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General Discussions

The stacking "Frequent Disconnect" Penalty punishes dedicated players

Member Posts: 4,142
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

If I play 50 matches a day and disconnect only once, it means I have only abandoned 2% of my matches. Whereas if someone else plays 5 matches a day and quits once, it would be 20% of their matches, yet we both get the same "frequent disconnect" penalty.

On top of that, if I continue playing 50 matches the next day and disconnect only once, and it happens to be less than 24 hours since my last disconnect, then my penalty gets reset and stacked!

Why doesn't the penalty take into account all the games that I did play without leaving and reduce the time remaining on my 24-hour countdown, so I can remove a penalty stack sooner? Why just punish bad behavior and not reward good behavior?

Killers have been camping and tunneling since the game's release, yet you don't punish them for it. Instead you reward them if they don't camp & tunnel (BBQ & Chili), and you even reward them if they do camp & tunnel (NOED).

Post edited by Nos37 on

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  • Member Posts: 1,169

    DC Penalties should not exist on a game that is this bad. The game barely works that alone is a huge con to having DC penalty system.

    A DC penalty system on a properly working game is acceptable but DbD isn't properly working. Don't trust me? check how manny times and how long have they been disableing Maps, check the FIASCO LAUNCH of the RE Chapter, hell check normal performance on "old" gen consoles. Then there's the constant bugs that hinder whatever gameplay there is, when there is any gameplay.

    As far as gameplay and annoying things go, you're further punished by DC'ing than enduring whatever annyoing stuff it is. IT's riddiculous that' i'd rather suffer what is annoying me than just go and find some other match.

    DC'ing doesn't ruin the game for others, this is the biggest BS argument ever, i've lost matches vs 3 survivors cause guess what, the match was unbalanced to begin with that i didn't had a chance even against 3 survivors now imagine if there was a 4th survivor who didn't DC, for whatever reason it might have been,, bad map, bad rng, builds, etc, all elements you can't control, you can't control the ######### optimization, you can't control the poor graphical quality, you can't even control your build, it won't work unless everything is falling in line to your side. And it's the same crappy game for both sides.

    I've had 5 gens done and then i get killed because someone decided to bring the killer to gates immediatly, i've been 1 hooked because everyone was afraid of playing, i've been tunneled, i've been camped, i've brought teams from a losing game by pulling double rescues and taking hits.

    I've been doing this for 3 years and with each passing year nothing changes, the same issues, the same non solutions, the same disregarding of actual active player input. Over the last year i've probably spent more time here in the forum than actually playing cause playing the game is a miserable experience.

    Point is no matter what DbD isn't FUN, it's a frustrating game no matter what. Even if you "Win" you won't have fun, it will be a one sided victory, never will it be a close call game where player decisions actually changed the outcome. IT will always be whoever the game doesn't screw gets to win. That isn't a game worth having DC penalties.

    The way to avoid people Dc'ing is by having a proper game that works and is fun to play. DbD doesn't do those things so a DC penalty is just making players feel even worse and have less enjoyment or will to play the game.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    A DC still ruins the match for the other 4 players, it doesn't matter if you played 50 or 5 matches prior. You deserve the penalty, especially if you're DCing because of game mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Disconnecting against a hacker is completely understandable, and it's frustrating to see a ban happen because of it. But otherwise a DC is still a DC, and if you're abandoning a match for no other reason than you simply don't want to be there anymore (and we've all been guilty of doing it), then you shouldn't be treated any different from those who repeatedly DC. You may not be a jerk in the majority of your matches, but I guarantee those that played with you in the few that you did feel otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 886

    Bruh, how the hell do you make somewhat of a sense for three paragraphs and then suddenly vomit that nonsense about NOED and BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I'd like to throw in my 2 cents and say that I play killer and absolutely refuse to tunnel/camp unless it's EGC or they force my hand. That doesn't necessarily mean it's easy. Usually the only way I walk away with a 4k playing like that is if the survivors end up with a close proximity 3 gen.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Yeah - You're still ruining the game for 4 other people, regardless of how many other games you didn't ruin that day.


  • Member Posts: 600

    Or just don’t disconnect? It punishes people who screw the match up for other players, whether that be 1/50 matches or 1/5. You should NEVER be allowed to freely just quit when you want because there are 4 other people who’s match depends on everybody being present. If on the off chance something does actually require you to quit, that’s why we have the system we have. If you don’t quit often, you get a short time out. People who complain about dc penalties seriously boggle my mind.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    No... You can't disconnect AND be dedicated. It's an oxymoron.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Idk. I was a dedicated player and still dced every time I got RPD

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Or... or... we just dont DC?

    Like what's the point? You're losing anyway die and take the BP.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I think they should just make it so there's a flat 5-10 minute ban whenever you dc. It doesn't go up, or down. long enough to bug people who just give up, but short enough to be accommodating for laving matches with hackers or internet issues.

  • Member Posts: 256
    edited November 2021

    If you're consistently having internet issues, you need to fix your internet or get better internet before you play ANY online game. The increasing penalty is fine, makes it a lot harder to abuse.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Why dc in the first place?

    That's the question you should ask yourself first.

    The 2nd question would be, is it worth to get punished when i dc?

    3rd question would be, how would i react if my teammates dc and leave me at a disadvantage in this map?

    There is only 1 answer to it all, don't dc at all (unless you're playing against a hacker tho)

    And should you dc for any other reason, don't come crying about getting punished for it here.

    You dc'd while knowing full well you shouldn't and would get punished for it.

    If you dc then it serves you right to get punished, and i would say a 5 minutes bann is even on the soft side.

    If i could give the penalties, it would be at least 30 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    Infact i want them to increase the time penalty so those type of players have a longer time in the corner thinking about their wrongs...

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    No DC penalty makes the game worse, as is demonstrated every time they disable the DC penalty. Everyone just DC's when they don't get their way, and the game is unbearable.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Only time I ever camped and tunneled a survivor was and always will be Mr or Mrs Clicky Click.......they will always die and I will watch the life leave from their eyes as the Entity drags them away into the abyss......ahem I digress yes it's the same complaints we have been seeing all around the forums. Like you said until both sides actually stop complaining about each other and see its certain players that abuse the system on both sides no fixing can be done

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Even with the DC penalties, entitled players just suicide on first hook because they can't handle loss. For me, quitters like that are the worst thing about this game.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    But with the DC penalty, they're far less common. Once every 5 or 6 games or so, instead of every other or even every single game.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Yes, you are correct. I wasn’t complaining about the penalty, just sharing in my satisfaction for it. I actually wish it was harsher and start pairing rampant DCers with other DCers.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Can't tell if this is satire or not, but all the 'issues' you listed seem to be that you don't like the decisions of your teammates. If you truly don't have fun regardless of what happens, and I mean this with your interest at heart, but why not find something that is fun for you instead of playing a team game and quitting on your teammates? I'm really not trying to be ill spirited, but if you don't enjoy something don't participate, and if you do participate then show some sportsmanship and try your best.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    If you don't disconnect then you won't get hit with the disconnect penalty I guess


  • Member Posts: 1,960

    why would you be rewarded for doing something that is expected of you

    Dont dc

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Because DC penalty isn't about how often you d/c in comparison to how many games you played. It's about punishing people who d/c a lot within a period of time.

    The more you d/c within a period of time, the higher penalty you reach.

    Basically you both are being equally punished, because you both d/c'd once within the same period of time.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Not a survivor main. Ignoring the rest of your post, since it addresses survivor mains.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited November 2021

    What logic is that?

    You're saying that one punishment fits all. In that case, taking the game hostage should be perma-ban just like hacking, cheating, and life threats.


    I'm okay with the matchmaking ban duration. My problem is with how the system handles "frequent disconnects."

    If I play 1 match every 24 hours and quit that 1 match, I have ruined the matches for 4 other players out of the 4 players I have played with.

    If I play 50 matches every 24 hours and quit only 1 match, I have ruined the matches of 4 other players out the 200 players I have played with.

    I should get the same punishment both times, since I ruined the match for four other players both times; that's fine as is. However, the game is looking at the wrong data to determine "frequent disconnects." It's looking at the rate of disconnects over time, not the ratio of match completions to disconnects.

    I rage quit when I'm the target of prolonged griefing. I am more likely to experience this if I play more games between my disconnects, regardless of time, than a player who only plays 1 game a day. "Frequent disconnects" unfairly affects very active players.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Taking the game hostage is a reportable offense, FYI. First offense is a 24 hour ban, second 48 hour, third 1 week, fourth permanent, and they reserve the right to "skip steps" for really egregious behaviors. It's the same penalties for "working with the opposite side", harassment and using exploits.

    And no, I didn't say those infractions and disconnecting should be the same punishments as literal hacking. I said if you play 100 games and disconnect in 10 it should be treated the same as if you play in 20 games and disconnect in 10. You're still ruining 10 games per week.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    The penality is designed to do one thing and one thing only: Discourage purposeful disconnects. You should not be disconnecting on purpose, period. If you are disconnecting you are in the wrong.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    I'm not saying the matchamking ban should be changed. You're right; 10 disconnects is 10 disconnects.

    My point is this:

    If you have two players, Player A, and Player B:

    Player A will play 2 matches a day and quit once. Player B will play 20 matches a day and quit once.

    Even though player A has a 50% chance of ruining the game for others, while Player B only has a 5% chance, they both get the "frequent disconnect" penalty stack.


    I quit to remove myself from griefing, yet every time I do, my matchmaking ban keeps getting longer and longer because it had been less than 24 hours since the previous.

    Meanwhile, SWF can DC for hatch 4x a day and their ban doesn't get longer if they split the disconnects amongst themselves.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Basically you want a system that allows you to disconnect more because you play more games which is just dumb.

    You both are ruining the same amount of the games in the same time period. Thus you get the same penalty.

  • Member Posts: 558

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