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Injured survivors Rework

Imagine having injured survivors going into dying state after some time(lets say 2 min) if they refused to heal.

This moment, beeing injured does (almost) nothing for the killer besides beeing that 1 hit away or having thana as a perk. It should be more punishing running around injured.

See it as an extra deep wound that also gets paused on beeing chased, hooked, etc..

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  • Member Posts: 886

    I'd rather see something like a set amount of injuries/heals per hook state, this seems too easily abused.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Sounds terrible.

    They'd also have to rework all perks that rely on you being injured and perks like No mither just wouldn't work at all. Thana would actually lose value as survivors would heal up more often. Anything that can apply the Broken effect like the plagues power would be insanely powerful.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Only if they dont heal, which makes sense really. Even tho its a videogame, you are even more powerful when injured.

  • Member Posts: 327

    So 1 killer out of 20+ might be actually getting huge buff, not bad!

  • Member Posts: 327

    Yes, and they could rework it easily that they actually benefit alot more from beeing injured, but at a cost of getting your timer down

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    So no matter how bad the killer is I’ll still die if I get injured eventually even though he does deserve it?

  • Member Posts: 312

    That suggestion sound very funny, but we already have mending, which is basically that, if we would give a perk that could do that... Holy ######### it would be meta. But luckily (and i'm pro-killer normally :P) that doesn't exist.

    We need to make it possible to let chases be more than 1 minute without 5 gens popping, i'm even for buffing survivors on other ends, i already did a whole post about it

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Injured survivors are also noticeably easier to find and track because they make more noise and leave blood trails. That’s why Circle of Healing and med kits and such are so popular, survivors understand just how valuable not being injured is.

    I’m always grateful when survivors opt to stay injured as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Let me guess

    You main Legion

  • Member Posts: 747


  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Could be a good idea for a new status effect though. Like a semi-deep wound effect, not quite as urgent, but you can't just mend yourself, you need to heal.

  • Member Posts: 304

    I agree the injured state should do more than just have people grunt and moan, but forcing a dying state seems to much, certain killers will become absurdly busted with this like plague to put an example, instead thoug this i tink would be a better change:

    When a survivor its put on the injured state it will start to bleed and grunt in pain until it recovers to the healthy state. If the survivor spends more than 30 seconds in this state it will incur in a penalty of -1% moving speed caped at 5%. When the survivor goes back to the healty state the penalty its removed.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    As already stated they'd have to rework Medkits and their addons, Healing perks and anti-healing perks

    And given BHVR's track record... it doesn't seem possible at this point

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Pretending i didn't read this.

  • Member Posts: 475

    Injured survivors also are louder and leave trails of blood so they are easier to track (usually). I get it doesn't make sense that survivors are stronger injured, but it doesn't make sense that terrifying killers can't kill someone until they slap them on the back 8 times per match. This game is full of stupid ######### that makes no sense. I would like a buff to killers in a way that effects the injured state that makes more sense. I would like to see that in a nerf to dead hard though, not some crazy new mechanic. Like dead hard is a perk that allows you to survive an insta-down once per game as opposed to becoming this silly wait to slap mind game that has to occur at every loop. A second chance perk that works as an exhaustion perk?? No thanks.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Some people have interesting ideas here on this forum…

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    This idea doesn't work.

    First, Plague and Legion would become nightmares to face.

    Second, too many perks give the broken status effect. Effectively killing perks like Deliverance, For The People, and making any perk that causes the broken status effect on the killer's side to be.. well Broken.

    Third, it removes too much effort on the part of killers. All they have to do is go and hit survivors to remove them off gens for roughly 16 seconds. (More, depending on their perks) You'd have to nerf perks like Ruin and Undying, which punish survivors for NOT being on generators.

  • Member Posts: 651

    You do realize that some survivors do not carry healing perks or medkit, nor can they find their teammates efficiently for them to heal before running out of time. This would be a horrible idea in so many levels.

    I really don't think there is anything wrong with the injured state.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited November 2021

    What? Having injured survivors is a huge advantage for every killer...

  • Member Posts: 131

    If the injured state was to be reworked (very unlikely) it should, in my opinion, have to do with their objective.

    It's a idea that just popped up in my mind so it highly likely that it is dumb or i forgot tons of potential scenario but here is how i would rework the injured state:

    Something like a slight penalty to every interaction beside vaulting and healing, unique to each survivor (dwight is injured only dwight gets a penalty), that way, being healthy actually does something for you beside being 2-hit and slightly louder. Of course, all regression perk should be tonned down a bit since all killer would have a passive slowdown base kit, but it would actually promote a playstyle where the killer want to chase different survivor, so maybe a bit less tunneling (i am not really trunsting myself on that one).

    And of course healing item and self healing perk should also be slighlty nerfed (in my opinion long overdue for the item but BHVR), once again to promote a playstyle where survivor need to interact with each other beside unhooking and sometime working on gen together, maybe making them relocate to get a heal which even further give chase opportunity for both side.

    And if we are lucky perk like aftercare, bond, empathy, better together/situationnal awareness and blast mine could be more viable because soloQ survivor would want to find each other to heal.

    If we make it so that the broken status effect doesn't activate the penalty, it wouldn't make plague or legion that op (maybe legion, but i think a buff for him is long overdue so it wouldn't bother me that much unles i missed something), and make for the people a strategic decision since you can trade a life point to delete one penalty for 60s.

    tldr: Turn the injured state into a passive slowdown that would get survivor to make more teambased strategic decision (andalso the killer on a smaller scale) and force movement around the map to hopefully change the "rush gens" / "tunnel one guy to death" type of game.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I would honestly like to see a small repair speed debuff for injured survivors; that way it encourages killers to look for a new survivor rather than returning to the hook because they know that they will not be working on gens as fast as the other survivors

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Oh god please no.

  • Member Posts: 352

    Tell me you’re a bad killer without telling me you’re a bad killer.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Can't control the other 3 that are not healing and doing gens even better then not beeing injured

  • Member Posts: 11

    Not to forget the blood on the ground and the sounds. Not healing themselves often helped me to find injured survivors even after minutes and turned into an issue for them.

  • Member Posts: 327

    So you're admitting that if you dont heal against legion and plagie(which is common) that they are basicly beeing robbed of their core killer mechanic? Thanks

  • Member Posts: 256

    Oh sounds like an opportunity to make No Mither a real perk. I'm all for it.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Nothing wrong with injured state, just needs a rework. You said the word 'teammates" which is nice. You can't actually talk to them in the lobby, but it would def require abit more coordination, Hence the word 'team' in teammates.

    Survivors in general dont have alot of offerings/toolkits. Which can force most of them to run perks that actually sees teammates. A whole new survivor meta could become availble on this.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Strange, why dont we have insta down killers beeing S tier?Exactly

  • Member Posts: 327

    Exactly, they dont think out of the box. Imagine having deadhard nerfed to be able to use it only once or twice in a match and only at full health.

  • Member Posts: 256

    Don't forget that survivors like to play a children's game: Ring-Around-The-Rosie

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    I have a better idea. They should instantly die when you hit them lmao. Nope. Bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2021

    You missed something but it wasnt /s.

    Another status effect, that can be applied when injured like Broken or Deepwound.

    You get a timer like Deepwound, but it's about 120 seconds instead of 12 seconds. You can only remove it by healing to full health. If you don't, you're put straight into the dying state like Deepwound.

    It's Deepwound lite with a stricter removal cost.

    It would force survivors to heal, or in Plagues case, force them to cleanse.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    So you're admitting you don't know the first thing about balance? Thanks.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    "Punishes solo survivors and forces you to find another player"

    You have so many options for healing.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    They would have to also rework every perk connected to healing.

    It’s a no from me.

  • Member Posts: 556

    This idea is just pure daft like lmao.

    People literally want everything nerfed for either side, omg hahaha

    Injured survivor? Let's nerf that 😂

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Depends how it's implemented. We already have a killer that has a similar mechanic but with reverse bear traps.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Absurd suggestion, being injured is already dangerous enough and before someone comes and parrots "being injured is strong lol you have DH", sure, try being injured against small TR Killers and see how well it goes...

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2021

    Bring a Medkit

    Find one in a Chest


    Inner Healing

    Circle of Healing

    Find another survivor

    Healing is not difficult.

  • Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2021

    a debuff on everything exept healing if injured. going down after a while sounds not good

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    No mither gamers thought.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Just decrease the time it takes Survivors to bleed out. Takes way too Fkn long atm.

  • Member Posts: 556

    Okay imagine this, Probzz for example can run the killer more than 2 mins while injured, because his main build is iron will, dh, resilience, and adrenaline. If the killer is on his ass for a long time, there's no way he's gonna have the chance to heal, and because of this, he goes into the dying state without the killer having to do anything and he just gets a down for free. While he may have wasted time doing so, he didn't earn it, and it would not be fair at all. This mechanic is mostly gonna punish survivors who are being chased by the killer, and while the average survivor may not always run the killer for 2 mins, if there is a carry in the team, then they'll be punished for something that's out of their control. So sorry but no, this is a hard pass. Mending exists, and that's good enough.

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