What would you do to make Nemesis more accurate?
Just give it the slinger treatment. Takes 2/3 seconds to prepare, slows you down to 30% and decrease camera speed when using it. Reload takes 6 seconds
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Before he starts using weapons in RE3 he can leap incredibly fast, I would give him that ability for mobility and zoning.
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I will cede that you could probably balance a rocket launcher, though I do still maintain it'd have to be a kind of awkward mechanic because it would need hefty restrictions. What there's no getting around is that a rocket launcher in no way fits into DBD's tone and aesthetic, it's just far too high tech and modern-military.
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Give him a once per match rocket launcher
Code it as a huntress hatchet that throws a chinese firecracker that injures everybody caught in the blast, blowing up every pallet and wall in the radius.
Maybe only usable after all vaccines are used and the gates are powered?
Or just give him a rocket mori
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put a scope on the tentacle, he'll never miss again.
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make him able to sprint with lethal pursuer :)
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Make it a bit harder to reach tier 3, but when he does he can run through walls and pallets. And make him a head taller just for fun.
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Remove zombies - RNG is garbage in this game and they're never used to his advantage in the games unless he mutates them.
Make him actually mutate - Whether more animalistic like the remake or full tentacle fun like in the original.
No more 3 hit BS - This whole vaccine thing is meh and the infection itself severely incapacitated Jill.
Similar to Freddy, allow him to use addons to switch up his power - You can choose to either have you power mutate you (default) or have an addon that gives you something like a rocket launcher, making him a ranged killer of sorts but won't mutate, or very little.
He needs a more endgame perk, given he has a pretty big climax in both games in his last act of desperation.
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Drop everything he has rn, make him run at inferno difficulty speed.
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Give Nemesis a single supply drop containing a weapon toward the end of each match. It will contain a Rocket Launcher or a Gatling gun. He automatically moves slower when holding either and if he starts to use one, he cannot move at all. The Rocket Launcher only has 1 shot and if it hits any Survivor in its AOE they immediately are put into the dying state. The Gatling gun would fire super fast and a few shots from it (assuming the Survivors are running out in the open) would put them into the dying state. This would give Nemesis a single opportunity each match to use this "super special power". He still has to make a smart decision on where to use the weapons IF he even wants to pick them up at all. It would take a certain amount of time to pick them up and put them down. I have faith that they could make it work.
Just make it part of his power. All his power is currently is...useless AI zombies... and a tentacle...whew...
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He also would not be able to do normal actions while holding the weapons. Open Lockers, break pallets (unless he uses the ammo on them), or pick up Survivors.
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Who said that?
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It's not that high tech? It's just a rocket launcher. It's not like the world these other survivors live in don't have something like rocket launchers in their world. The only way it feels weird is because we just don't have one yet. It would be a badass addition to DBD. I don't think anyone besides like 2 people booing it.
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Inferno difficulty is madness! Madness I tell you!
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Not having a tier progression, starting the match at "Tier 3"
Nemesis can't see crates aura, but if he found and check them before a survivor does it, he found a Flamethrower or Grenade Launcher.
Able to Grab survivors in dying state and throw them, thorowed survivors instadown others survivors on hit.
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The only other killer who even has a firearm at all is Deathslinger, who was specifically given both an old wild west rifle and a speargun instead of something more sophisticated. Rockets, explosions, modern military tech, that's all stuff that wouldn't fit into Dead By Daylight from the Killer's side. Even Leon's Flashbang is pushing it a little.
I don't see how people aren't getting this, if I'm honest. It's so clearly something that wouldn't fit tonally within DBD.
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Narrow minded people share your pessimism.
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It's not pessimism, though. It's just understanding the tone and aesthetic of the game- not everything should be added even if you could make it work mechanically. Even if it could be cool in theory!
Other games in this genre could make this kind of thing work tonally but DBD just isn't the right fit.
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Every thread I see you in, you are the biggest "it wouldn't work" person. Sorry but people who think as you do are the reason why certain things can't work in any medium.
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I meant a rocket launcher, as a joke. not the tentacle.
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Again, I'm not saying it couldn't work mechanically. I'm saying it wouldn't fit.
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Honestly, I just want blighted serum on him base kit. Seeing a Nemesis charge at you at Blight speed is terrifying and really makes him feel like Nemesis.
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Apples and oranges.
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Expected outcome.
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I was talking about the rocket launcher
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oh, O.k
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I agree with you, it's doesn't fit the tone of the game at all and nemesis wouldn't look more intimidating with a rocket launcher just straight up silly. It's hard to give him another power without making him busted, the best ideas I've seen were probably throwing survivors or putting parasites into zombies, but if people really want weapons the only one I think would be better to translate it into the game is the flamethrower.
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So how can a flamethrower fit and not a rocket launcher? Especially the type of flame thrower he is using? People have wanted RE for awhile but if some say a rocket launcher doesn't fit than the entire franchise just doesn't fit. If it does fit then a rocket launcher fits. I mean they were part of RE all the way back in 1996.
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Flame thrower all trial. At last gen get rocket launcher with infinite charges at 16m blast radius. To counter the buffs make his movement speed only 113%
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Sprinting or jump ability to travel across the map faster just like in RE3 Nemesis should be able to catch up very quick but should be rather "slow" with his swings which means reducing abit the efficiancy of the tentacle by making it whip slower abit so survivors can dodge it easer on windows and pallets to balance the high mobility out.
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You beat me to it
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A burning mechanic would fit similarly to madness, deep wounds and sickness and also there's been a lot of concepts for killers with a fire related power.
The rocket launcher just sounds like it's way over the top, seeing pallets and survivors burning wouldn't look too out of place compared to a missile going right beside you.
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TIER 3 should’ve given Nemesis a one time use rocket launcher with AOE. Then he gets reset to Tier 1 after using it.
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It's not much different from a iridescent hatchet or a Deathslinger shot though (If the shot just downed you). It's just themed differently I don't think it would be that over the top. A flame thrower sure could fit as one of those types of mechanics but the rocket launcher can work the same as other mechanics as well.
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Should have just given us Mr X or Birkin. they're wayyyyyy less OP than nemesis and have far simpler abilities that would have translated far better. hell even Lady Dimitrescu's daughters would have been a better choice, could have done something cool with the bug form
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Nemesis was the definitive choice. Mr. X is simpler yes. Nemesis is still pretty simple. To get right as a DBD killer that is. Birkin is a lot more complicated than Nemesis. Lady D and her daughters barely do anything so would not fit.