Bubba's Chainsaw not regaining charges

SummonLessZiggurats Member Posts: 21
edited November 2021 in Bug Reporting

When this bug occurs, the chainsaw will remain at 0 charges for the remainder of the match, never recharging at all. I've noticed this mainly seems to happen when I'm running the "chili" addon, though I'm not sure about that.

"Spamming" the chainsaw (pressing m2 for just half a second repeatedly) is how this bug is always triggered.

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  • _Pun1sh3r_
    _Pun1sh3r_ Member Posts: 12

    same thing happened to me today i thought that cheater in survivor team did this to me, incompetence of behaviour devs is incredible, thanks to the boon totems bubba is only playable killer and you still have to deal with bugs like these

  • _Pun1sh3r_
    _Pun1sh3r_ Member Posts: 12

    i didnt run any addons