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Not many people playing killer

Hey I'm new to the game. (About 6 hours of gameplay and only level 7) I'm really liking it so far but I've noticed that the queue times for survivors is very long. Upwards to 10+ minutes. But queueing up as killer is very short. With the longest queue I've had being only 3 minutes give or take. Do players not like playing as killer? I'm not very good at killer so more often than not, I end up getting juked and not getting a single sacrifice. But when I play as survivor, I've seen killers wipe out the whole team with ease. I think killer is a lot of fun, but why don't people play killers often?

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  • Member Posts: 998

    This is my experience in NA too.

    Survivor queues are instant in the day with killer taking a few minutes to get a queue for, whereas it's instant for killer at night and takes forever as a survivor at night as well.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited November 2021

    There are definitely less killer players, that much I can say for certain. Which isn't really surprising, playing survivor is a much more chill experience than playing killer, most of the time you are just doing gens, a killer has to be concentrating the whole match just about. But there are certain times of day when it is better to play survivor and times when it is better to play killer. From what I've seen it's easier to find a match as survivor during the day than it is at night, I can get a match as survivor in less than a minute usually during the day, but at night it can take as much as 5 minutes sometimes. The vice versa is also true, it can take me a really long time to find a match as killer during the day (often 2-3 minutes), but at night I can get matched in seconds. So clearly there is a killer shortage at night and a survivor shortage during the day.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    I think the boons and the dead hard....fix.... have a lot to do why many killers have stopped, but like some have already said its also which time you play. Killer queus at daytime are horrible though ive noticed they have gotten shorter and evenings they are fast.

    I've noticed more that i rarely see some killers (legion, ghostface, pig, michael) you know the your typical m1 killers and i see more speedy and ranged killers or bubbas :D Its really boring but i get it..they are too slow to patrol huge maps and kill people..well maybe legion can patrol but legion is still not as good as lets say plague right now.

    I usually play ghostyboy too but ive given up since he's too slow and im having real issues giving any map pressure anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    SBMM, boons, validation, killer nerfs are probably main issues for most.

    My reason to stop was wraith and deatshlinger nerfs + dealing with validation and CoH.

  • Applicant Posts: 13

    Probably a combination of the Killer role having a much Easier time raising MMR (so Killers leave the lower ranks quicker than Survivors/you) and Killers who have raised their MMR finally realising that playing Killer in the current meta is genuinely just torturing yourself for the Survivor's amusement.

    It's likely the same reason why everyone is claiming to see more instant down, slugging, camping and tunneling Killers lately. The Killers essentially just had the amount of things to manage in a match double, for a role that already had no time to spare at all. It's just much less fun to play Killer nowadays.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    First of all, welcome in to the game.

    Second, I wonder why? Is it because the game is not that fun as killer anymore? Time management is everything so it is stressful, worrying about perks, copy paste builds for every player, hit validations, killer nerfs, bad maps etc.

    From my 3.2k hours of experience, I can certainly say, this game is not fun anymore for the killer side not how it was 2 years ago minimum.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    It's like that for low MMR.

    Once you've played a bit and get more comfortable you'll get out of the introductory match making and things will go smoother for you.

    Also, if you're new to these forums it's good to bear in mind that it's very killer sided here so take things with a grain (or stack) of salt...

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Doesn't matter how many killer mains we have, noone can win against Sluzzy...

    Tony was good match, but he stopped probably...

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I think its not only about how many people are playing but also sbmm that makes finding match much longer than ever before

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    If you like being toe punted between the legs - Play killer

    If you like being toe punted in general - Play solo survivor

    If you like playing with a safety blanket and no downsides what so ever - Play SWF

  • Member Posts: 70

    This isn’t true killers keep saying they’re gonna leave and queue times will go up it’s a joke. I play on Xbox w crossplay on never takes more than a min to find a survivor game, finding a killer game takes 5-10 min. Killers are a dime a dozen every one queues them

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited November 2021

    Well yeah. A lot of the pressure stealth killers can get comes from the fact that Survivors don't want to stay injured against them since they could be about to step around that corner 5 ft away and and if the Survivor is injured... that's basically a free down.

    With CoH in play, healing up is pretty trivial. Makes any hit and run, split pressure, or ambush strats not really work. Plague and Legion can still work in spite of CoH because they spread other status effects along with their injuries... but nobody else with that play style does if somebody's got CoH. The people who did play those killers probably aren't willing to risk it. I tried Vanity Mirror Myers exactly once after it became a decent thing... got somebody with CoH and Shadow Step and was like well that sucks... not gonna do that again.

    That's why most people are playing chase focused killers who either focus on speed or insta downs. CoH doesn't hurt those killers near as much.

  • Applicant Posts: 343

    Probably because most killers don't actually care anywhere near as much as the handful that come here do.

    People forgot quite often that social media is a small fraction of the player base. Things said here are rarely the whole picture.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Nor do i blame anyone who gave up their michaels and ghostyboys. I'm turning more and more into plague main even though its breaking my heart i cannot deal with the boons with pig nor ghosty. Legion is still fine but he/she struggles too.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I don't agree my queue for killers is very long in EU, like 10-20 minutes long honestly... it's annoying.

  • Member Posts: 731

    Plenty killers in my region, my games are instant.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited November 2021

    I stopped playing when i realized how broken sbmm is. Before there was a chance of having a chill match once in awhile. Now, no matter what killer i play even if its one i hardly ever use, its almost always a try hard match.

    Even my friends uninstalled so i dont even play survivor anymore.

  • Member Posts: 538

    When first I started playing this I was a survivor my queues were always 30 - 40 minutes long D:<

    So nowadays 10 mins or less is still a blessing to me but I don't play survivor much anymore

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I have to admit, I have been very tempted to get Plague after boons got released despite me strongly disliking her. I will say though I have been still making Legion work. I'm not running Thana anymore for obvious reasons, but I'm having a good amount of success with them.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Hopefully i go against you someday then <3 i miss seeing legions especially my Joye <3

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