DH then attack. How are people this braindead LOL.
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You cannot wait out a Dead Hard used for distance. Survivors literally count on you "waiting it out" to ensure a window or pallet.
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STBFL or UNRELENTING is a PERK you need if DH is that INVINCIBLE. ALso, practice your killer body blocking tec.
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If anything, it needs a nerf.
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I used to think so. Now I think it just needs a total rework. No perk in this game should grant i-frames. Like, ever.
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No good player use it for evade hits. Just the ones who underestimate me go down when they Dead hard
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Lets just give every survivor a jetpack
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STBFL why? U arent hitting em.
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I don't get why people are so upset about a perk that moves you a tiny distance. These forums are full of killers who 100% don't play both sides. Dead hard is an overly punishing perk for newer players.
This post sums it up: "There's a reason Dead Hard has its place among the meta. At the top levels of gameplay, it is a fairly rare occasion when less than four survivors are running it."
It's only ever useful at very high levels of play, and still, it clearly isn't that good since experienced killers will wait for it and down you 2 seconds later anyways. This is why I think the proposed changes (especially number 2) would make it more dynamic.
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I don't think perks should be buffed on the premise that most people don't use it well. That's just something the player needs to practise.
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No dead hard is very good in its current state and needs no more. FFS are you trying to make the survivor que times take 3 hours because nobody wants to play killer anymore?
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can't wait to see dead harding from one corner of the map to another!
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Did you actually read what I said?
What you're proposing wildly breaks the top levels of the game, which is where all balance inevitably ends up. It sums up every possible thing you can do with a perk. If you can consistently do a lot with it, it ends up in the meta; if you can't, it's discarded.
If you can't get the full use out of Dead Hard because you're not an experienced looper, use a different exhaustion perk. You have plenty of options. Lithe and Sprint Burst are both very good general use exhaustion perks. No, you can't do everything you can do with Dead Hard with them, but if you can't actually perform that well with Dead Hard, they're your best options. With Dead Hard, what you're looking at is called a skill ceiling. It's like if you pick up Nurse and fail horribly with her because she's super hard to play - demanding she gets a buff would make it possible for you to play Nurse, but it would make the people who do know how to play Nurse completely unstoppable when they're already the most dangerous and capable killers in the game. You can't buff things for the bottom when they're borderline broken at the top.
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Interesting bait. Bypassing haddonfield fences is my favourite part
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I never said that. Slippery slope fallacy.
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That "very tiny distance" can allow you to uncounterably reach a pallet or window, on command, with no counterplay.
You cannot "wait it out". It's literally used to reach something. Waiting it out is literally what the Survivor wants you to do while they vault.
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the nut has become a little better, but I will not take it anyway
when you fix the breaks in the windows 3 meters away?????
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I can't tell if this is bait. Either way you literally ignored the actual reason why dead hard is good.
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And what would that be?
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I'm a Survivor Main, and I totally confident calling Dead Hard the most broken perk in the game.
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flexibility is much better than this perk
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Dead Hard buff: If you Dead Hard into the killer, instantly ends them, uninstalling the game from their pc and ending the trial. All survivors gain 32k points.
There, I fixed DH for you :)
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BP gain isn't enough, quadruple it and I may use it instead of No Mither
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Is this bait?
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It doesn't look like you have a lot of hours then... I main both sides (Oni and Cheryl) and I can say that it is in fact a weak perk.
As stated before, it buys you almost no time (you can move what, one extra meter?) and often gets you exhausted on the ground. But if you mean that this perk is broken because it's currently a weak perk, then yes, I agree with you.
Here's your reply, killer main.
Definitely not. If you played both sides, you would see that my suggestions could greatly benefit the current meta for killer and survivor. Most posts in this thread don't even try to counter my arguments - instead they just whine or post sarcastic replies.
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The point of fallacies are to assign common invalid arguments to a structure from which you can then construct a valid argument around. If you don't identify how the argument is invalid, it's just identification and provides no counter argument. It's interesting that in your response to me you claim others aren't making counter arguments, when neither are you.
This response makes it feel even more like baiting, heh. But, what makes you think I don't play both sides? Because I think your post is bait? Maybe consider that your post isn't as informed as you think it is.
Dead Hard is one of the strongest perks in the game, if not thee strongest. You can use it anywhere, whereas all other exhaustion perks require an obstacle of some sort, limiting it's use to a specific part of the map. That's not the case with Dead Hard, it can be used for many different things, and in ways other exhaustion perks just can't be used, like: to bypass collision with the killer to get a flashlight save; to use on command at any point in the chase, especially at the end to reset the chase; to bypass killer traps; to function as a third health state at any time.
As it is, there is no counter to Dead Hard. Even baiting it out doesn't work now that validation was added. Survivors can wait until the moment the killer swings, activate DH and they will be protected by dedicated servers. Coup De Grace can potentially be a partial counter. You only get 5 uses, and if multiple survivors are running Dead Hard, Coup De Grace only functions as a counter roughly once per survivor.
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I will say, I've seen some exhausted on the ground clips and most of them the survs tried to use dead hard too late. That's there fault.
I've been validated myself. Feels terrible.
I swung at Claudette, hit and scream, but then it showed the dead hard animation.
Kinda dumb dontcha think?,
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900 hours, and no. The "exhausted on the ground" myth is still strong but it is just that - a myth.
Dead Hard allows you to blatantly ignore a hit, or guarantee an uncounterable distance boost to a window or pallet.
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Well, I disagree.
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Still doesn't even work for me half the time I use it. You're not supposed to get exhausted on the ground anymore but I still get the exhausted status and take the hit anyway at least 7/10 times. Dead hard I think is a great perk when it actually works.