The Legion is just too slow

Don't get me wrong, I have had a lot of fun with the Legion already and even pulled off a 4th survivor Morrie, but I have a major complaint.....HE IS SO F****** SLOW!!!!!! survivors can run in a straight line and I will almost never touch them. its soo annoying especially since the LEGION CAN RUN! WHY IS HE SLOW?! Wait ik, the ability draw back, and NOT BEING ABLE TO DOWN SOME ONE WHEN RUNNING IS #########!!!


  • mrsirdrdudebro
    mrsirdrdudebro Member Posts: 8

    Without a speed addon for Legions ability, I have found that getting even 2 kills is a challenge unless you camp. I rage when survivors without Sprint Burst can seemingly walk away from me for the whole map on ability cooldown, but don't die when you hit them when they are injured.... When you run up to them and leave the Frenzy mode to drop them, the drawback ######### you and they walk away.,...…..JUST #########

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446

    Don't get me wrong, I have had a lot of fun with the Legion already and even pulled off a 4th survivor Morrie, but I have a major complaint.....HE IS SO F****** SLOW!!!!!! survivors can run in a straight line and I will almost never touch them. its soo annoying especially since the LEGION CAN RUN! WHY IS HE SLOW?! Wait ik, the ability draw back, and NOT BEING ABLE TO DOWN SOME ONE WHEN RUNNING IS #########!!!

    I see a lot of agreement around this. Legion either needs standard movement speed to finish a chase or his power needs a coup de grace to down a victim.
  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    hes slow because hes power gives him speed you cannot make all killer having the same speed imagen right now legion with the movement speed that ppl want it. he will be a tier S and im a legion main also survivor main but the thing is that you need to know how to get the survivor also you have good addons like frank tape

  • mrsirdrdudebro
    mrsirdrdudebro Member Posts: 8

    Apparently, these developers don't read their own forums. Everyone has declared "The Legion" as the worst killer in the game, and there has been zero response for something thousands of people may believe they waisted their money on. Shame.

    What needs to be done:
    1)Movement speed increase to at least 4.6m/s (from 4.4m/s)
    2)Survivor must be able to go down after consecutive hits while in "Frenzy" , or make the bleed out timer un-mendable ; to guarantee a down
    3)"Vault jumping" accessible outside of "Frenzy"

    With these changes I believe "The Legion" will be much more appreciated then its current state. Perhaps may need to be tuned down afterwards, but shouldn't each killer have its own distinct advantage's? Currently, as we all know, "The Legion" is the worst killer in DBD.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Problem with legion is hes doesn't down fast enough. Unless your using franks. A single add-on. he has enough existing weaknesses that you can afford to give him franks as standard and change the effect of franks. Billy has chainsaw huntress has hatchets nurse has blink but legions power is so incredibly limited in how fast it can down you at base. with franks its brought to a reasonable level.a 4.6 ms killer like legion will at best make a wraith without all the utility a wraith has with mind games. Last i checked wraith wasn't s tier either. In order for legion to be s tier he has to be on par with bill or nurse. That is not happening even if he could two hit down.

  • NTSable
    NTSable Member Posts: 3
    I just started playing 3 days ago strictly as legion for now and plan to play the clown eventually  who has a 4.6ms so maybe it would benefit legion, but so far I'm not having a lot of problems a lot of people are mentioning.

    If I fall behind bloodlust will eventually catch me up if I don't hit them beforehand or ill use feral to get right behind them and deactivate it. depending on the map I often lose track of survivors either mostly when they go down sometimes when in feral since there's no scratch marks

      I completely lost my first game a few hours ago where all survivors escaped hooked maybe 2 of them but I think it was well played on their part i think it was a genrush or swf but I'm not too sure which

    anywho if you ask me relying on deep wounds to down a survivor is a big mistake  unless you catch two separate survivors with it at least and/or have the right perks for it(sloppy butcher is one I'm running I hear bloodhound is another good one but I probably won't level the wraith for some time) I'm also using spies from the shadows as well as discordance and bitter murmur  which I hear is broken but seems fair to me cause I'll admit it sucks being on the wrong end of the map and if i cant find survivors im doing something wrong
  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    Only thing legion need is better add ons 
  • StigWH68
    StigWH68 Member Posts: 22

    There has never been a killer in more need of a buff than the legion, i just dont play him/her because its the weakest, slowest and most boring killer to play !!!!

    BUFF PLEASE .....................