People sleep on Monstrous Shrine…

If one killer swing or special attack miss can cost them a match against survivors… Then 5-10 seconds for a hook phase can make the killer win too. Every single second in this game counts no matter what anyone may think. I’ve noticed I’ve been winning a lot more often because of it.
Corrupt. Agitation. Iron Grasp. Monstrous. Corrupt gives you 2 minutes to down, and put players into the basement. Corrupt often makes it so that no matter what a 3 Gen split will be around the basement. Either the gens by the basement gets blocked, or the gens around the basement can be patrolled/protected. When survivors try to free themselves (Just before Phase 2) Shrine eats another 9% off of their bar. They die even faster. Carrying survivors and chasing at the same time is also useful and hilarious.
So far I’ve been using the basement setup on Demo that I just started actively using. Obviously because Demo can travel. The Soda lets me see anyone on a gen while traversing the upside down. It’s been working wonders with the updated Rotten Pumpkin 🎃. I’ve been fighting is Rank 1 squads every match all weekend. I don’t even use Demo that often. I just started using it consistently. So idk why the MMR is making me face teams of 1s only with perks that coordinate. 😢
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Monstrous Shrine value?
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The problem is all your perk are there just to get value out of one perk which means you have. No slow down or chase perks plus I've seen alot of survivors waiting out corrupt tell it has like 30 seconds or so left
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Its a gimmick perk nothing more nothing less. Thats why it will always be trash tier.
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I agree, I've replaced NOED with monstrous shrine and I now consistently 0k, it's honestly too easy
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Monstorous shrine clearly OP, needs a nerf.
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Corrupt is all I need tbh. For as long as specific gens remain unfinished I can protect them long enough to get kills. I’ll carry people around, and attack players that are working on the gens I don’t want them to finish. It’s funny to see. There have been matches where players run me senseless, but you can’t win them all.
Usually when I don’t run Corrupt the gens get done rather quickly, and in a way that I can’t protect them all anymore. Undying/Ruin gets broken in a single chase. That’s why I stopped using Ruin/Undying. Undying in general. I’ve seen more value from Plaything these days over the typical set ups.
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It’s seeing players trying to kobe off the basement hook before phase 2. Only to get penalized more.
If I’m toxic and want to see players DC I’ll run “Hook Clown”. I act like I don’t have Red Head’s (I obviously do) until someone healthy goes to save. Then I hit them for a snowball. Sometimes I use ToT for undetectable. Kick a gen then walk back to the hook. I got a DC doing that in an indoor map. 😂
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I know it’s trashy. The thing is I’d rather see a trashy gimmick “work” on a sweat lord than using “meta”, and still fail against them. It’s dispiriting seeing Ruin break in one chase. Having Pop get cancelled by Repressed. Even if I lose I had Shrine, ya know? If I won you lost to someone using Shrine. Unfortunately I’m a Console Pleb, and can’t get PC commentary. I love the console h8mail.
I still don’t understand why I only fight Rank 1 PC players… I haven’t even seen XBOX. You can kind of tell based on their usernames. Consoles don’t allow the ridiculous/hilarious/prejudiced names that I see on PC. 🤣
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I tried using more meta builds before, and would still lose. Then I started running whacky/gimmicky builds. I have been winning. Luck? Maybe. 🤷🏽♂️
The thing is the 3 perks outside of Corrupt are so gimmicky on my Demo that it’s as if I had one perk the whole time. I prefer this anyway on a killer that I’m trying to learn. I stopped playing for a while. I used Demo long enough to get it’s perks, and left it alone. So I just can’t understand why I fight nothing but Red teams as Demo. Whereas killers I get Red with all the time gets lower leveled survivors that dies/dc.
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Monstrous Shrine value? Are you a God of dbd?
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It's time to nerf Monstrous Shrine.
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More of a troll king. I just like having fun sometimes. Getting hatemail with this gimmick… Only for me to respond to them with “But I used Monstrous Shrine” is glorious.
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That sounds fun
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LMSO 🤣. It must be nerfed next patch! It’s making players rage far too much!! 😭
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I love this 😁
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Survivors can completely counter Monstrous Shrine once they know you have it. They'll just unhook and then never get downed near basement again.
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Agitation and Iron Grasp can still get you to the basement from quite a distance, ofc depending on the size of the map.
I know it's a tiny map, but I had a basement challenge on Dead Dawg's once and got all ten of my basement hooks in one game, despite them actively trying to go down as far from the basement as possible.
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I wonder if MMR is impacted by the killer's selected perks? The game sees you're using monstrous shrine and thinks "Ah, crap... give this guy a break. Send him a newb squad!" \s
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If you can show me a game where you get tangible value out of that perk I’ll start maining trickster
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No. Missed hits hurt because they're missed health states or downs, sure saving a few seconds is good but on a hook stage? Nope, so many better perks unless your goal is to basement camp and even then there I'd far better builds for that
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Not if that’s where all the gens are. Corrupt makes that happen very often. Plus there’s the offerings to spawn the basement where you want. Agi-Grasp basically lets carry a survivor across the map. When someone is downed anywhere like 70 meters from the basement (Which is huge) you can do one of two things. Chase/hit survivors off of the surrounding gens while carrying them. Hook them right next to the gen they were trying to say, double up on. The other option is take them right back down into the basement. I’ve hit people like 2 times and still had time to go downstairs. Then warp right back to a gen with Demo.
Basement time is usually when Corrupt is up (Can’t get the gens they want), and when they’re mostly injured. They can’t risk going back into basement injured, especially against Demodoggo. They’ll all have to heal first. Time consuming. Which lets the gimmick work its trash 5-10 second magic.
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The whole point of the set up is to make players lose to Monstrous Shrine. Winning with Shrine is satisfying. Putting all 4 survivors down there with Shrine is the best feeling.
Tbh the devs could’ve buffed Monstrous Shrine to make it like BBQ. You get bucko BP if you hook players down there since it requires some effort, and most times other perks. Hooking survivors downstairs grants an extra 50% bonus BP. So 3 hooks is 150%. Which is multiplied by 4 if you manage to kill everyone down there.
Something like that would give players an actual reason to use it outside of laughs. As I only use BBQ for BP anyway... There’s way better aura reading, especially now that Shadow Step is a thing.
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The one thing MS does is turn a Kobe into an immediate 2nd Hook State, as well as being the original Scourge Hook perk design.
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Maybe when and if I’m insanely good with Demodoggo. Even then it’ll be mostly for laughs. 😂
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Monstorous Shrine Value
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Believe it my friend, monstorous bouta be in the meta
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Is this guy using a different monstrous shrine than what we have?
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Demo can literally warp back to the basement whenever it wants. Especially with Pumpkin. Demo doesn’t need to camp. The portal is right where players have to walk over for the rescue. You’ll always see them walk past it, or attempt to break the portal with your Abyss Channeling.
Winning with Shrine is all that matters. 😆
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Cool, BT and they're both out easily. Not sure what level you're playing at but you could reduce hook stages by 5seconds base and you would hardly notice it lol
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I had monstrous shrine on and a ######### Dwight managed to save himself without deliverence.
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The hooked person does gets out easy via BT. The rescuer going back downstairs. 😂
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Hahaha! Funny!
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Corrupt is a coin flip. It absolutely does not block all the gens at basement every time.
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It’ll usually block the gens by the basement because it’s farthest from where you spawned, or the gens farthest from the basement because you spawned near the basement. If the gens aren’t blocked around the basement I simply set up the portals, and protect the gens. Try to get survivors to break as many pallets in those areas.
I don’t need the silly basement gimmick at all. I only really need Agi-Grasp to carry players where I need to, or smack the survivors off of gens. Carrying/hooking is too time consuming. Gens can be doubled in 40 seconds without items, or perks. Carrying is up to 15. Then consistently walking back from where survivors took you from is another like 10 seconds unless you’re a mobility killer. Agi-Grasp stops all of that.
Most times survivors are too impulsive to not do any gens for 1-2 minutes. It’s not often that survivors wait out the entire Corrupt.
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Missing a attack doesnt lose the game because of the cooldown but because it CAN give survivors another MINUTES of chasing time.
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Giving survivors a minute means you’ll lose. Survivors can do one a half gens in a minute if they’re doubled up together. If there’s 4 survivors and you lack Discordance during a given chase… Assume that 2 survivors are doubling up.
That’s why when I catch players I use Agi-Grasp to drag them all the way to where I believe they’re doubling up. It’s pretty effective. Even more so on sweaty flashlighters. They’ll still go for the save knowing you can carry for a longer time.