Portrait of murder

So the sound of it do you reckon they have created a killer that can potentially teleport through 'paintings' (portals) that they can place on walls?
Would be pretty cool if they did, would no doubt be hella buggy though
Eh, I enjoy teleporting... But I feel Demogorgon and Freddy have it covered. Unless her teleports were unique in that they couldn't be removed, I suppose.
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Maybe she can teleport to a crow.
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That would be sick. Lowkey kind of broken, but I can dig it.
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I mean what's the basis of the killer or you just want someone using portals? We have demogorgon lol
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Calm spirit new meta?
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Yeah I was thinking unmovable portraits and the killer would crawl in and can cycle through each portrait to decide which one to come out of
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That would be pretty crazy but a cool idea
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Not sure about the basis, just ever since ages ago when there was the fake ghostface concept of using lockers to teleport I've kinda wanted it and this would be similar
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It's too early to caw out any of the killers new abilities, really.
But I'll try not to be a complete cloaca of negativity, and feather your pedal by stating what a work of art I bet this new killer will be.
As you all flock to ponder what wings they'll be given, I'll be perched on my chair wondering how they'll commit murder myself.
Sadly I'm impatient though.
Here's hoping the wait doesn't end up robin me of my senses and turn me into a raven lunatic.
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Big chapter this. Will they go with a strong killer whos fun to play and play against or will it be like the last couple (Pinhead @ Trickster) , weak and unfun to play against. Hopefully not another one hook im out killer.
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I hate you
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Mileage may vary, I played Pinhead for the first time this week and he seemed fun. 🙂 Even got a 4k. I like the way he plays better than Deathslinger and Huntress personally. (And I definitely like playing him better than Nurse, aka Wheezy-McStunned) I have no opinion on how strong or weak Pinhead is, but in terms of how enjoyable he was to play I liked him.
Still haven’t gotten around to Trickster yet so no comment on him.
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Leaked gameplay of Ch. 22 Killer.
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you beat me to it.
stay safe and don't get corvid!
(I'm not making light of covid, for the record)
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That game is an all time classic.
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Better yet posses them. Maybe even turn into one and fly. Who knows at this point?
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I want to throw crows at survivors :p
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You can.